Primal Body, Primal Mind

LKuderna Posts: 31 Member
I am reading this book by Nora G. right now and it is very thought-provoking. I am starting to eat more this way and already feeling better. I am especially interested in how to eat if you exercise hard, and want to avoid carbs ( I am a swimmer). I also walk, ride my bike occasionally, but the hard exercise I do regularly is swim. Thank you all for your welcome and info on this subject!!!


  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    It's a great book, for me the missing link. Reading it made me understand what I was dealing with. But when it comes to ratios I must say Chris Kresser's book 'Your personal Paleo code' is better and easier to deal with. Didn't you have that book as well? It gives the ratio fat/protein/carbs for sporters.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    Here I found something from Chris Kresser:

    Fats : 40-70% of your total daily calories (115 to 200 grams for a moderately active male eating 2,600 calories per day, and 100 to 155 grams for a moderately active female eating 2,000 calories per day)

    Carbohydrates: 15-30% of your total daily calories (100 to 200 grams for a moderately active male eating 2,600 calories per day, and 75 to 150 grams for a moderately active female eating 2,000 calories per day)

    Proteins: 10-20% of your total daily calories (65 to 130 grams for a moderately active male eating 2,600 calories per day, and 50 to 100 grams for a moderately active female eating 2,000 calories per day). Meat, poultry, seafood, and eggs should form the bulk of your protein intake during the Step 1 Reset.
  • LKuderna
    LKuderna Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you, Mina, now I can redo my MFP macros.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Absolutely terrific book. I think it's still in my "number one favourite" spot, but there are so many more to read!

    Imo, fats should be minimum 50% of calories. For people with metabolic illnesses, which is most of us, it should be even higher. I do not come from the camp that carbohydrates are necessary or beneficial in large amounts (but yes, veggies are the bomb!). Even for extremely active people I don't agree that carbs ever need to be over 20% of calories. That's a lot of veggies. Currently, I'm eating as much as I want but still monitoring my carbs to stay around 10%. More than that and I start storing fat and feeling like garbage and CRAVING and bingeing.

    I've been changing my opinion on protein lately in favour of more. I think 25-30% is a good goal for me. For you, depends on you. Our body usually will stimulate us to eat the protein we need, provided that we aren't consumed by carb over-consumption.
  • SteamClutch
    SteamClutch Posts: 433 Member
    It has been on "to read" list for a few months after I heard her speak on Hypothyroidism, she seemed very well informed.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    It has been on "to read" list for a few months after I heard her speak on Hypothyroidism, she seemed very well informed.

    I have heard the summit CB, that's why I bought her book and never regretted it.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I read this years ago. I need to dig it up and read it again. I can't remember most of what I