Fat Talk Must Stop

dispatcher939 Posts: 75 Member
Fat talk: that voice in your head that is telling you, you are fat, your thighs are too big, your arms jiggle enough that you might fly away. That voice is your worst enemy and that voice is you!
We are own worst critics and we tell ourselves everyday how awful we are and put ourselves in this tailspin of guilt which make us eat or turn to whatever vice it is we turn to. I do this everyday, I fight with the fat talk and try to overcome it. Sometimes it is hard other times it is easy.
I learned at a young age thanks to a very cynical mother that I was never going to be good enough in her eyes especially physically. She would tell me clothes made me look fat, ask me if I really wanted to eat that food, tell me I was gaining weight, that my boobs were too big, that I should work out more. Even when I was at my smallest 95lbs she still made me feel fat, ugly and worthless. This was while I was in middle and high school. I suffered from eating disorders due to this constant fat talk from my mother. It took me moving out of her house and living with my Dad who made it ok for me to eat a second slice of pizza that made me feel better about myself to get over some of the damage from my mother.
Once out on my own and getting in to the dating scene I started the fat talk again this time it was all me saying the things I heard so much as a child. I made myself sick! Yes SICK to the point of actual health problems, I gained so much weight that it started to take a toll on my health.
About a year ago I found an amazing group of people who lifted me up when I was at my lowest and helped me see what I was doing to myself. I started losing weight and the fat talk started happening less and less. I still have my days when that voice is screaming at me but now I am better equipped to handle it. I know that voice is just trying to hurt me and that I no longer want to hurt myself.
Fat talk not only hurts you but the ones around you as well, I never knew how much my fat talk hurt my son until he started talking about weight and critique his own body. My bright loving 11 year old boy was worried about a love handle! This was such a wake up call for me. Even though I was not saying what was in my head out loud my actions spilled over and effected my son. Now he sees my talking control of my health, not focusing on the weight but my over all health and he has stopped worrying about those love handles, he is following my lead to become health mind, body and spirit.
I am working so hard to stop the fat talk for myself and for him so that he will never know the pain of that little voice.
