
I'm (and hopefully soon We!) are glad you stopped by. Let's face it, hitting 40 did not make this weight thing any easier. Let's share our stories, goals, questions, answers and journey together!

Welcome to Friends in Their 40's!


  • arya67
    arya67 Posts: 7 Member
    This was JUST the group I was looking for! I'm new to MFP but really enjoying it so far. I'm looking forward to sharing this journey with some friends. :)
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Welcome Arya67!

    Love your image - I always feel that way when I'm jogging (or pretending to jog!).

    Looking forward to getting to know you and others soon!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Welcome Arya67!

    Love your image - I always feel that way when I'm jogging (or pretending to jog!).

    Looking forward to getting to know you and others soon!

    Me too, I feel so slow and well don't like wearing my gps anymore as the older I get the slower I am LOL.
  • arya67
    arya67 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Arya67!

    Love your image - I always feel that way when I'm jogging (or pretending to jog!).

    Looking forward to getting to know you and others soon!

    Me too, I feel so slow and well don't like wearing my gps anymore as the older I get the slower I am LOL.

    I know, right? My body is in it's 40's and my brain is saying, "hey! what happened to our 30's?!?!" :huh:
  • jojo6699tn
    jojo6699tn Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, Jojo here. I'm 47 and in TN. I have loved MFP since finding it last week.. I weighed this morning and have lost 10 pounds since last week. I know that's fluid but I have to start somewhere. I am not following any specific diet. I've just cut out bread and potatoes but not cutting all carbs. I have also been walking every day. Looking forward to getting to know everyone here. :smokin:
  • Michal833
    Michal833 Posts: 90 Member
    moved to correct section
  • netter44
    netter44 Posts: 3
    I'm Annette from MD and I'm 46 years old with one daughter who is 20. I have used MFP in the past and have lost some weight, but have never been able to stick with it. At the moment I feel pretty horrible about myself. I have always had weight issues and have never been able to achieve a goal weight. I'm at a breaking point, having gained yet another 20 lbs in the last year. My fitness level has been very poor and my eating habits even worse. Getting the summer clothes out of the basement today, and just dreading not having anything to wear. I am looking forward to support on this forum. I have never posted anything on the MFP community before.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I'm Annette from MD and I'm 46 years old with one daughter who is 20. I have used MFP in the past and have lost some weight, but have never been able to stick with it. At the moment I feel pretty horrible about myself. I have always had weight issues and have never been able to achieve a goal weight. I'm at a breaking point, having gained yet another 20 lbs in the last year. My fitness level has been very poor and my eating habits even worse. Getting the summer clothes out of the basement today, and just dreading not having anything to wear. I am looking forward to support on this forum. I have never posted anything on the MFP community before.


    I've also never posted anything before on MFP before joining this group yesterday. So glad Cindy created this group to bring us out of our shells!

    I know what you mean about dreading summer and the clothes situation. I have outgrown most of my clothes over the past year or so. I bought a few things in a size up for work, but have not done so for casual clothes yet. I pretty much just wear big t shirts and loose yoga pants around the house. I've been living in denial but decided its time to face up to the situation. This time around its really my fitness I'm more worried about. I had not realized how much strength and flexibility I had lost over the past couple of years. My oldest is 22 now and I've been thinking about future grandchildren lately (hopefully not too soon, but maybe in the next 10 years or so). I definitely want to be healthy when that time comes. Maybe focusing more on the fitness aspect will help keep me motivated!

    I think we've taken a big step by joining this group and even posting, LOL! Feel good about that! Take baby steps and praise yourself for the things you get right, instead of focusing on the negative. I quit smoking last September and I found a wonderful support group that helped me stay motivated. The motto there was focus on the cigarettes you don't smoke instead of worrying about the ones you do. Any reduction with smoking is a good thing, and the same with getting healthy. Rejoice in the every accomplishment, no matter how small it might seem.
  • netter44
    netter44 Posts: 3
    Thanks for the motivation. Congrats on quitting smoking. A very huge accomplishment. My fitness has significantly declined in the past three years. Prior to that I was pretty active and attending a gym regularly. Now I barely walk a mile once a week. I can usually focus on eating well or working out, but getting the 2 in sync is the challenge for me. It all takes time and I can always makes excuses for not doing both. I'm going to get a long walk in this morning before I find a reason not to. Have a good day.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Thanks for the motivation. Congrats on quitting smoking. A very huge accomplishment. My fitness has significantly declined in the past three years. Prior to that I was pretty active and attending a gym regularly. Now I barely walk a mile once a week. I can usually focus on eating well or working out, but getting the 2 in sync is the challenge for me. It all takes time and I can always makes excuses for not doing both. I'm going to get a long walk in this morning before I find a reason not to. Have a good day.

    Add your "long walk" to the topic "Today I Will______" to keep your daily goals in check with us all. Today's the first day to start and glad you are doing it with us!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Annette, thanks for the kind words on quitting smoking. It was definitely a big step for me. I started smoking young but quit with my first pregnancy. I started back a few years after when work/ school got stressful. I followed this same pattern with all three of my children. This last time I smoked for about 8 years and I didn't know how I would quit since I wasn't getting pregnant again!

    When I've tried to diet the last couple of years, I felt like I couldn't handle both trying to lose weight and getting active again. Seemed like too much and very overwhelming. Unfortunately I haven't been able to stick with just dieting, usually because I don't seem to see any results, I have two office mates at my new job (both men) who are very into lifting weights. I think they have motivated me to try to get active more than anything. All of the small talk at work lately has been about weightlifting!
  • netter44
    netter44 Posts: 3
    Hi Emy. I have people at work who can be motivating, but others who just sabotage. I am somewhat private when it comes to dieting at work. I have a boss who announces every other month that she is on a diet. She is very serious for a week and then gives up and then tries something new the next month. This has been going on for a few years, and she never loses any weight. I just quietly eat at my desk (I almost always pack for breakfast and lunch) and try to walk at lunch if time and weather permits. I don't need everyone surveying my meals and telling me I shouldn't eat this or that. I guess it ruins accountability, but it has worked for me in the past.
    You should be very proud of your accomplishment, especially having suffered through it more than once with quitting. Hope those coworkers can give you some good tips. I used to take a class called body pump that incorporated weights into a workout routine with music. I loved it, and hope to be able to get back to it. I made it through a 2 mile walk today....progress.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Hi Emy. I have people at work who can be motivating, but others who just sabotage. I am somewhat private when it comes to dieting at work. I have a boss who announces every other month that she is on a diet. She is very serious for a week and then gives up and then tries something new the next month. This has been going on for a few years, and she never loses any weight. I just quietly eat at my desk (I almost always pack for breakfast and lunch) and try to walk at lunch if time and weather permits. I don't need everyone surveying my meals and telling me I shouldn't eat this or that. I guess it ruins accountability, but it has worked for me in the past.
    You should be very proud of your accomplishment, especially having suffered through it more than once with quitting. Hope those coworkers can give you some good tips. I used to take a class called body pump that incorporated weights into a workout routine with music. I loved it, and hope to be able to get back to it. I made it through a 2 mile walk today....progress.

    I agree about sharing at work! I keep my diet to myself. It's just nice now to have these two who are watching what they eat and talking about their workout plans every day. We had one office mate who was constantly visiting the vending machines. It would be so tempting to do that myself if everyone else was. I'm just listening and learning. One brought quest bars to work last week. I had been reading about them and thinking about trying some myself. It was good to get his impressions of the taste.
  • GodsJewel40
    GodsJewel40 Posts: 13 Member
    I just turned 41 this year and it has been very hard to lose ... Thanks for this group, looking forward to getting to know everyone
  • merlynn
    merlynn Posts: 17 Member
    I just turned 45. I don't want to get to 50 (or 46) and wish I had done something about the extra weight! I was on a roll for a while, but I seem to be stuck since December going up and down with the same 2-3 pounds. So frustrating! I did it mostly with diet, so I'm adding exercise back in to see if I can break this plateau.
  • tahm42
    tahm42 Posts: 4,950 Member
    Just turned 44 and I have been stuck for about a year need to really make this summer count. I am a teacher and maintaining is about all I can muster while working. 3rd kid put it on me and I have slumbered with it for 18 years. I want to be healthy and look fab. So here is to developing great habits and exercising during my Summer.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Welcome to any new members!

    post away, looking forward to getting to know you :)