Changes to Expect - Premenopausal

Christine_1085 Posts: 310 Member
Hello Ladies, I am turning 50 October, I still have my period on regular intervals but they seem to be a lot heavier the last 3 years. I would like to ask what signs and changes should I expect as I get closer to menopause. I am scared and wish it would not happen yet. Thanks for all your input.


  • 3lilkids
    3lilkids Posts: 90 Member
    Hello Ladies, I am turning 50 October, I still have my period on regular intervals but they seem to be a lot heavier the last 3 years. I would like to ask what signs and changes should I expect as I get closer to menopause. I am scared and wish it would not happen yet. Thanks for all your input.

    Well I'm no expert, but I can tell you what I've been going through. I'll be 51 in August. None of the females in my family went through menopause naturally, they all had hysterectomies. I went through the heavy cycles for a few years. Usually it was very heavy for a day or two, with pretty hard cramping, then spotting for days. I confused my body by deciding at the age of 48 to run a half marathon (I am not a real runner). In preparation for this, I ran 4-5 days a week, plus lifted somewhat heavy weights. I did get my half marathon in, but I also bled for about 3 months straight, most of it was pretty heavy with clots. I backed off the weights so I could get my half done, and then pretty much stopped running.

    I became somewhat normal after this, for a bit, then I started skipping cycles, or having more time between. I've done this for a year or so. I've gone 3 months without, then surprise!!! I'm now going on four months, and hope this is it. My moods are rough, I have hot flashes and night sweats, and I have put on weight/my body is changing. That is the hardest part for me, the body change. I guess I just have to accept that I am a woman, with a woman's body, not a girl. Still working on the weight thing, which is why I'm back on MFP logging in again.

    Hope this helps a little.
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Well, I'm 53 and a half now. My periods have still been regular up until the last year when i have actually missed a couple. Right now it's been 8 weeks since the start of the last one. For several years they have been different than they used to be . They have lasted longer than they used to, which has really been a pain. Some would last for an entire two weeks, which is twice as long as they always were. They also took a few days to really get going once they started. It used to be that the first couple of days were the heaviest; now it more like the 4th and 5th days. I haven't had any bad hot flashes, but I do get hot off and on at night.

    I won't miss the periods, or the cramps, or that lovely bloated feeling, but I do worry about the loss of estrogen. I worry about hair loss and weight gain.
  • suemichele
    suemichele Posts: 49 Member
    Hi...I am 56 and had a partial hysterectomy in my 30's. I have to say that is one thing I do not miss is having a period! I had fibroid tumors that is why the hysterectomy. I started with hot flashes a couple years ago and also the night sweats which I still have at times. I do not get the hot flashes as much during the day as I used to but if I get stressed at work one usually comes on. I do take Evening Primrose which seems to help. It is just an over the counter med. I have put on a few pounds but I try really hard to at least get 30 minutes a day of walking, bike riding or some kind of exercise in!