Male Stop Challenge

toeknee45 Posts: 25 Member
Anyone want to start a weekly / monthly challenge? Something to motivate us and maybe get this forum going a little.

I'm open for suggestions.


  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    I got it... we will keep it simple - and for guys!
    "Minutes working out challenge."
    This way we don't get into pissing contests about burns, HRMs, weights vs. Cardio
    Runs Monday though Saturday - 6 days

    1. Every Sunday somebody here posts a topic:

    For example: June 2nd -7th challenge post here!

    2. On Monday who ever is up for it <<that week>> writes their goal

    For example
    300 minutes working out
    walk / run / weights / stretching etc.

    3. Report in as often as you like on the same thread and give what you did since last time and total

    for example

    Wednesday June 4th update

    70 minutes today - running and pushups - did 30 personal best
    total for week 230 minutes

    230/300 so far

    4. Keep it simple... Because we are guys... we will compete.. it is in our nature! :drinker:
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    sounds good especially with summer coming soon.
  • jtrack3d
    jtrack3d Posts: 91
    Could do something like... 10,000/steps a day challenge for a month.

    Log 3 days a week of exercise, etc. I'm all for it.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Could do something like... 10,000/steps a day challenge for a month.

    Log 3 days a week of exercise, etc. I'm all for it.

    That is another great one... I am really into my fitbit!
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    I'm good. Trying to increse my workouts form 5 to 6 days a week. This might help keep me motivated to do so.
  • markja
    markja Posts: 270 Member
    Ya, that sounds good. I log all of my food and activity but my exercise is severely lacking.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    So, as I am understanding, it is a self made goal and exercise choice? I can play. Although if I start setting goals I may actually have to work at this more! {{shudder}}
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    These responses look great!

    Yep... I will volunteer to put the first post up on Sunday June 1st.
    At that time anyone can put down their goals for just the 6 days of June 2nd to June 7th

    The reason that I chose only 6 days is that I have seen these kind of week things run into each other with out a breather day.

    Here is what Mine are going to be (You can make any goals you want)

    1. 360 minutes of exercise - (varied) - avg. 60 min /day
    2. 72000 Fitbit Steps
    3. 3 Days where I do pushups

    Pretty easy... Make any goal you want.
    Let's see if it works :drinker:
  • RespiratoryScot
    RespiratoryScot Posts: 32 Member
    Great idea . . . count me in.
  • toeknee45
    toeknee45 Posts: 25 Member
    My goals for the 1st week:

    1. 78,000 steps
    2. Stay under 10,500 calorie intake (1,750/day)
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    It is all coming together!

    I will post the first 6 day challenge (June 2-7) sometime on Saturday May 31st.

    I hope that everyone meets their goals.

    Nothing like a little competition when you feel like slacking! :smokin:
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    1. Workout 6 days
    2. Keep my calories @ about 10,500 but increase my protein to about 130 grams a day

    This should be easy!
  • jtrack3d
    jtrack3d Posts: 91
    I already get 300+ minutes of cardio in a week teaching Dance/Zumba and that doesn't count my walking another 20-30K steps or the elliptical. My legs are pretty tight. I have been doing the abs class as well and pushups are up to 75,... So, I don't think I want more cardio.

    Goal: 3 days (Tu/Th/Sat) back at the dumbbells. I'll have to start light. Been a while. Plus, since I am still in weight-loss mode for at least 10lbs, it won't be construction time for some upper body work... chest, back, shoulders. I'll log it if I do it.
  • EMTboy
    EMTboy Posts: 5
    I like this idea.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member

    OK Here is the thread.

    You know the drill! :drinker:
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member

    OK Here is the thread.

    You know the drill! drinker