High blood Ketones

Does anyone know if 6.1 fasting blood ketones to high? I feel great but I have never had them that high..
Thanks :smile: .


  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    According to the graph from Phinney & Volek, 10.0 is the boundary where Ketoacidosis begins. Over 5.0 is pretty darn high. Considering yours is at 6.1 when FASTING, I would be highly suspicious of either the measurement or possibly the meter (unless you have an underlying metabolic issue). Was this a one time thing or what are your measurements generally trending at?

    I think I'm gonna have to take a look at your food diary and figure out how you achieved such a high value. Note that in my own n=1 experimentation I have to concur with Volek & Phinney that deeper ketosis does not necessarily equal greater weight loss. As long as you're over 1.0 for Fasting Blood Ketones (FBK) you're in good shape.
  • GinaLivinLaKetoLoco
    GinaLivinLaKetoLoco Posts: 20 Member
    I use the Nova Max ketone reader. I'm usually around 2.5- 5.0 give or take, I have been doing much higher fats the past week though. I wonder if that would make them go up? I'll add you as a friend so you can see my diary :) Thank you for the feed back BTW :smile:
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    You go in to Keto acidosis typically around 15, but another important to measure your insulin levels. It's combination of high blood sugar and ketones which is dangerous. Your liver should automatically control the blood glucose and ketone levels, if you are close to 10 may be check blood glucose levels. If it's one time thing it's probably nothing to worry.
  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    Well after looking at your food diary it's pretty obvious how you're attaining such a deep level of ketosis - you're STARVING! ;)

    Wow, I'm certainly impressed with your ability to consistently eat at such a low caloric level. However, I have to ask if you're also consistently losing weight and is the weight loss the right kind (is it fat or LBM?).

    Anyhow, based on your diet I believe that your very deep level of ketosis is most likely a correct measurement and be assured that you cannot possibly go into ketoacidosis unless you're actually diabetic. Healthy humans with a normal functioning pancreas are naturally protected (lots more about this on the web if you search).
  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    Looks like there isn't consensus as to a single value for blood ketone level that defines ketoacidosis. However, all the info is pretty clear that it's the presence of high blood ketones AND a high blood glucose level simultaneously that actually defines ketoacidosis being present.
  • GinaLivinLaKetoLoco
    GinaLivinLaKetoLoco Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks SnowFlinga :smile: ..That is a great Idea, and I didn't do that, but I have eaten since I did the Blood ketone test, so I'm not sure if that matters..
  • GinaLivinLaKetoLoco
    GinaLivinLaKetoLoco Posts: 20 Member
    Wow that's good to know, thank you Leonidas ..:smile: I'll check them both now and see where I'm at..
  • GinaLivinLaKetoLoco
    GinaLivinLaKetoLoco Posts: 20 Member
  • GinaLivinLaKetoLoco
    GinaLivinLaKetoLoco Posts: 20 Member
    I only eat when I'm hungry, like Maria Emmerich suggest. I'm losing slowly, but did lose 2.2 this morning, the most weight loss I've had in a day since I started back in March. I feel great, never better, so I'm glad about that. I have lost over 50 over all inches since my last check a few weeks ago. I have read some things online, but learned the most from Maria's book, Keto Adaptation..
    Thank you so much SnowFlinga for all your input/help :flowerforyou: I really appreciate it..
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day? Most importantly, how much protein?
  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    Seems like I'm finding new Keto experts each week. I wasn't familiar with Maria Emmerich or her book so I'll definitely check her stuff out. Thanks.
  • mstorvik
    mstorvik Posts: 356 Member
    Not gonna lie... no idea how you eat that little and you are not hungry. Once in awhile I am like that... but usually I have to eat 1200 or I am ravenous the next day. Dang!
  • GinaLivinLaKetoLoco
    GinaLivinLaKetoLoco Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Leonidas, I'm not even sure how many calories I eat a day lol, like I said I eat when I am hungry until I feel full lol. I'll friend you so you can see my diary :smile:

    Hi Mstorvik :smile: It was a learning process to be honest and eating from physical hunger and not mental hunger. I still have days when I am more stressed and want to eat and really have to think, is this true hunger or mental hunger. Also the high fats definitely keep me satiated for hours and hours..

    Hi SnowFlinga, Maria Emmerich is a long time Keto expert. She has a ton of degrees as well in nutrition. She in my opinion is the best of the best..