Men: How to build muscle after age 50?

Papa_Grande Posts: 63 Member
I'm 54, male, and just started lifting again after about 25 years off.

My traps, arms and delts all feel like playdough....

Question: Will building (then maintaining) muscle in my fifties and sixties require any certain nutritional or hormonal supplements?

I've read a few different takes on it. I've heard testosterone supplements, I've heard creatiine, etc, etc...

Could use some good, science-based advice.



  • Papa_Grande
    Papa_Grande Posts: 63 Member
    Wow. Great group! :indifferent:
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Bit quiet around here. :)

    My advice is to stay away from testosterone supplements. Many of them are pricey, and you have no idea what you're taking. Fluctuations in the normal range aren't going to impact your gains significantly. So if a test supplement actually works and boosts your levels 10%, you are still taking an unknown substance and buying an overpriced supplement for no benefit to your gains.
    If you suspect low testosterone, get your levels checked. Get real medical advice and treatment.

    Creatine has a minor benefit for most, and no benefit for some. It won't be a major factor.

    Focus on training and diet, and be consistent. You'll get great results that way.
  • Papa_Grande
    Papa_Grande Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks man!
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Get into a good, consistent lifting program. Make sure you hit the big three lifts. Bench, deads and squats. Make sure to get in the 8-10 rep range.

    Allow proper recovery (age) and make sure you are eating at a surplus to encourage muscle growth. I'm 46 and not taking any supplments except for whey protein
  • retrobyte
    retrobyte Posts: 169 Member
    I'm 52 and the only supps I take are creatine and magnesium. I make sure I eat plenty of protein, and I make sure I mix up my lifting sessions regularly so I don't get in a rut. The same rules apply no matter how old you are - focus on compound lifts with good technique, no foo-foo exercises, keep the intensity high, don't overtrain, get enough sleep, listen to your body.

    Good luck!
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    I'm 50 next year so not far behind, as you get older there is evidence that you require more protein

    As retrobyte says, the rules stay the same it's just that parameters change e.g. recovery can take longer than when you were 18 yrs old!!
  • Papa_Grande
    Papa_Grande Posts: 63 Member
    Really appreciate the responses, guys...Thank you.
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    Get into a good, consistent lifting program. Make sure you hit the big three lifts. Bench, deads and squats. Make sure to get in the 8-10 rep range.

    Allow proper recovery (age) and make sure you are eating at a surplus to encourage muscle growth. I'm 46 and not taking any supplments except for whey protein

    This is pretty much it right here. I've always liked, and done well on a 3-4 day split: legs, push, pull and maybe shoulders separated out from the push day. I stay away from the bb'ing supps. too. Just multivitamins, extra B complex, whey protein.
  • Papa_Grande
    Papa_Grande Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you for repsonding....Extra B, eh? Any particular amount?
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Building muscle at any age is the same, really. Eat at a surplus, include protein, if you don't have a very balanced nutrient dense diet, take a multivitamin and supplement with some protein powder and aminos (can help with soreness from a new routine). Lower testosterone levels may slow your results from what you'd have expected when you were younger, but it's not a barrier to your success. After all, women lift and build muscle successfully all the time. ;)
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    Thank you for repsonding....Extra B, eh? Any particular amount?

    No, whatever the bottle is formulated at. Usually they'll say something like Super B Complex and have a recommended amount, like 1-2 tablets or capsules per day.
  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    Although when you get older, you can go balls out (or vaginas out) every day. And if you get hurt, it takes forever to recover.

    And you can't eat whatever you want at too big of a surplus because you'll pack the fat on like no tomorrow.
  • nyqueensguy
    nyqueensguy Posts: 100 Member
    No doubt consistency is where its at. You can get any of a number of good routines on the net, but following them is key. No supplement in the world can substitute for lifting. You have to put in the work, time, and be consistent. After that, diet and supplements. "There's a world of difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it."- Bill Phillips.
  • Papa_Grande
    Papa_Grande Posts: 63 Member
    Building muscle at any age is the same, really. Eat at a surplus, include protein, if you don't have a very balanced nutrient dense diet, take a multivitamin and supplement with some protein powder and aminos (can help with soreness from a new routine). Lower testosterone levels may slow your results from what you'd have expected when you were younger, but it's not a barrier to your success. After all, women lift and build muscle successfully all the time. ;)

  • stockdogDavidDog
    See Wayne Westcott's Building Strength and Stamina. You don't need his newer books just Strength and Stamina which used on Amazon is about dirt cheap and check in you-tube lectures which includes some times nutrition for old fools like me.
  • stockdogDavidDog
    Look at Kleiner's Power Eating. Th latest edition on Kindle is inexpensive.
  • Papa_Grande
    Papa_Grande Posts: 63 Member
    Thank you
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    The main difference is increased recovery time. Listen to your body and ensure you get enough rest between training.

    You could get blood test done to check your testosterone levels if you think that could be an issue. No harm really.
  • BenVoiles
    BenVoiles Posts: 17
    I really believe that inclines are better than bench presses for bodybuilding. I think the bench press is the most over used exercise ever invented. I would recommend doing at least as many incline presses as flat benches. Most men( including me) I know have over developed lower pecs and underdeveloped upper pecs. Also, as you get older the risk of developing rotator cuff probems increases.