RNY Question :0)

JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
Do any of you RNY folks NOT get dumping??

Many of us that choose RNY are looking for that negative reinforcement but of course not everyone gets it so if you didn't get "blessed" with dumping, is it sort of like having the Sleeve then? Like you know you can eat something without becoming sick, but are you only able to get in a couple bites but still feel really satisfied?

Or maybe you don't get dumping but did your sweet tooth go away for you after surgery?? Or maybe you decided to not even go there, ever. How is that working out for you?

I have until July 3rd to let my surgeons team know which procedure I want to have done on my surgery date July 7th.
ANY and all advice is still welcome, Sorry I am taking so long to figure this out! :embarassed: Again I have no doubt either procedure will work for me, RNY or Sleeve are my options, I am good about giving up things like soda, alcohol, smoking most of those things I gave up many years ago, I do have a huge weakness for sweets though. I know both tools will help me battle that weakness, but I still am just trying to figure out which one is best for me.

Thank You!!


  • csmccord
    csmccord Posts: 272 Member
    I have only dumped probably 2 or 3 times since surgery. So yes, I do dump, however it takes me being very bad to do it. For example I can handle two or three cookies at a time. I can handle 2 services of ice cream, which is something like 30 or 40 gm of sugar. So, my threshold is MUCH, MUCH higher than others.

    From what I've learned it's very hit or miss. Yes, the majority of RNYers do dump, but the threshold is different. Some don't dump at all. It's also not just sugar you need to look out for. Large amounts of fat can cause dumping as well.

    My wife and I both had RNY. My threshold is higher than hers, but I can tell when I get close to dumping. The sugar starts going to my head. I can get dizzy or light headed, can feel my heart racing, and get a bit of a sweat going. Then I know it's time to stop what I'm eating and pray!

    I've found that if you eat your sweets slower, you can handle more sugar. I too have a sweet tooth, and the slower eating helps me get more satisfaction from the stuff that I do eat. I've found that I can eat less of the stuff and be satisfied than what I could before.

    So I hate to leave it like this, but yes, as a general rule you'll dump, but there is no set amount of sugar that will do it. You basically have to experiment to find out where your limit it. But as a warning, my doctors told me the more I pushed the limit, the less likely I would be dump. The body has the amazing ability to adjust to whatever you put it through. Just for the record I got the RNY due to the threat of dumping as well!
  • Holly_penguin
    Holly_penguin Posts: 149 Member
    I am nearly 2 years out from surgery and never have dumped. At the begining I'd get what I call "sugar drunk". Feel JUST like being drunk. My sweet tooth did not go away. I still love a little sweet now and then (every day). Sometimes it's an oreo (just 1 or 2) or half a cupcake or 4 hershey kisses or an oz (approximately 12) jellybeans.

    I wish I dumped. I'm glad I don't. It's a love/hate thing I've got going on.

    I chose RNY becasue of the greater weight loss projection. I figured if i was going to do it, I wanted maximum results.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I have never dumped. I occasionally get a bit of a rapid heart rate when I eat brown sugar (has to be a LOT of it) but nothing major. I can eat cookies, cakes, pies, really anything. Just in moderation. Stomach is still very small--walnut sized in the beginning. I have also NEVER thrown up or been nauseous. If I overeat, I do have pain from that, but laying down helps and it passes within 30 minutes or so. Never had any problems with my RNY. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Oh, and I take Bariatric Advantage supplements and keep my protein up, water intake high, and my labs are perfect. I'm 20 months post op.
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Yes, the majority of RNYers do dump, but the threshold is different.

    My surgeon told me and I've read & heard a lot online that it's actually not the majority. More like 15-25% depending on where you are getting your information.
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm nearly two years post-RNY and I still have dumping problems. This is not just with ice cream and cake. I can't eat pasta, rice, heavy white fish like haddock, Chinese food (must be the sauces). With any food, I know to stop right away if my stomach starts to feel queasy. I can eat small amounts of chocolate, or a bite or two of desserts, but as with all things, moderation is key! :wink:

    I am not the norm, according to my bariatric surgeon. But I'm fine with it. :smile:
  • Dannadl
    Dannadl Posts: 120 Member
    I don't get dumping very often or from very many things. I wish candy or ice cream made me dump but it doesn't. Honey in any quantity makes me dump every time I put it in my mouth.
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    No dumping at all. Too much sugar will give me a stomachache like you wouldn't believe, but a few bites of sweets are not a problem. Has to be either really concentrated sugar (buttercream frosting in any amount for example) or a lot to give me problems. Some foods, particularly leavened breads, make me bloated and gassy. Overeating is not comfortable, but I am more likely to throw up and can thankfully say that has only happened a few times when I wasn't paying attention to what my body was telling me.

    Reread your original post and am editing to add that my sweet tooth was never particularly overactive. While I enjoy the occasional sweet before and now, carbs particularly Cheetos and cheezits were my drug of choice. Now, I find I am able to satisfy that craving once every couple of months with a snack size bag of Cheetos. I think that was a combination of carbs not reacting well after surgery and tastes changing just a little.
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    Thank yo all so much! I am slowly but surely headed to a decision today I am 80% sure I am going to do RNY lol
  • rubisliprz
    rubisliprz Posts: 139 Member
    Hi Jena,
    No dumping for me either, even though the threat of it was a good deterrent for a while since I do have a sweet tooth. Sweets are not what they used to be though, a few bites is enough, and the taste is different. If its not going to be "really good" its much easier to avoid! RNY was recommended to me as the best choice for a diabetic, and thats been successful. I have been off all diabetic meds for the last 8 months.
    Good luck!
  • JenaOnTrack74
    JenaOnTrack74 Posts: 443 Member
    I am nearly 2 years out from surgery and never have dumped. At the begining I'd get what I call "sugar drunk". Feel JUST like being drunk. My sweet tooth did not go away. I still love a little sweet now and then (every day). Sometimes it's an oreo (just 1 or 2) or half a cupcake or 4 hershey kisses or an oz (approximately 12) jellybeans.

    I wish I dumped. I'm glad I don't. It's a love/hate thing I've got going on.

    I chose RNY becasue of the greater weight loss projection. I figured if i was going to do it, I wanted maximum results.
    This has been my thinking lately I am drawn to sweets and I know its not just a sweet tooth but a head thing to. But I do like to have a treat I just want to have that satisfied feeling after a few bites and not the need to eat the whole piece or box or bag to get there. If I do end up having dumping I'm ok with that too, I have given up plenty of things in my life that were addictive and amazingly enough SURVIVED! :wink: I don't have diabetes but I have a history of Gestational Diabetes (with 2 of my pregnancies) couple that with my obesity and yes diabetes would almost certainly be in my foreseeable future.

    I am curious now though if RNY 'before' diabetes helps PREVENT diabetes?? Hmmm??
  • Tristaan
    Tristaan Posts: 126 Member
    8 months out...I do not dump, or if I do it is so mild I don't notice. I do get the foamies or actually vomit if I eat too much or too fast, but that has only happened with protein rich meals. Makes sense since the protein is probably more dense.

    With sweets and fats, I have been able to eat everything from chocolates, to cookies, to cake, etc. Since my appetite has recovered since surgery, and occasionally I do crave a sweet, I try to limit it to a PORTION, once or twice a week. It's much less than I used to consume. I have to be realistic, and never eating a slice of birthday cake again, or a cookie at Christmas is just not my life.

    Alcohol also does not seem to bother me, although I waited 6 months before trying a drink. I've never been a huge drinker, but I can definitely have a few cocktails on occasion and I don't get sick or drunker any faster than I did before surgery. I do order a glass of water with every drink and I sip it at the same time. (Of course I did that before too).
  • katematt313
    katematt313 Posts: 624 Member
    I have absolutely no hunger with VSG. Also, there are good hormonal changes that occur when the large section of stomach is removed. I am not sure if RNY offers the same benefits, but these were a huge factor for me.