Friday Weigh-In

Oh yes … it's almost here. So close in fact, I'm creating the topic to get us ready! But … reading everyone's posts this week - we've been pretty darn good! Changing foods, exercising … it's going to be good. Remember, post however makes you comfortable. Here's to great losses tomorrow!


  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Friday, May 30th:

    starting weight (of May 5): 165.8
    today's weight: 156.6

    lbs lost: 9.2
  • merlynn
    merlynn Posts: 17 Member
    Starting weight (May 22) 165.8
    Today's weight 161
    Woo Hoo! (esp. since I GAINED 2 last week!)
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    I lost another 2 last week . That's all one can ask for :smile:
  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    Lost two pounds. Feel pretty good about that since I've been "stuck" for the last two weeks!
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    5/30: 180.8
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    166.4 this morning. I'm down .4 from last week. I know I need to move more. :smile:
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    Friday, May 30th:

    starting weight (of May 5): 165.8
    today's weight: 156.6

    lbs lost: 9.2

    That's really great. I'm struggling - what do you think is helping you the most?
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    I am down 1.5 this morning from last Friday. Very happy at that!

  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    Nice numbers everyone! I'm going to store these numbers in an excel sheet, each month I'll write total loss of our group! While we'd all love to lose 5 lbs a week , let's be happy we lost and aren't gaining. And next week we will lose more!!

    Stephanie, I started the 17 Day Diet 3 weeks ago which gave me a big boost. Also, I finally decided that I wasn't going the route of having to eat 1200 calories a day. I'm only 5'2 and when I eat the right food choices I'm not hungry and don't feel light-headed, dizzy, etc. Pumping food into me just so I can be at 1200 calories was pushing me to gain when I wasn't working out and stay the same when working out. So now I eat the right foods and don't worry about the calories. I also make sure my MFP pie is mostly protein/carbs and little fat (as long as my carbs are natural and not the yummy ones :smile: )

    Emy just mentioned she started the 17 Day Diet as well so it will be interesting to see her boost next week.
  • stephnerR
    stephnerR Posts: 49 Member
    Well, this is definitely the right group for me!

    I agree with you logic Cindy. I'm very sedentary the majority of my day. I'm having the same problem with 1200 calories. Maybe it's my lifestyle, maybe it's my age, maybe it's heredity - whatever, I too need to just eat healthy when I'm hungry. Eating HEALTHY when I'm hungry is a challenge for me though. :smile:

    I love reading everyone's posts. This is a great group!
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    Friday, May 23rd: 206.4
    Today: 202

    I started the 17 day diet on Tuesday of this week. Started counting calories on May 19th. Starting weight then was 207.4.

    Just found out I have to work a turnaround tomorrow. Hoping I can find time to eat during the day so I don't binge tomorrow evening.
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    One more congrats to everyone for a great week!!! Stay strong this weekend :)
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Congrats to eveyone on their losses this week! It seems like I have finally got myself rolling after struggling this winter and it feels so good.