Week Starting 26th May

agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
Ugg sickness! Sucks....last night started back to training and man it hurt I hate losing a week of training :sad:

Hope everyone else is doing well



  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    At least you only lost a week!!! Thats great!! Iost four weeks! Thankfully I didn't gain any weight - I still ate well, but no weight loss. Back to it this week! Its hard to get in the groove!! I am totally recovered though now and looking forward to gaining back some ground!!
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    How are you feeling??? Are you over the bug?
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Yip 100% back on track now hopefully you are the same?

    I have actually changed my diet again to more atkins focused so I am eating up around the 1500cal mark and then training on top of this to get a net of around 1300 cals a day

    I do think the lower calories have not helped for me - so I am going to try this for a month and see how I go
  • jaidenphyr
    jaidenphyr Posts: 72
    Isn't that interesting????!!! I have not budged at all. It is coming close to time to order my dress and I was really hoping that I'd be down another size by now. :( I keep thinking about the big picture - I'm doing something healthy. This is for the long haul, for my overall health. But still it would be nice to lose some weight. I did finally take a 'before' picture, although it was after my first 12 weeks!! lol I am feeling better, but work is kicking my butt and working out then takes a back seat. I worked out on Monday and just today will do my second work out for the week. Not so good, If I work out on Sunday to I will still have 3 work outs in the week. I feel good and that is what matters.