Potato and fruit

mtg81 Posts: 18 Member
I'm trying something. Going back primal after being off while my wife was pregnant. (Fat and happy daddy) Now my baby is three months old so I need to lose the 30 pounds I put on! So I'm going back primal with feels right and works. But.... I am adding a serving of fruit in the am. And a potato at dinner. Not huge portions but a portion. Example I had 8 ounces of watermelon this am at work. Then was working in the auto shop, burned it right off. And a potato is a serving. 5.3 maybe 6 ounces maybe less.
Carbs stay well under 150. Anyone else have luck with minimal fruit and potato? Thanks


  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If it works for you, there's nothing wrong with it. You are a man, I will assume that you are active, so it's likely fine. I'm not being sexist, but men can often enjoy more leeway than some of us very metabolically disordered women.

    For me, it's different. I do not go anywhere near 100 grams of carbs. Starches and sugar are my kryptonite, even from whole food sources. I'm currently learning to eat intuitively and ending calorie obsession, so my carbs are getting higher than usual, but so far so good. I still plan to stay around 10% calories from carbs. No limit on non starchy veggies, but I must limit the starchy ones and sugar to avoid cravings and the inevitable bingeing that comes soon after.

    Welcome to our group. Great people here with a variety of views, and no ridicule.

    Congratulations on your baby. :flowerforyou:
  • monkeydharma
    monkeydharma Posts: 599 Member
    Carbs stay well under 150. Anyone else have luck with minimal fruit and potato? Thanks

    Since you mentioned primal (instead of paleo) - a couple of comments....

    - if you're wanting to lose weight, Mark Sisson placed the carb ranges at: 100-150g is maintenance, 50-100g is weight loss, and under 50g is ketogenic. Over 150g is not recommended unless you are in fitness training of some sort. And that is TOTAL carbs - not that 'net carb' nonsense.

    - fruit is always OK - just keep in concentrated on the lower glycemic/higher antioxidant items like berries, stone fruits, etc. Melons tend to pretty much be sugar and water.

    - potato? Again, Sisson sez: maintenance, yes...weight loss, no.
  • mtg81
    mtg81 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the replies. I think I'm going to try the 100 to 150 range. I'm very active at work. I'm a auto mechanics in a hot garage now that summer is here. Only time I'm not moving is my half hour lunch. If it slows down I'll drop those carbs! Thanks again guys feel free to friend me... Unless I friend you first!
  • Thorbjornn
    Thorbjornn Posts: 329 Member
    - potato? Again, Sisson sez: maintenance, yes...weight loss, no.

    I missed that part on the MDA carbohydrate curve. Thanks for pointing that out. :smile: