Week 1 Day 1: I did it!

BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
It nearly killed me but I DID IT! 2 miles. :) I need to find a part of my neighborhood that is more flat. I don't mind smaller inclines but running up and down big hills on the very first day is not a good idea. I don't want to injure myself and never get to week 2.


  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    Yay! And good idea on finding a flatter area. I did the first day of Week 2 and had the bright idea of doing my cool down by walking up the steepest hill there is around here. It gave me shin splints, and I could hardly move the next day....it kept me from doing any kind of work out for three days! I did Week 2 Day 2 today, but found a better way back up that didn't kill me.
  • BurntCoffee
    BurntCoffee Posts: 234 Member
    I did day 2 on the treadmill at the gym today because I thought it would be better on my hip which was a little achy last night. Thursday will be outside though. I didn't get as far on the treadmill because I had to go slower since I was paranoid about falling while everyone was around me. :) Either way, YAY ME!
  • jfboomer
    jfboomer Posts: 79 Member
    Great job! Did you manage to find a flatter area in your neighborhood/? Have you moved on to week 2? How is it going?