JUNE exercise challenge

alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
Ever since I start my new job (well, not that new anymore) I struggle with daily exercise. I get up at 5 and to work by 7. When I get home, the last thing I want to do is exercise---and to make it worse, my husband just wants to hang out and watch TV.
I need to pick up my motivation, banish hubby to basement for his TV watching and do something.
My goal is to do SOMETHING extra on Monday Wednesday and Friday...and continue my water class on the other nights.

Have a good day! This is my JUNE goal. :-)



  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Good plan Alana! My plan for June is to start strong lifts 5x5 strength training programme. I've been doing Nerd Fitness exercises for the last few months and feel it's time for a change. I'm starting with dumbbells but I hope to be up to the barbell soon. Of course, that means investing in a barbell, bench, power cage etc. lol.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Oh my goodness, what a good goal! I will have to look up this Nerd Fitness. I have a good Y membership, but that weight room intimidates me!

  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    What is Nerd Fitness? My goal for June is to do 30 Day Shred at least 5 days/week, I'm going to try for 6 days a week and I'd really like to make it through the whole level 1 by the end of June. I'm probably able to do about 70% now.
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Nerd Fitness: A fitness website for nerds and average Joes. Helping you lose
    weight, get stronger, live better.
    Look like they have great tips for beginers and people like me. And videos...nice

    Im gonna scope this out more.
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I think I'll have to check that out...sounds cool.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,598 Member
    I'm back and I need to kick butt, because I gained 5 lbs.:noway: I just ate everything and anything. I had lobster steak, ice cream cake, everything it was none stop, but I did stay out of the buffets so it was just the dinning room area but still not as good.

    tomorrow I have my first 5k race so I'll be getting back into my work outs and working out hard. I enjoyed my time but now it's full beast mode haha I was so close to being out of 300lbs i am not 5 more lbs added away and my goal is to be out by the end of summer.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    @skittles: SOOOO GLAD you had a great time and allowed yourself the space to be free for a minute. That's important too you know! PLUS I'll bet you ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY that if you focus on eating clean and DRINKING A TON OF WATER for the next few days that 5 pounds will drop off so fast you won't believe it. There's no way you gained 5 lobs of FAT in that short period of time...especially since you were probably moving around more and burning all sorts of calories. I know when I'm on vacation unless I'm doing something super physical I tend to acutally drink LESS water than I normally would which causes water weight gain.

    Anyway, glad you are back safely and ready to activate BEAST MODE!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,598 Member
    Ok guys I did my 5k yesterday and loved it. I had a blast. today I think I'm going to do some weights. and I already have all my meals set out so I know what I'm eating. I need to get this albs off me I gained on the cruise and I want to be under 300
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,598 Member
    well I gained weight while on my cruise and I think it was mostly water weight because today is my weight in day and I lost 2.2lbs I was at 319. something lol before I left for the cruise and when I got home I was up 5 lbs:noway: but now I am 317 yay
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    WHOO-HOO skittles---Awesome indeed!

    I completed my June goal for one week, AND now I get to start on week 2.
    My goal is to exercise on Monday, Wedneday and Friday while I am home----the other week days I go to the Y.

    This week I am doing Youtube videos. Just trying to get back into the swing.

    How did YOU all do on Week one?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Ok LADIES!! After three weeks, I am FINALLY gonna make it back to the Y today. I got really discouraged because I have actually gained weight and am now the heaviest I have ever been! That actually only lasted a week....for some reason, the last two weeks I have been sleeping a LOT. I kept missing my gym time, and I have a limited amount of days and even time during those days that I can go. I have no idea why I was so tired but hopefully it is not anemia again....I see the DR Thursday so we will go over my latest labs....

    Star!! There you are!! I thought you were gone!!

    Skittles - glad you had fun on your cruise...I agree that it is good that you let lose and enjoyed it

    Now, I am gonna drink a five hour energy drink and get my butt to the Y
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    I'm heree!!!! Trying to get my head back into the game!! Things haven't been outta control been the same weight for over a month now...hovering around 315.

    Still fitting into the size 20 jeans although sometimes it seems as though they are a little tighter than other times. I dunno. In real life though I imagine that I am prolly between a 22 and 24. I would LOVE to be in a TRUE (non stretchy) size 20.

    Soooo...I'm also not going to reach my original goal of under 300 for my bday seeing as how it's FRIDAY. LOL. And july is a CRAZY month...going to Hawaii...have my BFF coming out from Jersey to stay with me for a few days. Agghhh.

    I need something to kick my butt back into gear!! Can't believe I only have 15 POUNDS to go to be under 300 and I haven't done it yet...with my history that's about 5 weeks of eating right and exercising! FIVE LOUSY WEEKS! The THIRD WEEK OF JULY...NEXT month!!!! OMG...what is WRONG with me! LOL

    Aye aye aye.

    Ok, BACK ON TRACK the monday after my bday. June 16th.

    NO SLEEP TIL 299!!

    *No Juan on Sundays...I have to cook my food for the week and get back into my regular routine.

    *Wed/Fri/Sun workout for at least 30 minutes (to start)


    @SKITTLES: I knew it was water weight!! Congrats

    @Unknown: How did your workout at the Y go??
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Star!! Glad to see you!! How are things with 'the boy'?

    My Y work out was pretty good...back to walking at 1.8...but at least I went and did it...the weights felt heavy! I gotta stop not going for weeks at a time! I did make myself get on the cross trainer for five minutes again...and as usual I spent the entire time convincing myself I could make it the five minutes.....

    I did take half a five hour energy shot....it is actually not that much caffeine....and I do not drink coffee or anything like that...I have the odd cup of tea, but not every day and usually only finish half of it. I did not notice that much of a difference....but I was also really tired and perhaps normally would not have gone at all....I am gonna try it again tomorrow....I might try a whole shot next week. I know I asked before but I do not recall anyone answering....but does anyone else use those or have tried it?

    Alana - interesting photo, what is on your head?

    Zombie, Sadie - either of you around??

    Skittles - glad that you are losing that fast again, you have to be able to let lose once in a while without it messing things up!!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,598 Member
    today I am just having such a lazy day. I did my abs challenge and I need to clean this house. its bad lol. and I just want out of 300. god it just seems to take forever. I know I'm ranting sorry

    Unknown wtg getting back into it. its a *****, thats for sure I am sore all over again because I didn't do much when I was on the cruise.

  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    Alana - interesting photo, what is on your head?

    Well, that is my statue of liberty crown--hahaha!
  • alanabanana01
    alanabanana01 Posts: 297 Member
    SO---goal progress update:
    I have done cardio at home (my main goal) every other day.
    PLUS --and I am excited by this---I got my husband to do upper body strength training with me M/W/F. yay!

    I belong to the Y, and signed up to swim 200 laps by Labor Day ---that's about 5 and a half miles.
    I already have 85 laps done.

    I want this summer to successfully get me under 300 lbs.

    How are you all doing?
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Well, I never made it to the Y today cuz I slept late again and had a DRs appt. That seems to be a common theme lately...although I think I got some answer why today.....my iron and red blood cells counts are low again...no wonder I feel like I want to sleep all the time! Hopefully the meds get me back in check soon!!

    Seriously. I have always been a morning person, and the last three weeks I have been wanting to sleep til noon everyday!!
  • shannonin
    shannonin Posts: 130 Member
    I did my first day of a pre couch to 5k program yesterday, I'm really going to ease into it because last time I got injured when I tried to do too much too fast. So I did 15 sec jogging and 2:15 walking, next week will be 30 sec 2 min, etc. I'm going to do that on T, TH and Sat starting next week, and 30 day shred M, W, F. This week I'm still going to stay on my current plan and do 30 day shred tomorrow, and Sat will be C25k. I got the app RunKeeper and it's really cool (and free!) you can put in any interval plan you want and it will tell you when to switch.
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,598 Member
    sorry I haven't been a around much, I was just in a funk of some kind last week. but this is a new week. I am starting all over. I'm eating clean and working out. today I have to miss body pump and zumba, I'm not so happy about that but I have to do stuff. so if it doesn't rain i'm going to do laps in the pools, plus walk.
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Hey Ladies! Whoo! It sounds like we are struggling right now! I know I AM!!! good/bad news???? I dumped the hot guy!!! AGGGGHHHH!!!!!! Man he SPOILED me and I LOVED being with him but there were some "issues" that even though they weren't a problem now as we were still getting to know each other, they would have been a problem down the line when my heart was fully invested...and I was getting there FAST!!! sooooooooo...I cut my losses and I'm keeping it moving!!! THE SILVER LINING is that now I can fully focus back on my health and exercising and getting where I want to be!! YAAAYYYY!!! Guess I still haven't learned how to do both! I SUPER need to work on that!!!

    OK, so there was a big party at my house over the weekend for my birthday...there's some leftover food. Well, actually, there's only some rum cake that I have to get rid of...but other than that there's only meat and tamale pie. My uncle cooked it with lean meat so that's actually ok if I don't eat the cornbread crust.


    Portion out my lunches/dinners
    Exercise Wed/friday/sunday
    shop and cook meals on Sunday

    How can we motivate each other??????? We need to inject some energy back into the group!

    I also noticed that there are a few of us that are nearing the 300lb mark...should we do a challenge related to that???

    SKITTLES?? thoughts?