hello everyone :)

my name is millie I'm new here just joined... I'm having the sleeve done on june 2,2014 I'm super excited but also scared at the same time ..just wondering will i be ok after surgery... so many thoughts run my mind... just need input from anyone who can put my mind at ease.... also how fast is the recovery after surgery we are suppose to go to california june 19 from texas to cali but driving and I'm suppose to be one of the drivers will it be safe for me to do that or should i cancel trip.. any and all info will be greatly appreciated :):love:


  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    Hi Millie,
    I did a 2 hour car ride 1 week after my bypass without difficulty. I did not drive though. I was off the painkillers after 4 days so that wasn't an issue, just still got tired easily. Two weeks out you should be ok, but be sure to listen to your body and how tired you might be. Wishing you the best!
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    Hi, Millie! I was back at work (high school teacher) fourteen days after bypass surgery. I tired easily and my blood pressure dropped rather low because I was still taking my pre-surgery dose. Once it was adjusted, I did much better. As rubisliprz said, pay attention to your body. Rest as needed and get your fluids in! Best wishes for a fun trip and a great weight-loss journey!!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    I know I was told no plane flights, which meant postponing my surgery last year by about 3 weeks to work around a family vacation. Car drive should be fine (though I would check with your doc to make sure!) You will want to make sure that the seat belts in whichever seats you are riding in do not rub against your surgery scars.
  • risskie
    risskie Posts: 203 Member
    Hi and Welcome Millie,
    I was not given any restrictions except no diving my car while still on pain killers. However, I was over the medication piece within 3 days of being home. For me it was a comfort issue while sitting, so take a few longer car rides, as the trip approaches, and make sure you don't need a pillow, etc., to help with being relaxed and comfortable. Stress and pain will sour that trip quickly - and don't forget to bring along quick snacks and drinks as that can be hard to find during 'pit stops.' Have fun.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    Hi Millie! I went back to work 2 weeks after my sleeve. Driving isn't an issue unless you are still on pain meds. Most of us were off those within a couple of days. Wearing a seat belt wasn't an issue for me going to and from work, but you might want to check that out before you leave. Your surgeon's team can tell you what your nutritional needs will be at that point but I think the most challenging thing for you might be the food. Most of us were still eating soft foods and protein shakes two weeks out. But you will have 2 weeks after surgery to decide which shakes you like and most of them come pre-made which will make traveling easier. I like the Go Lean shakes at GNC for premade. And they don't need to be refrigerated until you open them. I've done a lot of traveling since I had my sleeve. It's really not hard, you just need to prepare a little more food wise than before the sleeve.

  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    My bypass was done on 9/27/12 at about 8 am in the morning and I was released at 9 am the following day. I live 3 hours away from the hospital where it was done, so rode in the car for 150 miles without a problem. I had a pillow on my lap. I think I dozed in and out a bit too. The first week I was really tired--but I'm always that way after surgery (the gastric bypass was my 5th abdominal surgery.)
    I think the most important thing after is following the diet you are given--for me the first week was clear liquid protein in the form of broth, Isopure clear (looks like Kool Aid) and diluted juice. Water intake is essential. Walking is just as important. Take things slow and easy and don't push it.