Introduce yourself

Hi im Sarah! Im from Ontario Canada. Ive been on my weight loss journey since end of 2012/jan. 2013. Ive lost 50lbs so far. I recently separated from my fiance after 6 years of being together. Also im now disabled from injuries and have a hard time walking. So I can no longer exercise, but im not letting this stop me from losing weight and meeting my goals!


  • FATtoFITness
    FATtoFITness Posts: 9 Member
    Hello, my name is Ashley. I'm 22 years old and live in Seattle wa. I've struggled with my weight since hitting puberty. I've lost around 30 lbs so far (my weight flunctuates). These last three months I have been stuck weight wise. I hope to continue my weight loss to live a healthier and more fulfilling life.
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Hello Ashley! Welcome to the group! Im 22 as well.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    Stephe, 50 years old from Cleveland Ohio. I'm looking to lose 20-30 pounds. Get off my meds. I'm not sure I can make 9am saturdays, because it's my sleep in time. I'll try though.
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Stephe! Its ok if you can't make it, im sure others will be around after to chat. I will just get started at 9am and see how it goes.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Hi! Im Ali, I turn 18 in two weeks and I started using MFP 2 weeks ago. Ive been eating healthier and exercising for about 2 months now, and I have lost 22 pounds! I started out at 242, and wanted to lose 100. I'm a homebody until I can find a job, so ive been trying different work out videos, zumba is fun! I mostly walk my dogs for exercise though. Its nice to meet everyone :)
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Hello Ali! Welcome to the group and to MFP! Its nice to meet you too and congrats on the 22lb loss thats amazing!
  • madimatchbox
    Im Madisona nd am 20 years old from Atlanta. I have about 150 lbs to lose. Probably won't be checking in till after 9 on Saturdays because I like to sleep in :) however I am excited about this group, I lost the most weight when I was on WW and going to meetings at 9am
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Hello Madison! Welcome to the group! Im personally never done WW but a friend did and I liked some of there ideas. I like a smaller knit group caring about each others progress. Since im injured and cant go out very often I liked the idea of having a group I could "go" to every week and keep myself more motivated to continue on my weight loss journey.
  • savelaurie
    savelaurie Posts: 12
    Ok. No shame. He I go....
    My name is Laurie, I currently weigh 320 and hope to lose 100+. I am a sahm of 3 boys under the age of 5. I live in Ontario also.
    I started my journey April 2 and have lost 10lbs. I eat so much better and go to a fitness studio 3/4 times a week. I can see and feel a big difference. I've tried dieting and fads before but for some reason I feel like this time IVE GOT IT!!
    I am not perfect and often have bad days but I'm only human.
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Laurie! Great job on the weight loss and healthy changes!
  • sarahdiggity77
    So Hello everyone. I am Sarah. I am 37 next month. I am in upstate NY. I am 5'2" and 353 lbs. as of 5/20/14 I have lost 29 lbs. from my heaviest weight of 382 lbs. I have tried losing weight with different methods since age 10. Herbal supplements. Over the counter pills. Prescription medications. Slimfast diet. ETC.. I am sure you all get the picture. I have done Richard Simmons programs, Tae bo, no avail. I kept gaining weight. I have a few issues, so some medications I have been on have contributed to my weight gain yes. How ever, it has also been my poor eating choices and lack of exercise that have also gotten me to where I am. I developed diabetes. For the past couple years all I have been on is pills. But as of 4/9/14 I had to begin insulin, as my sugars have been out of control and my a1c high. since insulin there has been great improvement. The insulin combined with eating better and exercise have helped. 10 lbs have come off since January. Yes my weight loss has been slow. But it's still weight LOSS!! To aid me in weight loss and due to my other co-morbidities such as sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and high blood doctors suggested and explained at length, bariatric surgery. Weight loss surgery. (WLS) So with that said, and a long story short....I started this journey in January. My surgery is August 7th. Was July 2nd. But I had to change it. I am getting the gastric sleeve. You can look it all up online. I am getting the surgery b/c my weight loss attempts have failed, or not produced enough results and I have developed too many issues. The sleeve is not only to be used as a tool for weight loss, but it will aid in getting rid of my co-morbidities. This is no easier road than the one any of you are on by any means. But it is the best choice for me. I have 223 lbs. to lose to get to goal weight. I figure within 2 years I can reach my goal. I wish you ALL luck!! I am here to answer any questions or be there as an ear if you need to vent or need support. Message me anytime!!! :) Thanks for allowing me to share!!

    Sarah :)
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Hello other Sarah welcome to the group! Good luck on your surgery!
  • NahrasWay
    NahrasWay Posts: 78 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm not currently following the WW plan, though I have in the past, but I am here mostly for support aspect. I read the intros and thought this would be a good group to join after getting the invite from Sarah.

    Lets see, about me. When I was 20-22ish I weighed my most at 417lb. When I realized how much I actually weighed I actually did start going to WW and I got down into the 300's and promised myself I would NEVER see 400 again, and I never did. Between then and now doing various things to lose weight I got down to 317 and was so proud of losing 100lb (this was a few months ago actually). Life kind of kicked me in the butt for awhile though and I ended up gaining some weight and so I started a couple of weeks ago at 342 and have lost 8lb my first week so far (tomorrow is when I weigh in so I may have lost more, but TOM atm so not expecting much :D).

    I have a lot of reasons to lose this weight but health is the big one. I'm 30 years old right now and I want to be around for a long time. My boyfriend (of 5 years) and I haven't really been able to get our life together started because of money issues so I want to be able to be healthy so that when we do finally get married and such we can actually think about having a family.

    I'm always in for supporters/supporting and friends so add me if you like!

    edit: I wanted to add I might not be able to make the 9am meetings to post on time because I am on the west coast so that is about 6am my time and I don't have a job right now so there's no reason for me to get up that early lol I'll try to post when I do get on though :)
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to the group Primalway!
  • Sawieger88
    Sawieger88 Posts: 25 Member
    I am 25 and have a 3 year old daughter. I started at 240 and became very angry at myself for getting so high. I have always embraced being a thicker girl but I am only 5'3! I started in January and have lost almost 40 lbs. I am hoping to see onederland by the beginning of next month. My goal is 165. Still technically overweight for my height but I work in a place where I lift heavy bags all day and have a ton of muscle. I just want less fat. I have been tracking food and using my elliptical for its real purpose. For the first year after my husband bought it, my daughter used it as a jungle gym. I am excited to try and get on here and chat but I am from San Francisco California so timing may be tricky depending on my work schedule also. I hope to connect with a few people and get inspired!
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Hello Samantha, welcome to the group! I started my weight loss journey at 242lbs (im 5'8). I couldn't believe it got that high, I had been really skinny up until 17 when I started putting on weight. Congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • meg_balh
    meg_balh Posts: 37 Member
    Hello Everyone! My name is Megan, I am 22 (23 in 22 days!) I have been heavy for the majority of my life, but this past winter was the highest weight I have ever hit, with the scale reaching 252! I have lost about 15 pounds in a month and a half. I hope to lose 100 lbs total by June 16, 2015 (my 23rd birthday). Good luck to everyone and I am glad to be a part of this group! :) feel free to add me as a friend too!
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Hello Megan, welcome to the group! Happy early birthday! And congrats on the weight loss so far!
  • stefsc1
    stefsc1 Posts: 77 Member
    Hello! My name is Stefani, I live in southern Washington state, and I'm 24 years old. I've been overweight my whole life, and although I certainly didn't LIKE being fat, it never actually bothered me enough to do anything about it before now. I happened to have a doctor's appointment the day before Thanksgiving last year, and the scale there told me I was 348 pounds. I was really shocked by the number, and I knew that with Thanksgiving the next day and Christmas coming up soon after, I had to actually start paying attention to what I ate to make sure my weight didn't get any more out of control.

    December was still a rough month, so I consider my official weight loss start to be January, and as of this morning I've lost 33 pounds since then. I hope to have lost 50 pounds total, and therefore also be just under 300 pounds, by my birthday on July 31st. I don't think I've been under 300 pounds in over 5 years, so it's a very big goal for me! Just 16 more pounds to lose in 9 weeks.. I think I can do it!

    I'm afraid the chat time is no good for me either, though. That's 6am my time, and I often work until 10pm on Saturdays, so I cannot be getting up that early. Sorry!
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    Hey everyone and thanks for the group invite.

    My name is Kathy and I live in Germany. I'm 31 and I've always been overweight. When I was little, I was the chubby kid and I guess back then it was still somewhat cute. But as soon as I started school, I started suffering from it. I was never bullied but it was still obvious that I was different.

    Three years ago, I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's and diabetes type I and before that, I lost about 110 lb. I felt so good then. But somehow, when I started the insulin therapy, I didn't hit the brakes soon enough, so I regained most of the weight and went up to 302 lb again. I started MFP in 2012 but then fell off the wagon again. Now I'm back and more serious about it than ever. In the past three weeks I lost 2.6 lb which I know isn't that much but with the diabetes and other health issues, I'm prepared for it to be a very slow but steady progress.

    Anyway, to tell you a bit about myself: I'm a huge bookworm, I love music and television shows, I live with two cats (on my way to becoming a crazy cat lady :wink: ), I love tattoos and I collect raccoons. Yes, raccoons. Don't ask. :blushing: