What is going on with my blood sugar?

gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
I had been doing so very well with my blood sugar. I was getting fasting readings between 96 and 110 and was getting non-diabetic readings 120 or below for two weeks. Yesterday my fasting sugar was 143, and today it is 155! The past three days my blood sugar has been really creeping up.

I had temporarily stopped my lisinopril and started my hydrochlorothiazide, but switched back (doctor's orders) after noticing my blood sugar going wild. Now I haven't been feeling 100% for the last day and a half, but I'm not actually "sick". No recent stress. I even went to bed two hours early last night because I was just so tired. I did wake up a few times with very painful stomach/intestinal cramping and having to use the restroom. I'm confused and upset. What am I doing wrong? I felt like I was so successful and that I was getting the hang of this.

So this morning I ate the same thing for breakfast that I've eaten a dozen times before. I usually get readings that are between 110-125 two hours later. This morning I got a 145.


  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    I have had this happen recently. I still haven't figured it out, either. I did find I wasn't sleeping as well, and I was really tired during the day due to my job. It took almost a week for the numbers to normalize.

    Do you take any over the counter meds? Have you changed the amount of exercise you are getting? Might you be getting sick?
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I have had this happen recently. I still haven't figured it out, either. I did find I wasn't sleeping as well, and I was really tired during the day due to my job. It took almost a week for the numbers to normalize.

    Do you take any over the counter meds? Have you changed the amount of exercise you are getting? Might you be getting sick?

    No OTC meds, but I did increase my exercise level. I started P90 so I'm active 6 days a week now. I just started the program on Friday. I'm not sure about illness. I work in an elementary school so anything goes! I've had some post-nasal dripping that I'm associating with some light allergies right now.

    Oddly, I ate 20 g carbs for breakfast and after two hours got a reading of 145. I ate 38 g carbs for lunch and got a reading of 121. Go figure.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I did increase my exercise level. I started P90 so I'm active 6 days a week now. I just started the program on Friday.
    How long after exercise are you checking your bgl ?

    Your muscles store glycogen for energy reserves. When you stress your body doing intense exercise (P90X, etc.) that glycogen is converted into glucose. This of course elevates you blood glucose level. It's OK, it should drop back down within a couple of hours. Muscles will convert glucose to glycogen to for muscle repair and energy storage. This is a good thing as it can lower your bgl. A consistent exercise routine can help with stabilizing blood sugar levels.

    I would keep exercising and keep monitoring (being mindful of the timing of the bgl tests relative to exercising). If it continues to go up go see your doctor.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I did increase my exercise level. I started P90 so I'm active 6 days a week now. I just started the program on Friday.
    How long after exercise are you checking your bgl ?

    Your muscles store glycogen for energy reserves. When you stress your body doing intense exercise (P90X, etc.) that glycogen is converted into glucose. This of course elevates you blood glucose level. It's OK, it should drop back down within a couple of hours. Muscles will convert glucose to glycogen to for muscle repair and energy storage. This is a good thing as it can lower your bgl. A consistent exercise routine can help with stabilizing blood sugar levels.

    I would keep exercising and keep monitoring (being mindful of the timing of the bgl tests relative to exercising). If it continues to go up go see your doctor.

    I actually had an appt scheduled for tomorrow coincidentally, so I'm going to bring it up while I'm there.

    I usually exercise after my kids go to bed, so around 7:30-8ish. I check my sugar before I exercise and I do usually check afterward to (someone said that was a good idea). I'll be sure to keep mindful of this new information. Thanks so much!
  • GlucernaBrand
    GlucernaBrand Posts: 486
    "Oddly, I ate 20 g carbs for breakfast and after two hours got a reading of 145. I ate 38 g carbs for lunch and got a reading of 121. Go figure. "

    The difference in your blood sugar readings could be due to several things: perhaps you were active between breakfast and lunch and your pre-lunch blood sugar was already lower. It might be just the way your body processes carbohydrate at different times of the day. Perhaps you had more fiber in the lunch meal than breakfast, and that slowed down any increase in blood sugar. And of course sometimes we just don't know why there's a difference. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    "Oddly, I ate 20 g carbs for breakfast and after two hours got a reading of 145. I ate 38 g carbs for lunch and got a reading of 121. Go figure. "

    The difference in your blood sugar readings could be due to several things: perhaps you were active between breakfast and lunch and your pre-lunch blood sugar was already lower. It might be just the way your body processes carbohydrate at different times of the day. Perhaps you had more fiber in the lunch meal than breakfast, and that slowed down any increase in blood sugar. And of course sometimes we just don't know why there's a difference. ~Lynn /Glucerna

    I have noticed that body handles carbs differently at different times of the day. My body is most forgiving at dinner.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I have also found that when I have seasonal allergies or something else that affects how I feel without really being 'sick' my blood sugars can get a little out of wack. I don't know if it is just because I don't sleep as well or because I might take OTC meds. Usually they come back to my regular range once whatever the problem is passes.

    BG and exercise is something of a mystery to me. I know it can make it rise so that if I measure within an hour or so of stopping my reading is high. I also know that almost every hypo episode I've had has come during exercise. If I am in doubt I check my BG before starting and make sure that my levels are high enough. And if I feel even the slightest bit 'off' when I'm done I check again to make sure I'm not hypo.

    My body definitely processes carbs differently at different times of the day. The morning is my least tolerant time, so I try to make sure I have lots of protein with whatever I eat. Also between breakfast and lunch is my largest meal gap of the day. Afternoon is when I am likeliest to be low, I have to add carbs to lunch or I can by low at my 2hr post lunch check. Go figure....
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    I have also found that when I have seasonal allergies or something else that affects how I feel without really being 'sick' my blood sugars can get a little out of wack. I don't know if it is just because I don't sleep as well or because I might take OTC meds. Usually they come back to my regular range once whatever the problem is passes.

    BG and exercise is something of a mystery to me. I know it can make it rise so that if I measure within an hour or so of stopping my reading is high. I also know that almost every hypo episode I've had has come during exercise. If I am in doubt I check my BG before starting and make sure that my levels are high enough. And if I feel even the slightest bit 'off' when I'm done I check again to make sure I'm not hypo.

    My body definitely processes carbs differently at different times of the day. The morning is my least tolerant time, so I try to make sure I have lots of protein with whatever I eat. Also between breakfast and lunch is my largest meal gap of the day. Afternoon is when I am likeliest to be low, I have to add carbs to lunch or I can by low at my 2hr post lunch check. Go figure....

    Thanks for sharing!

    This morning my fasting was down to 133 (not great, but headed in the right direction at least) and my 2 hour reading from breakfast was 119. I also have to have protein at breakfast and really watch the carbs in the morning.

    Thank you guys so much for the support and replies. It really is helping me pull through this slump!
  • MissReena73
    MissReena73 Posts: 25
    How late are you eating in the evening? I have heard quite a few times that if there is too much time between when you ate last and when you get up in the morning, your body will go into overproduction of sugars.

    Supposedly having a small snack before bed that has both a small amount of carbs and some protein (like crackers and peanut butter) can help with this pre-dawn over production that some people get. I know I try to always have a snack before bed and my morning fasting numbers seem to be fairly good. I have missed out a few times and had higher readings in the morning, so I think I am one of those people.

    And, oddly enough, sometimes worrying about the numbers can actually stress you out enough to cause your numbers to rise. It is a Catch-22.

    Hope you got good information at your appointment. I would be curious to hear what they said.
  • mfrankrn
    mfrankrn Posts: 48 Member
    I have noticed that my fasting sugars go from 110s to 140s at that time of the month. It usually goes up for about 3 days around ovulation, and about 2 days before and the first few days of my period.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    My appointment went very well. My doctor was quite pleased with my weight loss and the major downward trend in my blood sugar. I don't have to go back until October unless things start getting wacky!
  • GlucernaBrand
    GlucernaBrand Posts: 486
    Tha's wonderful news! I bet you feel really motivated to continue on the healthy path you've started. ~Lynn /Glucerna
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I have noticed that my fasting sugars go from 110s to 140s at that time of the month. It usually goes up for about 3 days around ovulation, and about 2 days before and the first few days of my period.

    I find this as well.

    You wouldn't believe the look on my endo's face when I asked him why it was that my normally tight control had gone cattywampus every time I got my period. Let's just say it was an awkward moment =P

    I'm guessing that since most of his T2D patients are older & no longer cycling, he just stammered and stared at me like I told an off-color joke. I was bizarre :)
  • GlucernaBrand
    GlucernaBrand Posts: 486
    Changes in blood sugar levels with menstruation cycle are really common. I know women with T1 on a pump who can tell when they will start to menstruate because their blood sugar changes. http://diabeteshealth.com/read/2009/08/15/6312/womens-monthly-cycle-affects-blood-glucose-control-but-not-consistently/ has some good information on this topic, and you can even share it with your doctor :) ~Lynn /Glucerna