checking in

oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
Hey everyone! So, we haven't had a topic started on here in almost a month... and that's not good!!!!

we are the roller coasters, the ups and downs, the ones that just can't seem to get it together and keep it there...

if anyone needs extra support it's us, and we need to be more involved with each other!!!!

anyone with me?

so, in the spirit of that, we should do a check in! see how everyone is doing, and what we need help with, so that we can be each others' cheerleaders for our wins, and voices of encouragement for when we stumble and need to get back up!

i have managed to lose 11 pounds in the last few weeks. it has not been easy, and i still find myself over-eating some days. i really try hard to stick to 1 cheat meal a week, although it tends to be about 3 or 4, BUT the biggest thing i've started doing for myself is refusing to let a ruined meal turn into a ruined week (or even a ruined day). i mess up, i suck it up, and on i go.

i'm also now on couch to 5K week 3, and am successfully going to the gym 2 days a week to do the strength training to get my knee back in shape (had my knee scoped in feb).

how is everyone else out there doing? what can i help support you in?

love and high fives!


  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    I am doing well! I'm hanging on for dear life some days but see that ticker down there?!
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    woohoo!!! that's great!!!!! sometimes i feel like all i can do is hang on by a thread (maybe a celery fiber?) but i just keep reminding myself that i can't keep letting myself fall... keep rocking it, and anytime you need encouragement, i'm here!!!!
  • Okiedokiez
    Okiedokiez Posts: 17 Member
    I had a bad weekend and boy am i paying for it. My body just is not happy with my decisions. The positive side to that is I've been eating healthy for so long that when I decided to really "ENJOY" my weekend by eating food i normally don't eat and drinking soda which i hadn't done in months, it made me feel so sick and lethargic. So my point...I need to eat healthy to feel at my best. I needed to feel THIS crappy to remember why being on that roller coaster ride doesn't work for me. Currently drinking lots of water and detoxing from that yucky junk I had this weekend.
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    i understand completely!!! i don't know why we need the kick in the pants, but we do! hopefully we can keep it as a reminder as to why we stay on the healthy track, and not let it fall back into habit! keep kicking it's butt!!!!