Not all that bad...

Michelebecker Posts: 13 Member
Dear Health Gal,
I don't know what Crossfit did to you, or why you have such a strong dislike of it... but it amuses me that you speak so outwardly about it. I could understand if you had ever TRIED Crossfit, or worse, had been severely injured by Crossfit. Instead, you have just latched on to half-researched articles written by "professionals" and you keep spreading the hate. Every exercise has risk. In fact, Crossfit has healed the knee injury I received (which required surgery) while doing a work out tape in my living room. I was supposed to go to physical therapy, but instead I went to Crossfit. Guess what? No bad knees anymore! I had a previous back injury and I used to have to hunch over when I first stood up... guess what? Standing straight up now due to Crossfit. So... while some folks may be irresponsible with their workouts, you have to know your own body and know when to quit. :smile: