Introduce yourself



  • jillebee44
    jillebee44 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Jill. I live in western Massachusetts. I am married (4 years with him 11 years), I have a 7 year old daughter, and I am a 911/Police dispatcher. I was not always overweight. In high school and college I played a sport EVERY season so I HAD to exercise and with this I could eat almost what I wanted. However AFTER school I continued to eat, but not exercise. Needless to say, that equation NEVER works out. Then I got pregnant and the downhill got steeper. After that I lost about 75 lbs and was VERY close to my goal, then I let it go for some reason and it was a steady climb back up. I weighed in last year and was at the weigh I was when I was 9 months pregnant with my daughter (and NOT pregnant). I was devastated and then I knew I HAD to do something.

    I am now on track trying to get myself back to "healthy" again. I had a blot clot/chest pain scare this year and it made me do a lot of thinking. I also have diabetes that runs in my family, and that is another thing I do not want to deal with if I can prevent it.

    I used to follow WW, but am no any longer. I cannot afford that right now. However I am VERY glad to be invited to this group (thank you Sarah) for accountability reasons. Cant wait to get started!!

    I wish you all the best!!
  • captainninjapeters
    captainninjapeters Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I thought this group could use a third Sarah :wink:

    I am a 32-year old, recently married, PharmD and am getting ready to start my first year of residency at the end of June. As an adult, my weight has fluctuated from 120lb, to 240, then back down to 150 before starting pharmacy school. I'm back up to 190 (AHHHH!) and am ready to fit into every piece of my wardrobe again!
  • JennyGregory81
    JennyGregory81 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I am Jenny and I am from Yorkshire, UK.

    I am 32 and weigh 311lbs which really does frighten me! I want to lose weight so that I can start living again. I hate not being able to go on long hikes, ride horses and other outdoors things with my hubby and two beagles.

    I love junk food and white wine, in fact at the moment I live for it and I know this needs to change.

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone over the weigh ins :-) x
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome Stefani, congrats on your loss!

    Welcome to the group Kathy! Im a huge book worm too!

    Welcome Jill! That sounds like a really interesting job.

    Sarah #3! Welcome to the group!

    Welcome Jenny, im looking forward to getting to know you and everyone!
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    Hi. I've been on MFP for about a year and a half. I am 5'2 and creeping up on 40. At my worst I was about 55 pounds over my healthy BMI range. With a boost in activity and monitoring my eating I have managed to burn down all but the last 10 pounds. I've been stuck with those last 10 pounds for over 4 months. I am in several challenges on MFP but they are not focused on the scale. I like the idea of this group because I am dangerously close to frustration overload! (Add to this frustration is that my real goal is to weigh in the middle of my healthy BMI range in the middle of the day with clothes on.....and currently my weigh-ins are first thing int he morning with no clothes.)

    I have one kiddo who likes to hijack my schedule with sporting activities, a very stressful job managing a domestic violence housing project, several pups---lovingly named my "pup"arazzii. I am trying to clean out my life both to de-clutter and also to support a more simple and thankful life. I am currently obsessed with air plants and moss balls and terrariums. Always a lot going on---so I am hoping that this group gives me cheers when I move in the right way and encouragement when I have setbacks and stalls!
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to the group R_Queenie! Congrats on your weight loss!
  • alyssamaryw
    alyssamaryw Posts: 84
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Alyssa and I have been overweight since puberty. I have hypothyroid and I think that probably started my weight gain. However, I wasn't severely overweight until college. I weigh 263 now, started out at 265. I want to get to 150, since that was my weight before I started college. I know it's going to be a long journey, but I think with this community I may have a chance. Unfortunately weight loss surgery isn't an option for me as I have a bleeding disorder that makes any optional surgery out of the question, so I know that I need to lose this weight now, before it becomes even harder as I age. I'm looking forward to the meetings, I think they'll help.
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to the group Alyssa!
  • Marlisle
    Marlisle Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Marlee! I'm so excited to be meeting with you every week! This was such a great idea Sarah!

    I began my initial journey in January, after a few weeks of monitoring what I ate and exercising I fell of the wagon. After not being able to fit as many workouts in as I thought I needed, I started to beat myself up and then eventually just gave up! Laurie I completely get what you're saying! I feel like THIS IS IT! I'VE GOT IT this time around! I've promised myself that I'm going to give myself a bit of a break when it comes to fitting exercise in, as long as I continue to watch what I'm eating and seeing progress! If I'm too hard on myself, too soon, I'll just end up giving up! (and that's not an option!)

    I re-started this journey last weekend when I stepped on the scale and it showed 268 lbs!!! I was horrified! Since then I've lost 6.8 pounds (probably all water weight! Still progress though!)

    I actually just booked my wedding dress consultation for August 11th of this summer! My goal written down is to get to at least 245 lbs but that date BUT I'm really going to be trying to get down 50 lbs by then, if at all possible.

    My long term goal is to be down to 165 lbs by my wedding on August 8th, 2015!!

    WE CAN DO THIS!!!!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Hi I'm Cindy from Ontario Canada. I just rejoined MFP at the beginning of April. Back in 2007 I lost 64 pounds with WW. Tried MFP back in 2011 but the timing just wasnt right. You have to be committed and I am the first to admit I wasnt . I dont want to spend the $$ on WW so I am doing it this way and so far so good. My calorie goal is set to 1450 but so far I am losing at a bit faster rate than MFP is set up for due to being obese. My goal is to lose another 72 pounds by this time next year
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to the group Marlee! Thanks and were happy to have you! Congrats on your engagement!
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Hello Cindy! Welcome to the group!
  • AKAMrsR
    AKAMrsR Posts: 45 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    First of all, I love this idea! I hope I can find some good motivation here. I've never done WW, but always wanted to go to the meetings, so this may work out great!

    My name is Jocelyn. I currently live in CA, but am moving to VA in a month. I have a 1 year old and have been a stay-at-home mom since I was pregnant (I am a teacher, so I just took off the half year before having my daughter to keep things easy). Before I got pregnant, I lost 30 lbs and got to my goal weight. I was hoping this would keep me from gaining too much during pregnancy, but it backfired. I gained 65 lbs during pregnancy. Basically, I look at it as if I gained back everything I lost, plus the baby weight. I still weigh the same as I did when I went to the hospital to give birth (about 215).

    My goal is to have a healthy BMI and get back into a size 12. I'm currently a size 18. I have a short-term goal to get to a size 16 before I have to buy work clothes to go back to work in August.

    I hope to help you all in your journey's as you help me!!

  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to the group Jocelyn!
  • Lkkiser3
    Lkkiser3 Posts: 52 Member
    OK.. My name is Lauren, I'm 27 and live in Virginia. I have 2 kids ages 3 and 5. I was never over weight. I was actually below a healthy BMI, but then life happened. 2009 I had my daughter and I had gained 65 lbs during my pregnancy, I only managed to lose 30 of it. Then 2 years later I had my son and I only gained 35 lbs. But When there father passed away ( heart failure at 35 yrs old) I gained 100 lbs in the course of a couple years. He passed in 2011.. I had no one to talk to and I pretty much just ate away my emotions. and now I don't really know how to stop. I've never had to work out or watch what I eat, I was just naturally skinny. So now I don't really know what to do.. or have much motivation to do it... Yes I know my kids should be enough motivation, but sometimes it seems easier said then done. I really hope to over come these obstacles and make a positive change in my life! I want to be there for my kids.
  • AKAMrsR
    AKAMrsR Posts: 45 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss! I'm also 27 and will be moving back to VA soon (lived there my whole life until I got married). I hope we can keep each other motivated, because I also lack motivation!
  • Lkkiser3
    Lkkiser3 Posts: 52 Member
    Thank you! I definitely need the motivation. Its hard when you have no one to talk to that can relate or care about it..
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    So sorry about your loss, too, Lauren.

    I just wanted to add that, since I'm in Germany and 9am EST is 3pm for me, I may not always make it. I often do stuff on Saturday afternoons and may not be online. But I'll try to check in with you guys whenever I can and otherwise just read and post later. :)
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    Hi, I'm Karen, 36 from Hobart, Tasmania, Australia :)

    I started my journey at 370 pounds (or 168.2kg) after a Diabetes Type II diagnosis in Feb 2014. So this is week 16 and I have lost 36 pounds (or 16.4kg, hopefully more after tomorrow's weigh in)

    I suffer with Fibromyalgia (diagnosed in Jan 14) and 24/7 Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, in other words I have been dizzy for 3.5 years! I am now housebound due to this condition and can no longer work or drive. It makes exercising hard but I manage most days to push out 30 mins on the stationary bike or do 10,000 steps (while holding onto walls inside my house)

    I try not to let my illness rule my life as best I can. I am a glass half full person where I can be, even when it annoys others and I don't often complain to those around me about how bad I truly feel.

    I have managed so far to get my blood work back to prediabetic stage, so things are definitely moving in the right direction but a long way to go.
  • sarahsweightlossjourney
    sarahsweightlossjourney Posts: 123 Member
    Welcome to the group Lauren! Im so sorry to hear about your loss.

    Welcome to the group Karen! Good job on weight loss!