ED Recovery- no counting?

Hello everyone! So I have been struggling with binge eating and bulimia for almost 3 years now. I am officially getting help in recovery but a huge set back for me is my counting to binge, usually like twice a week. I know that this is something that all you struggle with as well, which is why I am here :) I have read countless articles on overcoming binge eating and they all say that counting calories does more harm than good when ending binge eating and that you should focus on intuitive eating (eating based on hunger feelings, not numbers.) I just was wondering if all you thought that not counting calories would be helpful? Would love feedback!


  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Sounds like a great question. I know I am obsessive about counting the calories. I'm not sure.
  • well personally i am going through binge eating and bulimia as well and i have found it more helpful to count calories especially after a binge because it kind of pulls me into perspective of how much i ate and doesn't make me want to binge again. but i think its everybodys personal choice to count calories or not