Pre workout snack?

kristafb Posts: 770 Member
I'm starting at the gym tomorrow with a personal trainer and I'm wondering if I should eat before I go and if so what should I eat? Most mornings I have BPC and don't eat until around 2 or 3 but my appointment is at 11 and I want to make sure I have enough energy to get through the workout since its my first (plus first workout in a gym period)

Any suggestions?


  • SnowFlinga
    SnowFlinga Posts: 124 Member
    I just did a bunch of research on the timing of exercise and eating.

    If your primary goal is to lose fat then it is best to workout first thing each day BEFORE you have eaten. Working out while fasted burns the most fat. Clearly you won't have muscle glycogen stores to achieve peak performance, but if that's really a concern you should look into TKD or CKD rather than an SKD for keto.

    I started working out a little over 2 weeks ago after 20 years off. I used to be a big gym rat in college, but I don't have the time to do 2 hours in the gym these days. Instead I've gone with the Body by Science/Slow Burn route to maximize the efficiency of my workouts. My goal is fat loss over muscle gains so it's first thing in the morning for me.

    If your goal is peak performance and muscle growth then mid to late afternoon is the best time. I have links to the research if you're interested in more info.

    BTW - Try some MCT oil before your workout for quick energy on keto (rather than the typical carbo loading done by non-keto dieters).
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Watch this if you plan to stay in Keto and work out. Basics of what happens to your body when you exercise at different intensities in ketogenic state.

    Now to answer your question, just don't change your routine yet, because you have started working out. Do what is comfortable to your body, there is no right or wrong approach. If eating something before work out makes you feel better, do it. Your fat burning is not going to depend on if you work out in fasted state or if you ate something but mostly on the intensity of the workout. There is hardly any relevant research especially with ketogenic diets on this topic, even if there is , its usually few weeks of study. Define a long term goal, not necessarily shortcuts to get through workouts or feel better. Remember, you will most likely struggle initially but try to get better every day. This is a marathon not sprint. Personally, I work out in fasted state but I do work out in the evenings on the weeks when I am traveling. I didn't see any major difference on fat burning in fasted and non fasted state workouts.