Excessive Thirst & Urination

feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
TMI sorry. I am a little over 11 weeks pregnant. I understand it is normal to be thirsty and to urinate excessively during pregnancy, but to what degree and especially in the first tri??? I am drinking at least 8 cups of pure water a day NOT including other things I may drink-almond milk, ginger ale, etc. Some days more than that. Yet I am still so insanely thirsty but I do not feel like I can possibly drink anymore, I am over salivating from feeling so thirsty and my lips feel chapped. I wake up completely parched but I am also urinating 4+times a night so I'm afraid to drink more than a few sips while sleeping. When I drink throughout the day it is a VERY quick turn around to the toilet. Even when I do, the second I walk back to my desk I am ready to go again and it's not just trickles. It is getting miserable and embarrassing at work. I am dreading drinking anything because I am sick of getting up a million times but of course I know I need to. Is this normal? I know water is important to the fetus right now so I hope it's getting enough. Clearly my first btw ;) TYIA!


  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Yes, its totally normal and its good that you are drinking! I know having to pee a lot is frustrating, but just imagine all of the waste that your kidneys are filtering out and how much better everything will be able to circulate with enough water! Honestly, 8 cups a day might not even be enough since you're pregnant. I shoot for 12 (8 oz) glasses a day (but I drink out of a 16oz glass, so its more like 6 of those) and even then I'm still sometimes thirsty! One calculator type thing I've heard is to take your body weight and divide it in half. Thats how much water you need without being pregnant. Then add more water for being pregnant or active.

    Another thing I always remind myself of when pregnant is that the uterus pushes down on your bladder. If you aren't constantly filling and emptying your bladder, urine will end up staying in a pocket and can cause UTI's or bladder infections. So the more you are peeing, the safer you will be from that, too. As your uterus gets bigger, I find if I lean forward and lift my tummy, I can fully empty my bladder, unlike just sitting normally. :)

    Congratulations by the way!!!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Yeah, it's normal. I didn't drink enough though. I'm a teacher, and I can't just go to the loo at work. I did find drinking helped my nausea in the first trimester.
  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    Thank you! I knew some was normal but I had NO idea it would be THIS bad! I feel like I've been hiking in a hot desert for 10hrs I'm so thirsty! But that's a good point I didn't think about all the toxins getting flushed out. As annoying as it is, I guess I'll keep chugging!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    One calculator type thing I've heard is to take your body weight and divide it in half. Thats how much water you need without being pregnant. Then add more water for being pregnant or active.

    Take your body weight. Divide that in half. This number, in ounces, is your minimum! You need at least that many ounces of water a day.
    And, yes, add more if you are are active.
    And, yes, peeing constantly is normal. I get up between 8-10 times a night since baby dropped and is sitting right on my bladder.