Today's Thoughts….

I'd love to sit here and meet you all as you join, but I'm going to get up and get ready for the day.

Share something that has been a motivator for you and maybe for us.

- For the last 2 weeks I have had a picture of me at my healthiest weight on the fridge … held by a magnet that reads "Nothing Tastes as Good as Skinny Feels". It's working for me!


  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Really hmmm I should try that and see if I can get a photo of me on my Iphone as a screen saver. Since I am on the phone through out the day. What a good idea.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    It definitely works. Just made my son and his friends french toast, eggs, bacon and sausage - breakfast of temptation! I had egg white and turkey sausage. 1 piece of french toast left offer and my son offered it to me. I looked at the picture and the french toast and said "I can't." Then I changed it to "I chose not to." I actually liked that better "I chose not to"…..
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    Well some may think this is insane but I bought these jeans I really liked that are 2 sizes to small. I can just get them over my hips. I know I will get into them in the fall , I am determined. This helps keeps me focued as I dont want the money to go to waste
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Not insane! I have a pair of favorite jeans that I have kept for over 6 years. They are currently two sizes too small, but I WILL wear them again (hopefully this fall)!
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Great motivation with the jeans! It's a reward worth trying for.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I have some summer clothes (shorts & capris) that I bought in 2008, when I was in denial about my weight gain. My kids were little & I didn't have time to try them on or return them. (They are just black and still in style & mostly for work)

    I can get them on this year & do them up. They are still a bit tight, but hopefully by the end of the summer they will be too big & I can move on! I want to be able to start to wear them to work by the end of June, so that I get some use out of them after keeping them around for so long!

    That's my motivation for right now :)
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Congrats on the clothes lpeltenburg! You are almost there! Can't wait til June comes and you can tell us you did it!!!!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I can totally relate to the clothing motivation....I have quite a few things that I want to wear this summer. And, I should be able to if I try hard enough! :happy:
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    I keep a picture of me at my biggest on my fridge to get me to think about why I'm opening the fridge. Am I bored? or Actually hungry?

    I also buy a pair of jeans 1 size too small to measure my progress when the scale isn't budging.
  • hope4dcb
    hope4dcb Posts: 17 Member
    Question for anyone. I am on my third day of eating healthy and exercising. Doing well except for the problem that I have started losing energy and having an upset stomach. I have not given in and eaten anything bad. I have not skipped meals and have eaten just a little today. Has anyone else experience any of these symptoms??
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Question for anyone. I am on my third day of eating healthy and exercising. Doing well except for the problem that I have started losing energy and having an upset stomach. I have not given in and eaten anything bad. I have not skipped meals and have eaten just a little today. Has anyone else experience any of these symptoms??

    Hi Hope, definitely had loss of energy my first 3-5 days; not the upset stomach though. What is your protein/carb/fat ratio? How much water are you taking? If you are hungry, eat carrots - even if it puts you over the calories for day. Seriously, did anyone get overweight eating carrots? :)

    If you share want to share your diary, I'll peek and offer suggestions. I'm on my 3rd week and I will say after 1.5 weeks I felt 100% like me again … and even noticed I sleep better.

    I would definitely recommend having some plain chicken or egg whites (no yolk!!!) before bed so you don't wake up feeling sick.

    PS. I love your star-fish
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Does anyone use protein powder? I see recipes for smoothies I would like to try that use protein powder, but there are so many different kinds out there! Any suggestions?
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Does anyone use protein powder? I see recipes for smoothies I would like to try that use protein powder, but there are so many different kinds out there! Any suggestions?

    I just ordered Isopure Zero Carb protein shake. 2 scoops is 210 calories, 1 fat, 50 protein. I'm thinking I may do 1 scoop and still get plenty protein w/less calories. I won't receiving it until late this week, but I will definitely let you know how it is. I found it at GNC.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I sometimes use Kaizen Natural isolate whey protein powder. When I was training for the half-marathon I would use it, and my hubby uses it as well. However, I don't really know much about them, lol...I just picked it off the shelf.
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    Does anyone use protein powder? I see recipes for smoothies I would like to try that use protein powder, but there are so many different kinds out there! Any suggestions?

    I just ordered Isopure Zero Carb protein shake. 2 scoops is 210 calories, 1 fat, 50 protein. I'm thinking I may do 1 scoop and still get plenty protein w/less calories. I won't receiving it until late this week, but I will definitely let you know how it is. I found it at GNC.

    Notice: Please don't yell at me - I'm not an expert, I'm just sharing what I was told. :smile:

    I don't know much about protein powder but my OB/GYN told me to steer clear of soy protein powders. Something with soy and increased amounts of estrogen attributing to increased occurrences of cancer. I know if we listen to everything bad about foods, we wouldn't eat anything, but I like (and trust) my doctor. She said the best choice was a combination of whey and casein.

    I do eat processed foods with ingredients I cannot pronounce - just sayin'.
  • burton112770
    burton112770 Posts: 3 Member
    My Dr. told me to stay away from soy protein as well...I have fibroids and she said that soy transforms into something that mimics estrogen in the body. I drink a premixed shake for breakfast called Oh Yeah!, it's really tasty and it whey protein.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I don't digest whey protein very well, so I use usually go for pea protein.I am using one from costco right now called complete green protein. I have also used pea protein powders that contain Maca, for extra energy & hormone regulation.
  • merlynn
    merlynn Posts: 17 Member
    I love being able to shop in my own closet and wear the things I've been hanging on to for so long!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I love being able to shop in my own closet and wear the things I've been hanging on to for so long!

    such a great reward!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I love being able to shop in my own closet and wear the things I've been hanging on to for so long!

    I can't wait to be able to do that myself! I was able to put on a ring this week that has been too small. I have felt like I was retaining a lot of water weight and that does seem to have been the case.
  • merlynn
    merlynn Posts: 17 Member
    I totally get the ring thing. I was able to put on a ring I haven't worn since my 20's, and my mom's wedding set fits...she was tiny, lol.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    I totally get the ring thing. I was able to put on a ring I haven't worn since my 20's, and my mom's wedding set fits...she was tiny, lol.

    That's so great! I love these little things that help keep us motivated!
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    After I had my kids, I couldn't wear my wedding rings for 10 years. It was SO NICE to be able to put them back on again. It was like they were brand new. Great feeling!!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Just wanted to say today how glad I am that Cindy created this group and how thankful I am to be a part of a group of such awesome ladies.

    A day or so ago I was reading one of the main forums here at mfp, and a woman had posted about how she was finding it harder to lose weight after age 40. One of the comments from another poster stated that it wasn't any harder, it was still just calories in versus calories out. While I agree to a certain point, I also believe that it does sometimes become harder at our age to lose weight and/or maintain our weight. Here are some of the reasons that I believe it has been harder in my case:

    1. Children are older and require lots more driving around for activities so more eating on the run/skipping meals (I'm nearing the end of this stage)
    2. My job got progressively more stressful/involved in the last few years
    3. Parent/grandparents required more of my attention due to health concerns
    4. My looks (primary reason for trying to lose weight before) became less of a priority to me than they were in my 20s and 30s
    5. I've lost muscle/flexibility/fitness over the last 5-10 years

    Here is how I'm trying to deal with these issues now:

    1. As I mentioned, my children are getting older. I only have one left who is not driving and my two older children pitch in with that so time has taken care of this issue for me.
    2. I made a career change that has been absolutely refreshing. My old job had engulfed my life, and I feel like I am now starting to slowly get it back.
    3. Unfortunately, I lost one grandmother in October, 2012. Both my mother and mother-in-law were diagnosed with cancer in May 2013. Thankfully both of them are now in remission and doing well. However, throughout the summer months of 2013, I came to realize that I needed to get as healthy as possible myself to help take care of the people I love. I can't do anyone any good if I'm totally run down.
    4. Realized that just because I'm 44, it doesn't mean I need to let myself go. However, my looks are no longer my top priority in getting to my goal weight. My health and well being are now the top priority.
    5. Realized that now I want to be strong and fit and that it is never too late to become so! Started doing some reading a few months ago, and realized there had been quite a shift in thought about exercise. Seems like while I was adrift, lost in my own world, people realized that lifting weights was just as important (or more important) as doing cardio. Just makes sense that building muscles will help me maintain my weight without having to eat below 1200 calories.

    Some of my accomplishments since deciding to become healthier:

    1. Quit smoking in September, 2013 (this is a biggie!)
    2. Quit bringing my work home with me (both literally and figuratively, if that makes any sense!)
    3. Started treating myself to long soaks in the bathtub to relax once or twice a week (use epsom salts, essential oils, and other salts)
    4. Started using essential oils in diffusers in my bedroom and the main living rooms. I really believe this helps create a calming atmosphere in the house
    5. Started working out on May 26, 2014 - both cardio and strength training.
    6. Started counting calories on May 26, 2014 - was trying to eat healthier before but was not paying attention to portions and calories
    7. Setting personal goals for myself rather than feeling like I'm just along for the ride in life. I'm thinking crazy thoughts now - like what would it be like if I decided to run in a 5K, 10K, or even a half marathon or full marathon. In thinking these crazy thoughts, I realized just how long it had been since I thought about doing something like that for me, just me! Not thinking about goals for the children, or for work, or for our financial future, etc. but just thinking about me personally!

    Just thought I would share this morning. I'm sad that Cindy had to step away for a little while, and I don't want to see our group get quiet with her absence. Let's keep up what she started, so that when she is able to come back, she will have a great support system in place and can feel good about what she started here.

    Anyone else have any thoughts for the day?
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Very motivating and inspiring Emy, thanks for posting this :smile: I am enjoying this group too, its so good to find a group that is active daily and who are supportive of each other. I've looked around a lot and when I find one that sound good, you click on it and there hasn't been any activity for months. Hopefully this will continue on! And sometimes the message boards can be scary. haha There are some members here that I haven't noticed a post from, hopefully they will soon join in :) The more the merrier

    I have always heard that losing weight gets more difficult with age. My children are older as well, university age actually, but home for the summer. So, i can't really say that they require much of my time. haha They certainly did at one time though. They are both home for the summer and working a lot right now. So I am free to exercise when i want, which was very difficult when they were younger.

    I started my weight loss journey a long time ago...losing 60-65 lbs or so back in 2003. I have kept it off pretty well until the past year and half. I just kind of lose focus in the winter, then fail to take it back off by summer. So, was 20 lbs away from my goal a few months ago, and now am about 11 lbs away. I guess my goal is anywhere from 135-140, but right now 140 would make me plenty happy.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Thanks for posting your thoughts Emy. I also hope this group stays together & keeps posting. It is a large group, and maybe some of the others will join in if we keep it interesting enough.

    I think that the reason it is harder to lose weight now, is because it cannot be the only thing I focus on. I don't have the time I had in my 20s or even 30s when my kids napped in the afternoon. Now I juggle work, what other people want to eat, lack of sleep & hormonal changes, job stress, running to kids activities and just plain old fatigue.

    I have been trying to lose weight since I gained it after quitting smoking in 2007. I gained A LOT, over 80lbs. Every year during the winter while we are slow, I have lost 10lbs or so. Then I would gain it back while we are busy & have no time to cook & meal plan during the summer. The weight is slow to come off this time (and every time I have tried over the past 6 years) because it is not my only focus. I don't have the luxury anymore to focus on how I am feeling, cutting up veggies if I am hungry or exercising every single minute. I try to carve out time for that, and to be grateful for the things that I have, that I am healthy, and that I have a great family.

    It is different this time because I am keeping at it. I almost lost focus this week, but I was still aware. I still exercised (except Sunday when I was a lump!) I am probably in the best shape of my life and can't wait to uncover the body that is currently covered in fat & to see how fast I can actually run without dragging all of it with me.

    I have a long way to go, so I hope everyone here keeps interested & posting as often as possible. My tracker only shows my 2014 goal, I have more to lose then that.

    I may only be able to post, while I am busy, in the "Today, I will" section, but I do take the time most days to read what is going on. You can't discuss this weight loss thing with people in every day life without their eyes glossing over, or them looking at your body & judging. I feel very lucky to have a place to post everyday and feel encouraged by everyone for what we are doing.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Maureen and Lisa, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts too! We will do this!

    I usually only have time to post in the Today I will... thread as well, but like you, Lisa, I try to read most of the posts every day. Hoping others feel comfortable joining in. This is a very welcoming and supportive group! I also read the main forum when I have time, but I have been too intimidated to post there very often, and like Maureen mentioned, many of the other groups that seem interesting aren't very active. Glad we have this one!
  • Michal833
    Michal833 Posts: 90 Member
    This is mostly in response to emy r's post from yesterday. Obviously everyone's life is different, but I found your observations interesting in light of my own experience. I am the same age as you but there the similarity ends. I find I have more time to exercise and prepare healthy foods for myself now that my children are older. When they were young, I felt like it was all I could do to get a pot of macaroni cooked and into their stomachs and of course I wolfed down a few bowls myself standing of course. They would not eat much salads or veggies so it was not the priority. Even to the extent that they would eat them it was not going to satisfy them when they were starving. If I had a choice between salad and carbs, it was always carbs. Just so you wont think I'm a terrible mother we did always have "apple parties" for bedtime snacks.

    I now have more time to exercise and prepare healthy foods for myself. And the logging. Until a little over a year ago I had no idea how many calories were in anything. Even if I did look at the nutrition facts, it meant nothing to me because I had no idea how much I should be eating. Now I am always thinking in terms of calories. This is not necessarily a good thing, but it is necessary.

    I feel I am healthier now than I have ever been since becoming a mother at age 22.

    The only downside is that now that they are older, they (actually it is only one daughter) are always buying nosh and cluttering up my cupboards with stuff I don't want. Sometimes I get really annoyed and throw it all out.
  • Michal833
    Michal833 Posts: 90 Member
    Also, now that my younger children are doing activities I use that to my advantage. This week I walked and went to the gym during my sons' evening activities.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member

    It is very interesting how we all experience life differently. I will say I am eating much healthier now than I did in 20 years ago, and I do have more time now to prepare healthier meals and focus on my fitness. I did a lot more home cooking though when my two oldest were young. By the time my third child came along, my two older children were involved in evening activities and I was working full time and trying to finish up my graduate degree. My oldest always complains that I let my youngest get away with too much: she watched more tv, ate more junk food, and I didn't push as many educational activities on her. The truth is that I was just tired! I can see benefits and disadvantages to how I raised each of them. I put a lot more pressure on my oldest and he now pushes himself. My youngest was allowed the freedom to relax, and I think that is a wonderful thing to learn at an early age.