JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
Hi everyone!
So I met with my surgeon yesterday, he is wonderful, genuinely nice guy and one of the best bed side manners if not the best I have ever encountered. He spent a good hour with me, pretty much reitereating the information I have learned in my classes. He has left it up to me to decide which procedure I want to have, he is fine with me doing either one. He said "sometimes you just need to go with your gut feeling" this was after I told him that I have really leaned toward RNY since becoming educated on the procedures and the differences between the two, but that once again other peoples opinion (UNeducated opinions) have made me waiver in pulling the trigger and saying YES I want and am going to have RNY. His point of view is you must match the RIGHT procedure to the patient in order for it to be truly successful. I agree and I think based on all the information I have recieved RNY would best suit me.

I will still give it some more thought, I am going to attend a few support groups to hear from people directly of their experiences, and some of YOU can excpect an email from me as well! :wink:

So July 7th, 2014 is my tentative date pending a TD Echo and EKG. I must attend a 3 hour Pre-Op class given by the surgeon and his team on June 19th.

I am planning for 3 weeks off of work, but have more time available to me if needed.

THIS IS REALLY HAPPENING!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
SO QUESTION How did YOU make the decision (if it was up to you as well) for which procedure you wanted????
My choices btw are RNY or SLeeve.

Thank you all so much for being such a great place of support and information and going through this with me! :heart:


  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    Woot Woot!! So excited for you!! I decided on RNY because of the amount of weight I needed to lose and the fact that I wouldn't be able to do sugar EVER. As you can see from my ticker I'm pretty sure I made the right decision...lol I know there are people that can do sugar even with RNY but I have just set my mind that if I touch sugar it will make me dump and I've never looked back. And quite frankly I couldn't care less I don't crave sweets and if I do I eat a grape haha The mal absorption doesn't bother me, I take my supplements and I'm good to go. I've always had good labs during the entire process only thing that has changed is instead of B12 once a week I now take it daily. I did lose hair during the first 6 months which may be normal with them all but that stopped and it grows back!

    Best of luck to you for a flawless procedure and speedy recovery!
  • adiggs2777
    adiggs2777 Posts: 111 Member
    I knew I wanted to have the sleeve because I wanted to have normal digestion rather than an altered digestive path. I feel like I already have enough issues with digestion that I didn't need to muck it up anymore. LOL.
  • pattycakes726
    pattycakes726 Posts: 348 Member
    I chose the sleeve because I wanted the least complicated procedure. Also, I take NSAIDs for a chronic TMJ issue and needed to be able to continue to take them. I'm happy with my choice. My good friend has RNY about a year before I had the sleeve. She's also done very well :)

    My surgeon had the same attitude as yours - patients should choose the procedure that suits them best. He encourages people with diabetes to have RNY, but otherwise leaves it to the patient to decide. Good luck!
  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    i went for RNY because of my love of all things sweet

    surgeon wasnt happy because he prefers sleeves but i only met him for 2v minutes the morning of my surgery and his registrar who i had seen several times agreed that RNY was the best option for me
  • jackierhof
    jackierhof Posts: 17
    I chose the VSG. I was scared of the rerouting and dumping syndrome. Congrats on your decision. My surgery is July 10th and I am so nervous. Regardless of what you pick we are making the first step towards a healthy life!
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    I chose RNY. I know three people who had the sleeve and later had to convert to RNY because of reflux. None had reflux before their sleeves.

    I was only going to do surgery once.
  • memtester
    memtester Posts: 10 Member
    It sounds like you're at a similar stage as me - having to decide which operation to have. I've just posted about Mini Gastric Bypass which my surgeon proposed last week. Have you considered that? I hadn't even heard of it but am coming around to the idea having previously decided that VSG was the way to go.

    The plus points that my surgeon gave me:
    * less risky operation for me - I'm a male with BMI of almost 60. Apparently it can be difficult on "larger males" to get around the entire larger curvature of the stomach. This can be serious when going near the spline.
    * better weight loss - I have about 110kg excess weight. Past results show bypass is more suited when there is a lot of excess weight to lose
    * exit strategy - the sleeve is irreversible. Should the need ever arise, the MGB can be reversed/revised.

    Hope that helps
  • meyou4042
    meyou4042 Posts: 40
    I am very happy for you to have a definite date!! I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that the next few weeks fly by for you!
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    Thank you all so much for your input. I am going to take a month to gather input from people, read MORE, lol and then make my decision.
    I will keep you posted :smile:
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    Woot Woot!! So excited for you!! I decided on RNY because of the amount of weight I needed to lose and the fact that I wouldn't be able to do sugar EVER. As you can see from my ticker I'm pretty sure I made the right decision...lol I know there are people that can do sugar even with RNY but I have just set my mind that if I touch sugar it will make me dump and I've never looked back. And quite frankly I couldn't care less I don't crave sweets and if I do I eat a grape haha The mal absorption doesn't bother me, I take my supplements and I'm good to go. I've always had good labs during the entire process only thing that has changed is instead of B12 once a week I now take it daily. I did lose hair during the first 6 months which may be normal with them all but that stopped and it grows back!

    Best of luck to you for a flawless procedure and speedy recovery!

    Same here! First, Congratulations, Jena! How exciting! I decided on RNY for the same reason as Sadiegirl. My surgeon specializes in both the LapBand and RNY. The latter just seemed logical considering that I had 100+ pounds to lose. Only you can make the final decision. Talk it over with a doctor whose opinion you trust. We're here to support you, whatever you decide! :smile:

  • LolaBug85
    LolaBug85 Posts: 201 Member
    I am so excited for you!!! YAY!!!

    I chose RNY because of the amount of weight I needed to lose and it's faster as well. I've never once regretted going down the RNY road. I follow the rules and things have gone well! Haven't had a problem yet (knock on wood!) and I'm 13 months out. Another thing that REALLY got my attention was I had severe acid reflux (to the point of damaging my esophagus) and my surgeon told me it would instantly be gone (which it is!). I was completely ok with things being rerouted and taking my vitamins. Best decision I've made!