Thanks to all that called in!

dcrear28 Posts: 12 Member
I want to thank everyone who took time out of their busy schedule to dial in to the informational call. I hope you all are as excited about this as I am now that this is in full swing. Just a few follow-ups I need to make sure get done. I've listed them below.

- Could all of those who dialed in tonight please email me stating they did so I can get an accurate headcount

- I need all those who plan on participating (including those who weren't able to make the call) to send back the completed document titled "Fitness_Assessment_Form_v1.0.docx" within the next week. This is the only indirect thing I'm asking from those participating. It is crucial for me to have to see how far everyone has come in the 6-weeks.

- Here is the direct link to our myfitnesspal group. I am challenging each one of you to add at least 5 friends from the group that you don't know to foster community within the program. As I feel like I'm the only person in America without a twitter account this shouldn't be outside of most of your comfort zones. Please don't stop at just befriending them, but make sure you encourage them along the way as you never know when you might need a pick me up.

- I am challenging everyone to find at least one friend or family member who is local to tag team this program with. You can't ever underestimate the strength in numbers (and peer pressure for that matter...)

- The key to making myfitnesspal work for you is being honest with it. If you put in inaccurate information you will not get out the intended results. It requires you to be consistent and honest in your entries. From a nutritional standpoint, if it goes in your mouth it gets logged in the app.

- If there is an area of the program which you are struggling with please please reach out to me regarding it rather than just ignoring that aspect of it. I understand we are all in different places regarding our health and I don't want to lose anyone because they don't believe they are ready for what I've outlined. We can sit down and tailor a more suitable plan to build you up to where you want to be if you may have some restrictions.

- For the sake of my sanity please direct your program related questions to me through the discussion board on our group page. You never know who may have the same question and this allows me to reach all 30+ of you in one area.


  • celestioh
    celestioh Posts: 1 Member
    I have a do we calculate our blood pressure, resting heart rate, BMI and body fat composition?
    P.S. I was on the call :-)
  • dcrear28
    dcrear28 Posts: 12 Member
    Blood pressure you will need to probably have done at like a pharmacy on one of their machines, of if you have had a recent physical you can call the doctor and get it.

    This link will help you calculate your resting heart rate. Alternatively you can cheat a bit and if you have access to a treadmill, elliptical, or stationary bike and start a workout on one of those, but instead of doing anything just grab the electrode handles once the computer has started and it should register your resting heart rate.

    BMI is just a function of height and weight. It's a bit out dated and not the best indicator of overall fitness as it doesn't distinguish between fat and muscle. The link below will calculate it.

    Body fat is the most difficult to get, especially accurately. The only time I've trust my numbers is when I had them professionally measured at OSU in the sports medicine department. They have scales that measure it and also standalone devices that do it. If you are an existing member of a gym I'd check at the front desk to see if they have one, many do as they use it for fitness assessments. Since you work at a university you may also look into getting it measured at the sports medicine department. It probably would be free for you.