No Snacking... No Drinking

MMR007 Posts: 4 Member
Dare I say it? My issue is sipping on that after dinner wine or the cocktail that started before dinner becomes the cocktail that keeps getting sharpened up after. Mindless wasteful calories are lost on my good day's efforts. I need accountability and hope to get it here. Some of my strategies for nixxing the after dinner bites and sips: brush my teeth - it signals the brain that I am done tasting stuff... and now I bought a box of whitening strips so after I brush I'm gonna stick them on and at least I know I can't eat or drink anything for 30 minutes. Hopefully that will be enough to end the crazy cycle. :wink:


  • Abobo08
    Abobo08 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi MMR007. You've got some crazy fantastic ideas. I am seriously gonna get a box of whitening strips tomorrow! Could I ask that you do your check in on the check in thread so I count you in on the roll-call/accountability list? I don't want to miss including every success! :tongue:
  • MMR007
    MMR007 Posts: 4 Member
    Umm, yes. but I need a little help because I'm new to all this and I don't even know where the check-in thread is....DUH. Sorry.
  • MMR007
    MMR007 Posts: 4 Member
    Never mind. I found it!