Heather's Birthday Challenge



  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Thank you Heather! I really needed this to jump start me again. It was like a "first" week all over again. And I did doubt myself but I kept plugging away partly because I knew I was being held accountable because of this challenge, so a big TY to everyone in the challenge!! :heart:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Wow, Diana! Amazing! And Pat!
    I haven't pulled up the spreadsheet yet so I don't know all the losers, but good job everyone.

    I'm not weighing in today because of really good excuses! I need to skip this week and will weigh in next. I've been having pretty bad Still's flares, eating poorly, not swimming, and I have about ten extra pounds of water in my legs right now. Too depressing to weigh in. However--most of the crappy, stressful stuff is done, so I will have a super comeback this week. ????
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I think I fixed the ranking formula. Check it now. ????
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    Confused In Florida,

    Is this birthday challenge replacing the daily check in challenges I've been posting on? Sorry if i'm not following. I didn't see a thread for today so I started one for June 21st.

    I can't compete in weight loss challenges as I am a compulsive overeater and have a daily food plan I need to stick to. However, I like the mini challenges and will be cheering you all on as you meet your challenge goals.

    Also, who's Heather? Is she blondageh? thanks!!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Confused In Florida,

    Is this birthday challenge replacing the daily check in challenges I've been posting on? Sorry if i'm not following. I didn't see a thread for today so I started one for June 21st.

    I can't compete in weight loss challenges as I am a compulsive overeater and have a daily food plan I need to stick to. However, I like the mini challenges and will be cheering you all on as you meet your challenge goals.

    Also, who's Heather? Is she blondageh? thanks!!

    We have two main challenges going on. The June Fitness Challenge, where you log your workouts and push yourself 3-4 times a week, and Heather's Birthday challenge. The birthday challenge has two parts, the total 15lb weightless goal and then each week they do a mini challenge around various foods.
  • Macrelmar
    Macrelmar Posts: 49
    Ok, thanks...there is also one called "June 21" daily check in, but I think people are using the bday challenge today instead. Like I said, confused but I'll do my best to figure it out, I do appreciate the response!
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hello confused Mac!

    Daily threads are just set up for general chitchat, dated so that if you miss a few days of posting you can easily see what's most current.

    The Heather's Bday challenge runs June 15-July 16, and we're all trying to lose 15 pounds in that time. In order to stay on track, we've been setting up mini challenges, like no sugar for three days or no bread for three days. It's just more fun and games to keep things from getting too boring !
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Hello! Yep! I'm Heather! We do seem to be having a lot of challenges going on. So if you miss one, don't worry, there will be another one coming along that might work for you. ????
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Just wanted to touch base and let everyone know I'm purposely not weighing in this week. Got up today and my legs and feet are swollen like they haven't been in years. Still trying to figure out the cause. My sodium intake has been consistent and I've been drinking my water. I just know I don't want to see a number on that scale right now.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Good luck to everyone weighing in today for the Birthday Challenge!! I am down .6 which I was hoping for more but I am going to be happy that it is a loss and I know I worked hard. No getting down on myself! Have a great weekend!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member

    Today is weigh in day. I want everyone to weigh in, even if you had a rough week... I would like this to be more about accountability then competition. I want us all to try and check in more about the basic MFP suggestions. Don't worry about doing everything for the WHOLE CHALLENGE or even the WHOLE week. Just try it for the WHOLE day.

    1. Weigh and measure everything you eat.
    2. Stick to healthy, filling foods that won't trigger cravings. Think simple, minimally processed
    3. Get your water in! 100 oz or more!
    4. Stick to your calorie limit
    5. Move (I need to do this especially!!)

    MOST IMPORTANT RULE...STOP SAYING "I CAN"T!!! I understand life is rough, but I ask you, is eating your way through it and making yourself miserable helping your situation? Is beating yourself up about every little slip up making it better? Nah...I didn't think so. It may seem like the quick and easy way, but in the end, it just makes things worse.

    SO, that's it. It's a lot to ask, I know, but it's the recipe for success that we all know works. It's not as simple as that, sure. Things get in the way, LIFE get's in the way, that is why all I ask is for ONE day at a time and for you to come here and talk when you are having a hard time. Let's get through this together. Let it OUT. We can do this. :heart:
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm facing the music today in honor of no excuses Friday. Despite the colon cleanse, I am up 3 pounds, which I know I can attribute to overeating and underexercising. Today is a new start for me... I need to work like a woman on fire for the next three weeks, and I am!
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I think it's 3 pounds of air they put in so they could see what was in there. :wink: :bigsmile:
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Very well put Heather, this is a long road and we all know what needs to be done to get to the end. Just like a road, there are going to be pit stops, roads that break off in a different direction but most likely bring you right back to the main route. I will say that I think the biggest difference for me this time around (I have NEVER even come close to losing 80 lbs before) is that I am not beating myself up over one meal, or even one day. Heck... I basically took a "leave of absence" from November on. But I still made better choices than I was making a year and a half ago. I knew I couldn't gain it all back and start again from the beginning. This group (and this challenge) have really added to the resurgence of knowing how much I want this...and knowing that I can do it and I WILL do it!! So hugs to everyone in this forum. We can do this one day at a time, just like Heather said!!


  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    oh and by the way... :laugh: to the 3 lbs of air! There may be a lot of truth in that statement but omg did it make me laugh! And great job being accountable Karen! You will lose it all again quickly I am sure!!

  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Karen, I agree part of that three might very well be air. And Heather, you are so right. I know what I need to do but find it ever so difficult to actually do. I reached 80 days of log in and am very proud of every one of those days because I logged EVERYTHING I ate/drank on those days, even if I ended up in the red. Not like before where I just logged in to keep my run going. Don't forget, my weigh-in day is actually Monday but I will weigh in on Monday regardless.

    Dee in MO
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Dee, I DID forget! I was getting a little bummed too because so far we are 3/11. :ohwell:

    Day 83 for me and I will say I am 97% on par for my logging... I slipped last night. I would probably be 98% if I just logged last night. I think I just said.. well, you have a weigh in, you already know you didn't lose this week and you are going to hit it HARD next week and do this.

    Well, that kind of negative self talk is just DUMB!! Because I DID lose this week and I probably would've lost MORE had it not been for those chips, sandwich with oh dear good Budding meat (is that even real meat?) and cheez-its.. (Hope I'm not triggering - because believe me, I am pretty sure that is not even real food, it tasted horrible).

    Ok, never too late. SCREW the red. I am going back and logging it. OH and you want to know the most silliest reason why I DIDN'T log it? Because I have a real life friend who just joined. She sent me a text that said I inspired her to want to try to lose weight again after seeing me last weekend. So, not wanting to keep this fabulous place a secret, I told her she should join this place. Then, instant panic set in. "Oh no!, what if she sees my diary and that I binged on chips, cheezits and budding fake meat?"... (Oh and Jen, if you stalk me and see this "Hi"! I loves you! It's not your fault.. Its just me being silly. I am a binger.. There..I think you know that though considering we went through 7 bottles of wine last weekend...

    Ok. So point is.... ok, lost my train of thought.. Oh yes.. yes.. We celebrate what we do do well and even if we aren't perfect, we still track it. So here I go... back to track last night. Get ready for some red!! Woo woo!
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Good for you Heather on going back and logging all that. And I agree, I don't think Buddig meat is any where near real meat, lol. I've had a day here or there where I didn't log because I knew it was a bad one and the next day corrected myself because I need the accountability. That's what this entire site is for me....accountability. Even if I end up in the red, I'm still facing the truth. And I'm even learning to accept the red and move on without the guilt but still learning from it. I completely understand the point of not wanting your friend to see your imperfection. That's the main reason my diary is not public. It took me forever not to lie to myself and put everything onto my diary that I ate. But I know myself, I wouldn't want everyone to see my imperfections so I would lie on my diary so everyone could see that I'm doing everything right even though I wasn't. Does that make sense? Maybe some day I will get past that but for now it's more important to be truthful to myself.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Dee, I may do that too. I don't like logging my food on bad days because my diary is open,b so maybe first step is to log everything privately.

    Thank you ladies for the air belief, LOL! I'll probably weigh again on Monday if I can get a good swim in. Because of the pneumonia, I haven't had a good swim in over a week and have been stuck on double prednisone dose, so my legs are HUGE, full of lymph edema and water. I can drop a good five pounds when the swelling goes down!

    Today I'm logging everything, and although no real swim, I did get in the water and kick around for an hour.

    Heather, I'll hit the spreadsheet soon as I get on the laptop. My phone doesn't like it.