How Many Calories do you burn??



  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Right around 10 miles for me, regardless of pace.

    I'm 45 years old, 6'5, 220 with an chiseled physique, blond hair, blue eyes and I love puppies.

    Or I might be 5'4", 130. One or the other. :tongue:
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    I have the 220 and its fantastic. I would say, yes, yes, any reason is good if you can afford the 620. And someone convince my husband he can get me one for Christmas and then he can have my 220 and purple is not such a bad color on a man ;)

    Send me his email. I'll give it a shot :) haha
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Right around 10 miles for me, regardless of pace.

    I'm 45 years old, 6'5, 220 with an chiseled physique, blond hair, blue eyes and I love puppies.

    Or I might be 5'4", 130. One or the other. :tongue:

    Do you like quiet walks on the beach?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I use my Garmin 210 HRM.

    So is this a good excuse to buy that new 620 i've been eyeing ?!? (Please say yes!)

    I'm also eating way over my calories (you should see the things I don't always log... LOL) and not gaining.
    But like Victoria, my HR is always in the 150-160 even at my easy pace. Maybe this is it. Or maybe it's the Canada thing. haha

    Y'all's easy pace heartrates seem high. Mine is around 138-145, but maybe I go slower than you ladies.

    Or maybe our max heart rate is higher ;)
    But seriously, I think my HRM is out of wack. I need the 620 LOL

    My max HR is 190 I think, but I start to freak out when I hit 175.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    I am 6'2", 190 lbs. Male/42.

    10 miles today for 104 minutes according to my runtastic data burnt me 1456 calories.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Right around 10 miles for me, regardless of pace.

    I'm 45 years old, 6'5, 220 with an chiseled physique, blond hair, blue eyes and I love puppies.

    Or I might be 5'4", 130. One or the other. :tongue:

    Do you like quiet walks on the beach?

    Not alone.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Sorry, all. Too much math for me. It's Friday! I don't want to think that hard!
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    I use my Garmin 210 HRM.

    So is this a good excuse to buy that new 620 i've been eyeing ?!? (Please say yes!)

    I'm also eating way over my calories (you should see the things I don't always log... LOL) and not gaining.
    But like Victoria, my HR is always in the 150-160 even at my easy pace. Maybe this is it. Or maybe it's the Canada thing. haha

    Y'all's easy pace heartrates seem high. Mine is around 138-145, but maybe I go slower than you ladies.

    Or maybe our max heart rate is higher ;)
    But seriously, I think my HRM is out of wack. I need the 620 LOL

    My max HR is 190 I think, but I start to freak out when I hit 175.

    I've generally held the rule of thumb for races 18-26.2, keep the HR 160-165 for the first 1-1.5 hours then I can hold the rest of the race at 170-175.. Generally dipping into the 180s towards the end..
    :-/ hahaha

    If it's a 5k, 10k, or 1/2 I'd freak out if my HR was not over 170 then finishing in 190s. Meh I donno. Maybe there's something wrong with me :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I use my Garmin 210 HRM.

    So is this a good excuse to buy that new 620 i've been eyeing ?!? (Please say yes!) the 620! (I'm eyeballing a 910 but can't quite bring myself to getting my credit card out..........)

    now, back on topic.......Runner's World suggests the following formula :

    .63 x weight (in lbs) x distance (in miles)

    for the net calories expended directly as a result of the run (ie BMR is not being double counted) which is very close to what my Garmin 610 gives me.

    May HRMs report gross calories expended which (and there's a lot of variability in the accuracy of the algorithms used), effectively, overstates the burn and you'd be burning BMR lying in bed.
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    I use my Garmin 210 HRM.

    So is this a good excuse to buy that new 620 i've been eyeing ?!? (Please say yes!)

    I'm also eating way over my calories (you should see the things I don't always log... LOL) and not gaining.
    But like Victoria, my HR is always in the 150-160 even at my easy pace. Maybe this is it. Or maybe it's the Canada thing. haha

    Y'all's easy pace heartrates seem high. Mine is around 138-145, but maybe I go slower than you ladies.
    This. My easy pace HR is 135-145. That's what makes it an easy pace to me. Even at an 8:30 I'm still under 150. When I did my 5k my average HR was 175. This is all so interesting.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I use my Garmin 210 HRM.

    So is this a good excuse to buy that new 620 i've been eyeing ?!? (Please say yes!)

    I'm also eating way over my calories (you should see the things I don't always log... LOL) and not gaining.
    But like Victoria, my HR is always in the 150-160 even at my easy pace. Maybe this is it. Or maybe it's the Canada thing. haha

    Y'all's easy pace heartrates seem high. Mine is around 138-145, but maybe I go slower than you ladies.
    This. My easy pace HR is 135-145. That's what makes it an easy pace to me. Even at an 8:30 I'm still under 150. When I did my 5k my average HR was 175. This is all so interesting.

    Yah, I go by the Daniels' Training Tables

    My "easy aerobic" HR is 133-143, or 70-75% of my 190 max. Everything pretty much lines up except for the pesky marathon.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    8.06 miles and 3 calories burned according to the treadmill.

    I waited until the cool down to enter my weight in pounds, you think that may have something to do with the error in measurement?
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    8.06 miles and 3 calories burned according to the treadmill.

    I waited until the cool down to enter my weight in pounds, you think that may have something to do with the error in measurement?

    Hmm... I'm pretty sure even a midget would burn more than that
  • ZenInTexas
    ZenInTexas Posts: 781 Member
    8.06 miles and 3 calories burned according to the treadmill.

    I waited until the cool down to enter my weight in pounds, you think that may have something to do with the error in measurement?
    Have fun eating back those exercise calories today. :wink:
  • TheBrolympus
    TheBrolympus Posts: 586 Member
    I use my Garmin 210 HRM.

    So is this a good excuse to buy that new 620 i've been eyeing ?!? (Please say yes!)

    I'm also eating way over my calories (you should see the things I don't always log... LOL) and not gaining.
    But like Victoria, my HR is always in the 150-160 even at my easy pace. Maybe this is it. Or maybe it's the Canada thing. haha

    Y'all's easy pace heartrates seem high. Mine is around 138-145, but maybe I go slower than you ladies.
    This. My easy pace HR is 135-145. That's what makes it an easy pace to me. Even at an 8:30 I'm still under 150. When I did my 5k my average HR was 175. This is all so interesting.

    Jeez, some of y'all HRs are like hummingbirds. My max is right around 178. Most of my easy runs don't even get out of the 130s.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    I haven't been wearing my HRM lately, but back when I was wearing it, I know I didn't burn nearly as many calories as I always thought I did! One of the last runs I did while wearing it (which was last fall), was a 14 miler, and I only burned 816 calories! Over 14 miles?!

    So yeah, I don't get it either. Obviously, I understand why people who weigh more and/or less fit people would burn more, but other than that I don't get it.

    Oh and I'm 5'-7", 135 lbs.
  • davemunger
    davemunger Posts: 1,139 Member
    I don't know. I don't use an HRM. I know that whatever MFP estimates for me based on minutes of running is way high. I cut that down by about a third as a guesstimate -- seems to work out okay. As it turns out it takes 81 minutes for my guesstimate to work out to 1,000 calories, which is about 10 miles for me, at 6'2" and 185 pounds.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    I run pretty cords free so I have NO idea. And I do mean, completely cords free.

    Anyways, my Momma runs with a HR ( chest strap, until it annoyed her and she stopped) It's rate was just about exactly as that Runner's World running calorie tracker. It was eerier how close they were.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I am totally missing something on this unicorn track thing. >.> <.<
    I wear a heart rate monitor, it includes a wrist watch and a chest strap. I walk laps on the track behind my house. Each lap burns 200 calories...I also use 2lb dumbells also while listening to the workout radio on pandora. 8 laps are 1000 calories. remember your heartrate is what tells how many calories your burning. MFP is not accurate at all.

    also, ive used various brands of hrm and they've all calculated similar calculations. each person is different.

    One lap is 200 calories, but 8 is only 1000... and then she later replies saying that the track isn't really a track but a lap around her neighborhood, at an undetermined time/distance

    This was pretty much my reaction to that woman:

  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I, like many here, do not measure precisely. But, according to MFP:
    Male, 5'8', 176 lb.s
    Eight miles = ~1,000 calories exactly
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    For me, male, 50, 6'1" and approx 175lbs ....

    I reckon running 7.5 miles (which takes me about 70 mins) burns 1,000 cals. My Heart rate on a run of this sort is typically 153-158 for most of the time.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I'm 5'5 and about a buck 20 in weight. It takes 11 miles at a 7:30 avg pace to burn about 1000 cals. Do it daily actually and it sucks.
  • suetorrence
    suetorrence Posts: 163 Member
    I am 66, female, 5'4", 158 pounds and still have some to lose. Just began running last December and finished my first half marathon last Sunday. I burned 1538 calories doing the half marathon but then I am still pretty heavy in comparison to most women runners. I am also a slow runner so that contributes to the number of calories I burn. I have noticed a decrease in the calories burned as my weight decreases.
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I'm 36, 5'2, 125 lbs. Takes me two hours to burn 1000, 12 miles. I run on either side of the 10 min pace a good deal of the time.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    I'm 44 y/o, 5'4, 49 kg (108lbs)

    Around 2 hrs to burn 1000 cals, around 6 min/km; around 20km (12.5 km).
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Over the last 14 months since I started running I can see a distinct reduction in the calorie expenditure. It now takes me around 9 miles, so about 90 minutes on the flat, expenditure is a good bit higher when I'm on the trails, presumably down to elevation as well as distance.

    I'm 44, 6'1", 170lbs.

    Extrapolating from my earlier records it looks as if it would have taken me just over an hour when I started running, although clearly in those sessions I wasn't running for that length of time.

    Given the discussion of HR upthread, my easy pace runs I'm around 145-150bpm, tempo sessions I'm around 170-180.
  • NorthCountryDreamer
    NorthCountryDreamer Posts: 115 Member
    Ms. Victoria, It is because you are a beast of a runner. You run high miles and you run fast.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    I'm 23, 5'3" and around 145 lbs. I burn 1000 calories on 9-10 mile runs (around 100-110 calories per mile). I usually pace right around 9:30 minute miles for long runs, throw in a few hills for good measure. When I was about 20 lbs lighter, I was burning 90-100 calories per mile, so it would have taken 10-11 miles to burn 1000.
  • julie_emma1
    julie_emma1 Posts: 146
    I'm 5'4" and 124 lbs, and it takes me about 1 hour 45 minutes of running at 10min/mile pace (about 10-11 miles) to burn 1000 calories. So a typical Saturday long run. Most days its closer to 400 calories, as I'm normally running more like 40-45 minutes per day during the week.
  • julie_emma1
    julie_emma1 Posts: 146
    I am totally missing something on this unicorn track thing. >.> <.<
    I wear a heart rate monitor, it includes a wrist watch and a chest strap. I walk laps on the track behind my house. Each lap burns 200 calories...I also use 2lb dumbells also while listening to the workout radio on pandora. 8 laps are 1000 calories. remember your heartrate is what tells how many calories your burning. MFP is not accurate at all.

    also, ive used various brands of hrm and they've all calculated similar calculations. each person is different.

    One lap is 200 calories, but 8 is only 1000... and then she later replies saying that the track isn't really a track but a lap around her neighborhood, at an undetermined time/distance

    This was pretty much my reaction to that woman:

