Why I love the Dukan Diet

kea8888 Posts: 11 Member
I woke up today so happy. I made my PP breakfast and my toddler sat down and started eating it. I laughed and realized I didn't even get irritated. On other diets, I would have painfully weighed and measured everything and then guarded it from my little monsters. Today, I just laughed and let him eat. No portions to weigh or measure and I'm not starving either. I don't go to bed hungry and I don't wake up hungry. It's amazing!!! I barely have to even think about food and I can just get on with the day:)

Why do you love this diet?


  • KHattley
    KHattley Posts: 59 Member
    I love the Dukan diet because it actually works!! I did it four years ago and lost 1st 10lbs. I've kept it off too and it's changed my way of thinking about food. I eat very differently now. Recently though I have got back into some bad habits.....mainly too much chocolate.....so I decided to have another go! I don't have as much to lose but I need to regain the good habits and just lose a few pounds. After just two days of attack I've already lost 1.4lbs. LOVE it!!! :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Agreed! It is so easy to follow - I started it on December 31, 2011 and went thru all 4 phases and STILL have my PP day and basically eat on cruise most days, especially when traveling. A mini Attack Phase of two days breaks any ugly trend in eating or gaining weight! Proud to say have stayed in my maintenance weight range and plan to the rest of my life. I hope some day to go to one of the "Dukan Resorts"
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    This is very encouraging!
  • gracenorthcutt
    gracenorthcutt Posts: 43 Member
    I agree this is very encouraging.
    I'm only three weeks in but it seems very easy to follow. I only buy what I should eat and that takes care of temptations.
  • mimi_coco
    mimi_coco Posts: 1 Member
    I am on day 4 of attack phase and today I weighed myself and I'm down 5 pounds!!!