Need Advice about Knee Injury

OysterKat Posts: 47 Member

I got into a head on car accident in 2008 in which I passed out at the wheel and I hit a pole. I was limp upon impact so I somehow survived because of that. Anyways, I bashed my knees against the dashboard during the accident and they've never been the same. None of my doctors will really address it...they say just to take Naproxen and I'll be okay.

I'm doing couch25k for the second time. The first time (summer 2013), my knees rarely gave me trouble and when they did I would take ibuprofen. This time around, I feel like I'm literally grinding bone to bone when I run (i'm on week 3 day 3).

My question to you....Should I go to a new general doctor or a knee doctor? Should I go to a doctor at all? It only hurts when I'm running, I use the elliptical and it's fine.

I'm scared that running isn't for me since I have this condition but I LOOOOOOOOOOVE c25k.


Love this site ;)


  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    If you finished C25K before without knee issues, I am going to bet that it isn't the accident that is the cause. It sounds like you might have a touch of runner's knee starting. RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) theropy and proper shoe inserts should do the trick. And with your strength training, throw in some exercises that target the areas around the knees. Those include doing band pulls with the legs.

    If it starts to get too bad then yes I would go back to your doctor and talk to them about your new activities and have your knees checked out becuase if runner's knee gets too bad it can lead to surgery.
  • OysterKat
    OysterKat Posts: 47 Member
    ... I'll start icing and resting more often.
    I'd probably bet it is runner's knee. I didn't even know that's a thing.
    I have shoe inserts already and great expensive shoes.

    Thanks for your response