June Calorie Burn--Name Your Goal Here



  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Jodi, that's wonderful that you have a FB workout group! That'll keep you accountable, right? That's so great that you've been working out most of your life. I just started, at the ripe old age of 48!

    Obviously....the working out and the eating have not been correctly .... otherwise I would not be in the shape I am in. AWESOME about the yoga. I am very jealous. I have tried and I can not get around my belly right now...so I am sticking with my stuff and adding on gradually.

    I am done with my work outs for the day, I did mine this morning before work. I love getting up early enough to do them. I used to get up at 5AM and be at the gym...not sure what happened...but I hope to make a habit of 6AM for now, working out at the house, and then I will try to add earlier times in a month or so.
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    Thanks for having me in this group. :) Well, I'm not sure what I'm putting as an exercise goal. I am experimenting at the moment. I was walking 2 miles a day, 5 days a week. On 3 of those nights I went to an hour long Zumba class and on another night I bowled in a league. Let's just say that that routine was short-lived. My body rebelled and I am now trying to eat more and exercise less. I have cut back on the walking... I meant to do 2 days a week (on the days I don't have Zumba), but it keeps getting thunderstormed out. So, I haven't been doing much walking. I skipped Zumba for a week completely, then did 1 class for a week, then 2, but now I am back to wanting to do 3 a week. I just really enjoy it and miss it too much. So, I guess my goal is to eat more, bowl once a week, Zumba twice a week (maybe 3) and throw a walk in here or there (maybe). As for caloric burn, I have a feeling that the Zumba calories are way too high, so I only eat back around 1/2 to 3/4 of them. I just bought a HRM, but I haven't figured out how to use it yet. That is a chore for the weekend.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Wooo another bike rider in the bunch. Do you ride on trails or on the street or a mix?

    I mostly ride on the street or on our lake front bike path, although by this time of year--at least when it's not raining--its somewhat too congested on the weekends or even weekday evenings (weekends are okay if you can ride really early, and like Jodi I'm a fan of morning exercise--just need to get going!). I rode up on Sunday to the start of a nice trail in the suburbs (Green Bay Trail, for anyone who knows it--you can actually take it to another trail and then all the way to Wisconsin) and I'm hoping to have enough time to do part of that trail or another one soon (although not to WI yet, of course). How about you, trails or street or both? (And agree with Sue about the cute dog!)

    You mentioned that before about Chicago, Sue, and I meant to follow up. Lucky you, with the pool! Where, if you don't mind saying? I lived in Florida when I was little (birth to 5) and as a result I learned to swim about when I learned to walk and have always loved it, although there have been years when I hardly ever went at all. The club to which my pool is attached is a little wacky, but I have maintained my membership because it's one of the more convenient pools for me, although it's not open on Sundays except in the winter.

    Years ago, back when I was in shape and doing triathlons (okay, that sounds like more than it was), I joined a triathlon training group to train for the Chicago one (biggest one, supposedly, and the size is probably the most intimidating thing about it). For that we had to practice doing the open water swim in Lake Michigan, which is not the cleanest of all possible swimming venues, at least not the portion off the beaches in the city. Wading into it is one thing, but extended swimming, eh. That said, it was also really fun because of the waves (such as they are) and the challenge of trying to keep a straight line. Anyway, when I ride by on my bike I see all the tri people in there already and I'm impressed because I'm sure it's still cold. But I also think that if I can talk someone else into going with me I might go swim there again, when it gets warmer.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Oops, meant to say my sympathies on the early morning dental appointment, Sue. Hope it went okay.

    Congrats on getting your goals done, Jodi! I'm looking forward to finding out if the HRM is useful for you and for Diana too. It's definitely going to take me a bit of time to get used to, but I loved having some added confirmation, since I've never trusted the MFP calories at all (except for running, since I've read how that's calculated at it seemed generally right).
    My HR was at 155+ during my 5 minute jaunt on the elliptical...so I am sure I burned something.

    Sounds like it! I kept peeking at mine while riding and it was all over the place. Up to 158 on the more intense bits, but quite a bit lower at other times.

    I don't think you should worry about your goals being tiny--just exercising regularly is a huge thing, and it's amazing how quickly we can make progress. When I started the whole fitness thing in late January/February, I'd not been exercising at all other than daily walking for ages (and to be honest I'd gotten in the habit of driving lots of places I should have walked). And I used to be in pretty good shape, so I was SO frustrated with myself. In particular, I wanted to start running again, and I couldn't run for more than a couple of minutes, even slow, and couldn't do the elliptical even that long. Part of this was that I hate treadmill running--by the time it got warm enough to run outside I was in decent enough shape to run a couple miles, even though I still couldn't make myself do that on the treadmill, and still it's frustrating that I'm so slow compared to how I used to run (but I have to keep reminding myself about the extra weight that I'm running with--I'm sure I would have been just as slow back in the day in a vest that made me the weight I'm running with now). Similarly, when I started back on the stationary bike (again, too cold outside), I was doing the lowest settings, but just setting tiny goals (ride for X minutes, go up one level), I was able to improve steadily, although it didn't always feel like it. But that really wasn't that long ago, so I was making more progress than I realized.

    Even a bit later, when I first got active on MFP and joined a challenge that went from St. Patrick's Day 'til Easter (which is how I met Sue), being consistent with exercise was such a struggle and I'd never manage to do more than 3 days per week, so it's amazing to me that I'm now doing it so regularly. (Part of this is being able to go outside for more of it, since I enjoy that so much more.) One key for me also is making myself go in the morning--I love getting up early and always do, but it's been a challenge also getting myself to move early, though I'm super happy when I do. My morning bike ride this morning was so fun.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Go, Warrior Women! Well, I just took a short walk and did yoga, so it shouldn't be hard to keep my cardio budget this week. I think I'll do another true rest day on Sunday.

    Jodi, great job getting your workout done 1st thing! I did that today, but it was by accident;)

    Diana, you have been managing your calories & exercise so well! You really had dramatic results! Good luck figuring out your HRM. Which one did you get, so I can buy the same one and just bug you?

    Stephanie, I had no idea we had a triathlete in our midst! That's so impressive--I don't care if it was a while back. My Hawaiian cousins are all triathletes, so I know how much work goes into training for those, not to mention doing them. You'll have to let us know when you do it again! I grew up in a suburb of Chicago (which actually was part of Chicago, when I was born) called Oak Forest. It's right by Tinley Park, if that means anything to you.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Hi! My name is Veronica. I am getting started a litle late with the goal for June. I was out of work for 9 months and just started working again 7 weeks ago. During all of that time off I had PLENTY of time to work out any time that I wanted to. Since starting the job, that has gone down drastically. I haven't really gained much weight, but I know that I need to get back into the swing of things. I work in a high-rise so I try to walk the stairs on lunch. I'm going to go with a kind of wimpy calorie goal compared to everyone else's!! But I will try to shoot for 1,800 which is WAY more than I have been getting recently!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Welcome, Veronica! That's great to be able to walk the stairs. I wish they'd let us walk the stairs in my office building.

    Sue, sure, I know the area.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Good Morning, Warrior Women! I'm really excited to see if I can improve my performance on those advanced yoga poses, today. The Wii Fit Plus yoga trainer that I use makes them look so easy! My youngest son and I joke that she's an albino anorexic, because her skin is translucent and she looks like a size 0. Of course, she probably doesn't get much sun, stuck inside the tv, and she's always exercising when I see her...

    Welcome, Veronica! Getting any exercise in, while you're in a new job is amazing! I just started a new job about 8 weeks ago, but I still have plenty of time since it's part-time. Plus, I usually only have to go in to the office once or twice/week. So, I have the luxury of fitting my work in around my self-care activities. It took me years to get here, but I'm happy it's true now. Stairs are an awesome cardio workout. I live on the 3rd floor of a walk-up building and I know that helps me.

    Stephanie, they won't let you walk the stairs? So silly! Tell Chicago I said hi and no hard feelings, my mom sent me out to California in 1980 for boarding school and I just fell in love with Northern California. The natural beauty here is just breathtaking and you never have to dig your car out of a snow bank!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    The only internal stairs are fire stairs--can't get in and out without setting off an alarm, so...

    Yeah, Northern CA is gorgeous. I'm sure it's a great place to live.
  • belle_reve9
    belle_reve9 Posts: 1,099 Member
    Stephanie--I always come back to lunch all sweaty, but it's worth it when that's the only excercise I get all day!
    Sue--I LOVE yoga!! They do a free class where I live!
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    I am getting all of my excercising done every day....I was a bit disappointed when I wore my HRM on the elliptical last night. It only have me 62 calories and MFP was giving me 92. That's okay though. I changed the calories on my logging and I would rather be accurate. The dumb part was, I stopped it tracking the calorie burn after the elliptical and I did my weights and stuff...that would have been interesting to see what the burn was there. On the elliptical I was running 91% on the HRM....weights I was running around 80%. Yup...I am pretty gosh darn out of shape. HOWEVER....I can get better. I hate the elliptical, I almost just want to kick it before I get on...but I have vowed to do my 5 minutes a day through today. I will reset my goals after tonight and let's see what I can come up.

    The rest of you sound like you are doing great. Stairs...I go up and down the stairs at work...huffing and puffing...I do it a couple of times a day...it is only 1.5 flights up and then back down....Gosh...Yup...out of shape... :noway: But again....I am breathing better on them now than I used to, baby steps and small improvements.

    I hope you are all having a great Friday....Looks like rain here in Northern WI....yay...more mosquitoes!!! :sad:
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 650 Member
    Sue- I bought the Polar FT 60 in a cute purple color for myself and in black for my teenage son. Neither of us has used it yet and since I'm sick, it may have to wait a few more days. I'm super excited though. I don't trust the calorie burns for my Zumba and hope this will give me a little insight. I'm not exactly a "tech-savvy" person. These watches/HRMs have a ton of features. I'm not sure I'll ever figure them out. :)
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Happy Weekend, Warrior Women!

    I went to a gym today and took a tour and I'm going to join! It's a YMCA, so I'm going to bring in some paperwork tomorrow and try to get a discount. What's great is that either way, my son's free, until he turns 18! It was way cleaner and prettier than it looked from the outside, so I'm pretty stoked. They have 2 strength training areas, 2 cardio areas, 4 class studios, an indoor track, a basketball court, an Olympic sized pool, saunas and jacuzzis, free wellness coaches and personal trainers (for a fee). And, all of the classes I'd like to take are included in the membership! I was hoping for weights, Zumba & a pool and got so much more! They even have African Dance & Ballet!

    I've done really well with my "cardio diet". I've limited myself to burning 3500 calories/week and I'm only at 2708 tonight. So, even with my long walk tomorrow, I should fine. And, the reset is going well again, now that I can eat! I took myself out to lunch to celebrate having an appetite again and discovered that this awesome place called Sweet Bar Bakery (Do you know it, Culo?) has amazing salads!

    Diana, I'm sorry you're not feeling well & wish you luck figuring out your cool new gadget. I think that Rachael's is a Polar, although maybe not the same model. She's probably more tech savvy than us, so ask her if you get stuck. She's had it for a while. I love that it's purple, because the pink just doesn't appeal to me.

    Jodi, sorry to hear that the HRM burn was lower. Probably, there will be other exercises that will have higher burns. Oh, and sorry about the mosquitoes! I grew up in the Midwest and would get eaten alive by them every summer. Yuck. Maybe, that's part of why I live out here on the West Coast.

    Belle, that's great they have free yoga where you live! They have it at my new gym, too, but it would be weird to do it without my anorexic albino Wii friend. We've gotten close.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    All I did yesterday was a short swim--short because I'd intended to do at least 40 minutes and ran out of time and did only between 20 and 25. Planning to go again today. I love swimming, but it takes so much more time to do it per the amount of exercise you actually get that I feel like I need a longer session to justify the whole thing. This provides me with an excuse to put off going if my time is limited (which I've used often), so going at all on Friday was kind of a victory.

    I had decided in advance that because I have lots of extra exercise calories for the week and am trying to be better about eating them back as I exercise more that I could go over on Friday (trying to think of this as cumulative for the week), but that stupid red line is a bummer. Oh, well, I'm old enough to ignore it!

    Anyway, despite it being not that long or intense, I was completely beat afterwards. Went out for my huge and delicious Ethiopian dinner (swimming makes me hungry, so probably not the best choice before a portion-less shared meal that is impossible to log, heh) and then a play, and even though the play was good I was struggling to stay awake and felt generally kind of sore all over and basically fell into bed when I got home (I only had a few steps to make 10,000, but just couldn't). Much more rested this morning, and plus I counted up my exercise for the week so far and am just over my calorie goal of 3500 with one day to spare, so I've decided the tiredness was in part cumulative for the week.

    That's great about the gym, Sue. Like I said to Rachael, a good gym is the best! (I really need to start looking at my options a bit, but probably not for a while yet. Among other things, I'd like a pool open on Sundays and good class options.)

    HRM report, continued: Of my bikes for the week so far, 3 of the 4 I measured (including the really short one) were more calories on the HRM than MapMyRide (if memory serves MapMyRide is similar to or even higher than MFP). For the final one (Thursday evening), the HRM counted fewer calories. This makes total sense, because the first 3 had winds that all made the ride at least slightly more difficult, whereas the final one had a wind that was more helpful than not. Given that experience tells me that winds here are more likely to increase difficulty than the reverse (I realize this sounds kind of like saying I walk uphill to school and back), I think this factor is going to at least even out and probably continue to make actual calories a little higher than MapMyRide overall, so even though I'm going to continue comparing I'm just logging the MapMyRide calories for now. I'm really interested in hearing about others' experiences with using a HRM as we all get a chance to play with them more.

    Jodi, I also sympathize about the mosquitos. They aren't bad here yet, but I hate them, and have some familiarity with how much worse they get as you go north.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Okay, not swimming again today--tired and I think not overdoing it would be better. The only reason I was planning to is that it's not open tomorrow.

    Goal for next week (in addition to 3500 calories burned): 5 days on the bike (any distance is fine) and 3 days in the pool. This is going to be challenging given my work schedule next week, and my focus will be consistency instead of long workouts.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hey, Warrior Women!

    I had a good week and an even better weekend. I managed to keep my calorie burn down to 3544 and eat above my BMR every day, except for the day I had my tooth extracted. I lost a pound, but I've already regained it. My plan for the next week is to bump my calories up to maintenance every day and to keep my burn at 3500.

    Stephanie, I think it's good to just rest when you're tired. Overdoing it has only backfired for me.
  • Fiona2703
    Fiona2703 Posts: 6
    GO SUE. Sounds like you have it worked out :-)

    Ah well, that's week one of my June goal done. Made it by the skin of my teeth. Was aiming for 3500 and managed to get 3963 burned. I've noticed that the longer I've been going to the gym the lower my calories burn seems to get, even if I'm doing the same time. Disappointing. Monday of week two...we shall see what the week holds ahead...I know I'm not doing the gym on Tuesday, but may try and do a wee home workout. I've got my cousin's wedding reception on Friday night, so won't make it to the gym on Saturday but again will aim for a home workout. Got to be super good this week as I have my hospital weight management on Monday so don't want to disappoint myself.

    Hope you all have a super active week ;-)

    Fiona x
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    Happy end of the weekend Warrior Women. So much good stuff to comment on but I'm overwhelmed so I'll just carry on.

    How are people tracking to their goals? Mine was to bike ride an average of 10 miles per week or 40 miles for the month of June.

    Week 1, 9 miles
    Week 2, 15 so far
    Week 3: TBD
    Week 4: TBD

    Total: 24 miles out of 40
    And, the reset is going well again, now that I can eat! I took myself out to lunch to celebrate having an appetite again and discovered that this awesome place called Sweet Bar Bakery (Do you know it, Culo?) has amazing salads!
    Yeah buddy. They have good home made chai. And they are close to WeBeBop. It's one of those rare boutiques that cover most women's sizes from small to 5x. http://www.webebopinc.com/
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    Hello all….it sounds like everyone had a good weekend. I did as well…I guess….so so …. LOL. I did not do my work outs on Saturday, but I did Saturdays and Sundays on Sunday…along with my Karate class. Tonight I have karate again and my work out. My goal this week…Monday thru Friday is to do 8 minutes on the dreaded Elliptical (maybe 10) and 10 minutes on the stationary bike. I think, now that I am using my HRM, I am becoming addicted to finding out how many calories I can burn. So I am going to try really hard not to do more than 10 and 10….I find when I start out doing too much….I quit. I did good last week and I am hoping for good again this week. I think, after I have been logging for a few weeks and I get a sense of what I am doing…I will start making calorie burn goals but not yet.

    For those using HRM’s, do you log calories burned during weight training as well? Or just during cardio training? I have been logging my weight training, but it does not add to cardio burn at all…but it does help with showing me where I am….kind of.

    Hope you all have a great week…I am off to the dentist for a cleaning and check up…I know how to live!!!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I've noticed that the longer I've been going to the gym the lower my calories burn seems to get, even if I'm doing the same time. Disappointing.

    Yeah, this is the side effect of getting smaller and more efficient at the activity.

    Jodi, are you logging strength training in the cardio section and getting calories (even if smaller than what you get for cardio stuff)? Or just in the weight training section to keep track? I log mine in cardio as strength training and will count whatever it gives me toward goal, although I took the last week off from weights. The benefit of strength training is way beyond the calories burnt while doing it and they are hard to count accurately, but I'll take the few calories that get logged too!

    culo, I went back and forth on how to keep track of my goal and ended up deciding I would count calories from particular activities I'm focusing on now and log separately in MFP. (At the moment that's swimming and biking, although I'd like to add weights and running.) After playing around with my HRM I decided the estimates I'm currently getting are good enough for these purposes (mainly to make sure that I am working out a specific amount, as opposed to relying too much on the specifics of the calorie numbers, although I was pleased the HRM seemed to confirm my biking numbers). So what I did was create a spreadsheet of the activities I'm tracking and putting in the calories I get for what I log (plus minutes and distances, just for me). Then I'm adding up those.