Fat bombs

Hi everyone, just joined the group and I have some questions that you can hopefully answer. :smile:
Let me start with a bit of an introduction, I'm 55 and started off at 90 lbs over weight. I started back in mid February, and have lost 33 lbs thus far. I have a long off and on again affair with low carb diets, but learning about the ketogenic diet really put the pieces together for me. I really want to do this right, because I feel soooooo much better since I began taking it seriously.
1. With MFP I noticed when I compare my calories against my grams of fat, protein, and carbs they don't add up. The calories end up notably higher than the added kcal value for each respective gram. Should I just chill?
2. Along with the calorie discrepancy, I have trouble getting in all of my fat gram allowance. Today I actually ate a tablespoon of butter in an attempt to reach my daily fat goal. I've read a bit about "fat bombs", but am unclear of how and when they should be incorporated. Any info would be appreciated.
3. Lastly, a double question. Do you guys limit your caloric intake, if so, how much? How much (if any), exercise do you incorporate into your weight loss plan - I'm kinda concerned that I'll need a body lift by the time I reach my weight loss goal.
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings and hopefully solve my puzzlement.