Starting this new journey

kavlenor Posts: 35 Member
Hi everyone,

I'm a new member to this group and to MFP, I'm 47 yrs old living in Norway, married and step-mom to two wonderful teenagers.
I have been trying for a long time to loose weight but have not really been committed enough if I am honest with myself. Tend to give up out of frustration when the pounds do not start "melting off" ! So I've decided to focus on living a healthier life instead of just focusing on the number on the scale. We have lost friends and a family member to cancer not too long ago and that gave us a true wake up call and has pushed us to improve our health !!
I have about 34 lbs to loose however my first goal is losing 26 lbs. I am determined to have a more active life, I have started biking to work at least 3 times a week and hope to increase to biking every day. My husband is also motivating me and joining me on extra rides and hikes which is great :smile:
Unfortunately I have an office job and sit ALL day !! So I need some extra motivation :wink:



  • mtdang
    mtdang Posts: 35 Member
    Congratulations. Sitting at work is the worst. If you can, try to take short walk breaks or if your building has stairs do that periodically. Every little bit helps!
  • kavlenor
    kavlenor Posts: 35 Member
    Good idea, I found myself taking extra rounds around the building and taking short walking breaks during lunch. Will start doing stairs break too !!
    Thank you !
  • peepsqueek
    peepsqueek Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Karen
    We seem to have a few things in common :smile: I am 48 years young and have a teenage son as well as two step sons ages 6 and 8 :happy: . I also work in an office all day but as soon as 5 o'clock comes around I am off to the races lol I have about 28 lbs to loose give or take and I am having a heck of a time dropping the weight but not giving up anytime soon lol
    I wear a fitbit to keep track of my steps,stairs and exercise and it keeps me motivated to get in those extra steps when ever I can and make excuses to get up from my desk to go to the ladies room which is downstairs :) I will have to kick myself in the butt to get more exercise in but I can do it just have to get the mind set for it :smile: