Finding time for a workout



  • BansheeCat
    BansheeCat Posts: 140
    I have the time but I can find a million other things to do with it.

    My time is mornings, lunch break, after dinner, and weekends. I usually walk the dogs every morning then spin class a couple times a week on my lunch hour and eat at my desk. It breaks up the day nicely.

    Other than the spinning classes I prefer active activities rather than a specific workout because I lose interest easily. For instance, I channeled my inner-dork and ordered a badminton set. I just have to find a way to bribe the kids or husband to play with me.
  • GetFitWithPolina
    I know it is hard to find a workout that you can stick with. I also lose interest fast although i have found couple of my soul workouts! It is always good to change it up so your body doesn't get used to the same thing and you don't get bored!
  • FightingFitMom
    FightingFitMom Posts: 80 Member
    am getting a lot of support from my hubby.
    He skips his gym time and takes care of baby on weekends or late evening so I can go for run or gym.