Unable to edit run

FauxFoxx Posts: 53 Member
Hey all, I just started the program and I'm unable to edit my distance. I run on a treadmill and on the app it says I did .23 miles, when I did 1.35 miles. Anytime I try and edit it, it says unable to reach server or some junk. Can't find out anything on the site and hoping I'm not the only one dealing with this?


  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    What app are you using?
  • FauxFoxx
    FauxFoxx Posts: 53 Member
    http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml This one.

    Forgot there were two different apps, lol.
  • emmaxbon
    emmaxbon Posts: 123 Member
    Sorry I'm not familiar with those but I'm assuming one is a GPS app? It won't work on the treadmill which is probably why your distance is wrong
  • FauxFoxx
    FauxFoxx Posts: 53 Member
    GPS is disabled on it. I'm assuming it's just something on their end and hope it gets worked out soon because it's irritating having to write my info down when it should just work on the app. -_-
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If your GPS isn't working on your phone then it will not match which is what the issue is.
  • FauxFoxx
    FauxFoxx Posts: 53 Member
    I know the amount is going to be inaccurate because I place my phone on the actual treadmill when I run.

    My issue isn't with the GPS or anything, but with the app not letting me save edited run. Was hoping someone else was experiencing the same issue but I guess not. :(