Advice On Everything Please

Morning All,

I wanted to ask your advice on pretty much everything, I am a recovering from a slight eating disorder ;) and am now on the road to recovery.At the moment I am 116 pounds (53 kg) at 5'8" (174cm) this gives me a BMI of 17 a.k.a. underweight.
Now I know I need to gain at least 10 pounds (4-5kgs) to get into that healthy weight range. Now here is where I need your advice...

a. How many calories should I be consuming a day roughly?
i) A rough outline how much per meal, how often I should eat, what foods (perhaps a meal plan)
b. How much should I aim to gain a week?
c. Should I be exercising?
i) If so, how often.
ii) If so, what strength exercises one what days.

Any other advice as what to do. I understand at the moment I need to gain fat as well as muscle because I am underweight but I don't want to look flabby either. Thanks for reading :) Any and all advice is appreciated.

Bec :)


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Have you received (or are you currently receiving) help for your eating disorder?
  • Becca539
    Becca539 Posts: 15
    Yes I am but all it is, is just talking about my fears. I want to know how to gain weight, because I have to do that first, I have to see that weight gain isn't bad but to be able to do that I must first gain it and hopefully that's where you come in :D
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What was your lowest weight and over what period have you gained to get to the 116lb?

    Have you see a physician about your weight/health?

    How long were you at a very low weight for?
  • Becca539
    Becca539 Posts: 15
    My lowest weight was 50kg, I realised what I was doing before it got to extreme but 50kg. I was there for about a month and my girl mechanics stopped for the first time, I've never missed one and always on time thus I knew something was up.
    I talked to my doctor when it stopped and she told me gain weight.
    I need to see her again but my packed schedule - work etc hasn't allowed much time for that.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Apologies for the delay.

    At the risk of giving you a non-answer. I would recommend that you try your best to see your doctor. Ask them these questions first. When someone has been at a very low weight for a while, there are other possible variables that need to be taken into account when gaining weight.
  • Becca539
    Becca539 Posts: 15
    I did, he referred me to a nutritionist which I'm seeing in two weeks. I hope she can guide me because I'm going in blind here :D Just as a hypothetical...

    How often would you roughly tell me to exercise, if any at all?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    That is great that you are seeing a nutritionist.

    I would ask the question re exercises of your doctor first to be honest.

    I know it seems like we are ducking your questions, but in situations where someone has been underweight for a while (or is currently underweight), there are possible medical issues that we are just not aware of and it makes us very apprehensive to give advice over this forum.
  • Becca539
    Becca539 Posts: 15
    That's completely understandable :)
    That's you looking out for my health and thank you for being careful for that. :) I'll let you know what the doctor says :)