Harder to drop holiday/winter pounds after 40!


I'm new to this group - I've been using myfitnesspal for a couple years off and on, and thought I'd try joining a group to help keep me on track. I'm 43, and have noticed that after I turned 40 it's been a lot more difficult to take off my winter/holiday weight. I tend to put on 5-10 pounds over the winter - last summer I took it off briefly but it went back up 5 lbs. So I started the winter 5 lbs up already, and after the holidays, brutally cold weather, and spring break in March I found myself up nearly 15 lbs! This may not seem like much to some, but the truth is that it affects the way I look (in my face as well as my body) and feel about myself (I find myself getting a little quieter and withdrawn when I feel uncomfortable and heavy).

I started eating low-carb last week (not extreme - keep it to about 50grams and eat some whole grains), and the weight is coming off. I now have about 9 -10 left. I think the hardest part is ahead of me - the weight always comes off the fastest in the first week, so I hope I can stay motivated when it starts slowing down. I also start playing tennis again next week after a week off - when I play, my appetite always goes way up, and I really crave the carbs.

So I'm looking for some motivation from other 40+s! Especially if you exercise, eat low-ish carb and have a stubborn 10-15 to lose! Please feel free to friend me!



  • Im sorry I didnt see this post, but this was JUST on my mind. Its very hard and annoying and I need help in this area!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I''m pretty much in the same boat. A few years ago I dropped quite a few pounds via weight watchers but after the horrendous winter we had this year, I ended up gaining more back and my body less firm. I've started a strength training program a couple of weeks ago, and am trying to get back into shape before I hit 45. It's a struggle at this age, but I'm determined to look fabulous going in to my mid-40s (even though I feel like I'm in my 30s). Friend request me if you'd like. I'm pretty active on the boards.
  • kansas_km
    kansas_km Posts: 73 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I'm 45 and I always gain in the winter. It used to come off in summer but now its hanging around and bringing friends! I have 30# to lose and am trying to improve my eating after friends saw too much processed food in my diary. Gotta keep trying!
  • mtdang
    mtdang Posts: 35 Member
    I have been working on my carbs too and exercise regularly although have a sedentary job. Having same issue after this winter for the first time that I really recall. Feel free to friend me.
  • samaral7
    samaral7 Posts: 5
    Yes it gets increasingly more difficult to drop weight. I was in a very good spot with my weight, diet and exercise then I had lots of life changes around Jan/Feb. I fell off the wagon with my diet and drank more alcohol than normal. Also did a ten day vacation in May. All said and done and I am up about 15 total. I did continue with my exercise plan during this time and I think that is what kept it at 15 lbs. I just started low carb (this is how I normally eat prior to Jan/Feb). Also cutting out alcohol for a while. It kills my willpower and I always end up eating crap I normally wouldn't. So far I'm down about 5lbs (all water I'm sure). I'm starting to feel better. My challenge will be to get through the next few weekends without drinking. Lots of parties and BBQ's going on but I plan to be strong.