Question: For All Moms With Babies! Signs of Progression.



  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    It seems that none of it is reliable. I have heard of women being dilated, thinned and baby completely dropped for weeks ahead. I thought that at least the mucous plug meant something, that if it went then labor was soon but it sounds like that could happen weeks ahead too.
    If there is no apparant rhyme or reason to any of it and it doesn't benefit the doctor in any way and means nothing - why do they even check?

    It's so funny that you say this.... I asked my OB this question in regards to estimating baby weight and he danced around answering it, then said something along the lines of ultrasound estimates are practically useless, and mom's weight gain is completely useless. So my husband responded with "So basically you're entire practice is a pyramid of uselessness?!" My OB laughed so hard I thought he was going to have a heart attack. Yep, child birth is definitely an art, not a science!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    IThis reminds me of my appt last week ... Well, let me back up a little, err... a lot!

    Months ago, around like 17-18 weeks, my uterus was measuring about 1 week ahead of schedule. Then, the next month - 2 weeks ahead. The next month - 3 weeks ahead and another month later - 4 weeks ahead. I questioned my doctor about it and was told it was probably my diet. I went home really thinking about it, looking over my eating and researching it a little. Basically, in the end, I decided not to change anything. My diet was just fine, I didn't even eat any of the things he said to avoid and my calories were in check and my weight gain was minimal.
    Then, it started reversing. 3 appointments ago I was measuring 3 weeks ahead, the next I was two weeks ahead and my last appt, last week, I was measuring 1 week ahead.

    So, last week, when I was measuring only 1 week ahead again I asked my doctor about it. He said it was nothing to be concerned about and was probably just a fluctuation in amniotic fluid. WTH?! First, tell me there is something wrong with the way I am eating and then say it is nothing but amniotic fluid fluctuation.
    I still don't think he entirely knows what causes the fluctuation.

    My next appt is tomorrow morning. Will be interesting to see what things are looking like tomorrow.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    IThis reminds me of my appt last week ... Well, let me back up a little, err... a lot!

    Months ago, around like 17-18 weeks, my uterus was measuring about 1 week ahead of schedule. Then, the next month - 2 weeks ahead. The next month - 3 weeks ahead and another month later - 4 weeks ahead. I questioned my doctor about it and was told it was probably my diet. I went home really thinking about it, looking over my eating and researching it a little. Basically, in the end, I decided not to change anything. My diet was just fine, I didn't even eat any of the things he said to avoid and my calories were in check and my weight gain was minimal.
    Then, it started reversing. 3 appointments ago I was measuring 3 weeks ahead, the next I was two weeks ahead and my last appt, last week, I was measuring 1 week ahead.

    So, last week, when I was measuring only 1 week ahead again I asked my doctor about it. He said it was nothing to be concerned about and was probably just a fluctuation in amniotic fluid. WTH?! First, tell me there is something wrong with the way I am eating and then say it is nothing but amniotic fluid fluctuation.
    I still don't think he entirely knows what causes the fluctuation.

    My next appt is tomorrow morning. Will be interesting to see what things are looking like tomorrow.

    It could also just be the way your baby is lying, or if s/he is engaged at all. I don't think they check fundal height here until 20 something weeks. Seems you get a lot of appointments and unnecessary checks in the US. I suppose they need to justify charging you for it all! Thank god for the NHS and free medical care :smile:

    Loads of people have mentioned pitosin too. They only use that to induce labour here if nothing else has worked. They'd do a pessary and/or break your waters first and give that chance to work. Also, unless you have a medical reason, they leave you to go 12-14 days overdue, depending on the policy where you live. They'd never do a c sec if you were say 7 days overdue, for no medical reason.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    IThis reminds me of my appt last week ... Well, let me back up a little, err... a lot!

    Months ago, around like 17-18 weeks, my uterus was measuring about 1 week ahead of schedule. Then, the next month - 2 weeks ahead. The next month - 3 weeks ahead and another month later - 4 weeks ahead. I questioned my doctor about it and was told it was probably my diet. I went home really thinking about it, looking over my eating and researching it a little. Basically, in the end, I decided not to change anything. My diet was just fine, I didn't even eat any of the things he said to avoid and my calories were in check and my weight gain was minimal.
    Then, it started reversing. 3 appointments ago I was measuring 3 weeks ahead, the next I was two weeks ahead and my last appt, last week, I was measuring 1 week ahead.

    So, last week, when I was measuring only 1 week ahead again I asked my doctor about it. He said it was nothing to be concerned about and was probably just a fluctuation in amniotic fluid. WTH?! First, tell me there is something wrong with the way I am eating and then say it is nothing but amniotic fluid fluctuation.
    I still don't think he entirely knows what causes the fluctuation.

    My next appt is tomorrow morning. Will be interesting to see what things are looking like tomorrow.

    It could also just be the way your baby is lying, or if s/he is engaged at all. I don't think they check fundal height here until 20 something weeks. Seems you get a lot of appointments and unnecessary checks in the US. I suppose they need to justify charging you for it all! Thank god for the NHS and free medical care :smile:

    Loads of people have mentioned pitosin too. They only use that to induce labour here if nothing else has worked. They'd do a pessary and/or break your waters first and give that chance to work. Also, unless you have a medical reason, they leave you to go 12-14 days overdue, depending on the policy where you live. They'd never do a c sec if you were say 7 days overdue, for no medical reason.

    I'm in Canada and sounds like things are a bit different here, too. I saw an OB/GYN for my first, and now seeing a midwife for my second. My OB started measuring fundal height with a measuring tape somewhere around the 22-24week point. I was always within the normal range, except the last few weeks when my fundal height didn't increase. It was late enough in the game that the OB wasn't super concerned, but just enough that she mentioned it. Baby was fine, came in at 7lb 12oz. Come to think of it, my measurement stopped increasing around the same time she dropped. Makes me think she was just too far down to get an exact measurement. This time around, my midwife feels my uterus and at my last appt noted it was "one above" my belly button (I think one finger width?), and at my next appt she'll start measuring with the tape. My midwife also doesn't check my weight, and told me to stop weighing myself a few appts ago when I said my rapid gain was freaking me out. I'm sure at this point my OB would have said something (last weekend I was +24.5lbs at 23w. Tomorrow is my 24w weigh-in day and I'm nervous again! Gained 36lb total last pregnancy.)

    Here OBs will let you go 10 days over before inducing, midwives allow 14. I don't ever want to have to be induced because of the stories I've heard, but 14 days sounds like such a long time...! 3 days over with my last, hoping for similar this time.
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    It seems that none of it is reliable. I have heard of women being dilated, thinned and baby completely dropped for weeks ahead. I thought that at least the mucous plug meant something, that if it went then labor was soon but it sounds like that could happen weeks ahead too.
    If there is no apparant rhyme or reason to any of it and it doesn't benefit the doctor in any way and means nothing - why do they even check?

    I had the bloody show on Tuesday and Wednesday, I'm dilated to 3cm and 80% effaced, still waiting on baby. I was also told at my appointment on Tuesday that my bag of water is bulging and she thought I might go within the next few days. I've done everything to break it. Sex, walking, bumpy car ride, squats...this bag is made of something inhuman I tell ya! I think there is just no way to tell when it's going to happen. Ever. Babies come when they are good and ready!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    So exciting MAMA! Hope your baby comes soon!

    This morning, I am still only dilated to a 1. Absolutely no progress since last week. And, I amnstill measuring 1 week ahead.
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    With my first daughter I started dialating and having braxton hicks contactions at around 38 weeks and was induced at 39 because of blood pressure. With my second I was only 1 cm up until the day I had her but twice in the two weeks before I had her I had regular contractions for 12 hrs less than 5 minutes apart but because I didn't progress they sent me home and they eventually stopped. With her I also noticed mucus coming out in the week or so before. I tried everything walking, certain foods, sitting on the ball, pressure points then on my due date my husband and I had sex (sorry if TMI) and within a couple hours I was having contractions a couple minutes apart and was 4 cm when I got to the hospital.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    With my daughter (my first) I didn't have any signs except losing my mucus plug a week or so before. With my second (my son) about a week and a half before (when I was about 36 weeks) I had a lot of pressure in my pelvis for one day and at my next exam, the doctor said he was extremely far down. I was also very effaced and about 2 cm dilated a week before going into labor.