Starting binge free from now.

hashbag Posts: 11 Member
Hi all,

Through a period of excessive restriction I managed to lose over a stone and ended up at 5 ft 6 weighing 114 pounds at university. Of course this then ended up into a binge eating disorder, and since moving back home it has worsened (as there is now always bad food in the house), I am now 128 lbs.

I don't want to do this anymore, I am sick of it. My life revolves around these inevitable 1-2 day a week episodes and the weight is continuing to pile on. I started this topic for some support, as well as supporting others, but to hold myself accountable also.

Having tried multiple times, I plan on;

- Not undereating. I can slip back into old habits so will endeavour to eat at least 1500 cal.
- Embrace exercise. It makes me feel fit, strong and all round great. I am aiming to go gym or run 4x per week. I've already started this.
- Enjoy my food. If I am out with friends, having drinks or out for a meal, I want to enjoy it without worrying or binging when I get home because I've overdone it anyway. I'm 23, I deserve a life.
- Allow myself a treat a day. This will be hard for me, because stopping at one is my main issue. But this is necessary because of my living situation, I can't just get rid of all the bad food in the house so I need to learn to live with, and enjoy it, but in moderation.

Any more advice people have would be much appreciated :)


  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I think you have great goals! They're sustainable and part of a healthy way of eating. Good for you! Your resolve sounds wonderful and I can't wait to cheer you on through your successes. Post on here about your progress!

    I like to remind myself of my streaks of treating my body well. Maybe you can do that too? A calendar on the wall with markings on each day when I made a further step to improve myself.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    Your goals are similar to what is in Geneen Roth's books. I have been following them and for the first time have been successful in not binging for an extended period of time. She has 7 guidlelines. The ones I can remember are: Eat whatever you want, Only eat when you're hungry. Stop eating when you're full. Do not eat when you're distracted. Enjoy eating. Don't eat secretively. Her books also helped me understand why I tend to binge, and how to fill those needs in ways other than food.
  • chelseavanchilli
    chelseavanchilli Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! You sound so much like me..I've been successfully following the same tips you've listed for about 4 months now, but left for a short holiday trip and relapsed. When I came back on Monday, I kept on overeating thinking 'I've already messed up'..but I'm over with it! I've been so much happier these past few months without bingeing it would be a pity to throw it all away..I have to regain self-control!
  • hashbag
    hashbag Posts: 11 Member

    Well this has definitely been a learning curve. I don't think I have had a binge per se - a binge for me is a spiral of absolute extreme eating to the point of illness, and self-loathing. But what has happened is the occasions I happen to overeat and how I try to deal with them.

    I've been good at allowing myself a few treat a day, though I think portion control is still an issue - I need to learn I don't need to biggest piece of cake to feel satisfied! Also variety, I still feel like I 'miss out' on something if I choose my treat and then want something else after. I usually end up having a bit of that something else but I'd like to get to a point where I can just say I'll have it tomorrow.

    Yesterday I went for drinks with a friend. I got quite merry, came home and had some apple pie and biscuits. Not a binge but certainly an indulgence. I woke up the next morning with similar feelings of guilt, and as I result tried to eat 'lighter' today - mistake, I was absolutely starving come this evening and just had a load of dried figs and almond butter.

    Again I don't really count this as a binge - I mean I guess it was a bit out of control but I was genuinely starving. But if I'd just eaten more throughout the day I probably would have eaten less altogether anyway. Because of the weight gain and I think where I am mentally I am terrified to step on the scales.

    Not all negatives though - I am still keeping up exercise and really enjoying it!

    Tomorrow will be another challenge - a big night out with work, lots of drinking. This is certainly a dangerous time for me, will power is at an all time low. Wish me luck!