Revising my goal...

wimom35 Posts: 20 Member
When we started the challenge, I set my short-term goal at 12-15 lbs. loss in 90 days. I've reached 15 lbs. off this morning!

I bought myself a schmancy digital scale and just tried it out. I LOVE it!!! My old dial scale put me at 201 lbs. this morning; my new digital scale reads 199.7, baby!!! Whoot! Can't believe I'm finally under (albeit barely) 200! So excited!

So, CoolDad has inspired me to revise my goals. I'm going to challenge myself to lose a total of 30 lbs. by the end of our 90 days. I had planned to lose 70 lbs. long term - I'll be really thrilled if I can get closer to 80. Summer is the time for me to get as much weight off as I can (in a healthy, sustainable way). When winter sets in, it'll be a challenge for me to maintain my weight, much less lose any. So that's my new plan!

Have I mentioned that I love my new digital scale? ;)
