Fitness Assesments - Understanding Your Numbers

dcrear28 Posts: 12 Member
There are a ton of numbers or values I'm asking for in the fitness assessment that may seem like Greek to those who aren't familiar. Below are a list of reference links that can provide some insight on what these numbers may mean to you and what values you should strive for as you fitness level improves.

Blood Pressure - Hopefully these numbers should go down as you increase your activity level and adopt cleaner eating habits

Heart Rate - You should start to see your resting heart rate decrease as you improve on your fitness and conditioning. This is a function of the exercise strengthening your heart making it more efficient at its job of pumping blood.

BMI - This isn't a measurement but a calculation based on height and weight. A BMI over the normal range CAN indicate a weight problem, or a degree of obesity, but this isn't always the case as an individuals with large amounts of muscle mass for their height may have a BMI over the normal range. Because of this I don't like using it as an indicator of good health and prefer body fat percentage.

Body Fat % - This is a measure component of your actual body composition. It is the percentage of you total weight that isn't muscle, bone, or excess fluid. It is more accurate means of assessing degrees of obesity or fitness