Week 4

sayray16 Posts: 62 Member
Week four has been interesting. I completely stopped running. I had to because my knee couldn't take the stress. So, I turned to other activities. I went on vacation in Reno for three days and while I was there I went on a 3 mile hike on Monday, a 90 minute Bikram yoga session on Tuesday, a 2 mile hike on Wednesday. When I came back, I weighed in early and saw that I had dropped another pound, which I thought was amazing because of all of the room service and restaurants I ate at. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday consisted of a lot of gym cardio. I stuck to the stair master, elliptical, and walking on the treadmill. I tried to run today (bad idea). I thought my knee was getting better but I stopped my run less than a second into it because of the pain. I guess I'll just have to wait. So that was my week 4. I hope everyone is staying motivated and running happy!


  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Got my 5k in yesterday and 4 mile walk today since I missed my Zumba class.
  • sayray16
    sayray16 Posts: 62 Member
    Great job!! Keep at it!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm still doing okay. Havent' started my couch to 5k on the treadmill b/c summer's upon us and i won't have time to finish the program before summer hits and going to the gym is a nogo due to mom duties.

    so i'm still walking with a freind and that seems to be getting more and more stamina. 1.5 hours on our last walk which i need some kind of miles calculator to figure out how far that is?

    I'm hoping this slow and gradual advancement will help me avoid injuries.
  • sayray16
    sayray16 Posts: 62 Member
    I think you are going at this the right way. Trust me when I say you WILL injury yourself if you just go full monte right off the bat, I would know; it happened to me. Slow and steady wins the race! Keep at it and you will get to where you want to be.
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    I am so thankful for this group. I haven't been active in posting my progress but.....I have walked at least a 5 K (treadmill) each day since I joined. On days that I feel lazy, I think of my commitment to the group, get up off my duff and move. Most days I'm doing 4 miles. Three times a week, I also do 35-40 minutes of step aerobics in the mornings and then the treadmill in the evening. So far my body is holding out and I have had no injuries. I am careful as I am 67 yrs. old and know an injury will set me way back. I had to decrease the speed on the treadmill when I felt my lower back tightning up some. So....thank you to all who are better at posting here as it gives me motivation and I read every single post. Keep up the good work and visualize yourself as the sexy Momma or Grandma that I know we can be.:wink:
  • sayray16
    sayray16 Posts: 62 Member
    I am so happy that you find this group helpful. I have tried to stay committed to running the 5K everyday but after my knee injury, I had to change my routine. I have come to learn that what this group is really about is finding the best possible routines to each individual that will help with improving 5K times. I am thankful for the people who have decided to follow this group and who are committed to it like you :)