2 Weeks Into Keto - would like some advice

flipfit Posts: 8 Member
Hi everyone

I've been eating Keto for about 2 weeks now and love it - the food, the way I feel, the weight loss (over 8 pounds so far). I think I'm doing things right - I've checked out lots of calculators for how many calories I should be eating, my macros etc.

I'm 46 years old female ,5"5', I currently am 156 pounds (started at 165) with a goal weight of 125 pounds eventually. I've worked out that 1400 calories per day will give me a deficit of around 25% and I am finding it no trouble to stick to this.

Work out wise, I absolutely hate gyms, but love training outdoors so I'm trying to add weight bearing exercise to my cardio (bush hikes and jogging). I've created a circuit of tricep dips on a bench, push ups, squats holding hand weights, lunges, crunches and some other ab exercises. I know its not the same as heavy lifting in a gym, but I'm hoping it will be adequate to keep the weight loss coming and tone up my body along the way. What do you think?

Also, as I get smaller, should I change the number of calories I eat? Do I eat less as I lose weight?

My diary is open so I'd also love any constructive comments on what I could do better.


  • Ligenliefde
    Ligenliefde Posts: 28 Member
    Yes, you need to re-calculate your macros when you've lost weight. Just a suggestion, to try and get rid of the artificial sweetners. They can cause the weight loss to stall. There is a great Facebook group for women doing keto (Primal ketogenix for women only). Lots of Aussies on the site and really helpful, positive and encouraging. Best of luck.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    You have excellent plan in place. You shouldn't be lifting weights in the beginning any ways, ask any great body builder, they will suggest you start with pushups, pull ups, resistance bands for 3-6 months before you hit the weights. I lost ton of fat and weight on ketogenic diet combined with jogging/running outside twice a week and doing P90X3 for resistance training. I life heavy weights now but the foundation I got from all the pushups, pull ups, squats etc from P90x3 is very helpful. Regarding your diet, you might wanna bump your protein up to 70 gm almost every day. Its important to get the right amount of protein, not too much or too little. I don't have a fixed calorie limit, I listened to my body while keeping carbs low and never had any problem. If I was hungry I would eat and not worry about calorie limit. Listening to your body also helped me not worry about recalculation after I lost weight. My metabolism is much faster now and I eat more than what I used to when I was 50 lbs heavier. Keto+Resistance training is excellent for fat loss and get toned. I drink ton of heavy cream, eat lots of cheese and indulge in artificial sweeteners occasionally and never had any problem with them. You need to experiment and figure out what works for you, I see lot of people avoid certain foods because it wasn't good for some one else. Don't restrict any foods which fit your macros.
  • flipfit
    flipfit Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, you need to re-calculate your macros when you've lost weight. Just a suggestion, to try and get rid of the artificial sweetners. They can cause the weight loss to stall. There is a great Facebook group for women doing keto (Primal ketogenix for women only). Lots of Aussies on the site and really helpful, positive and encouraging. Best of luck.

    Thanks for the advice. I definitely am battling my sweet tooth! I have (believe it or not) drastically cut down on the sweet stuff and will continue to do so until eventually I'm free of all sweeteners. I'll look up the Primal Ketogenix group, thanks!
  • flipfit
    flipfit Posts: 8 Member
    You have excellent plan in place. You shouldn't be lifting weights in the beginning any ways, ask any great body builder, they will suggest you start with pushups, pull ups, resistance bands for 3-6 months before you hit the weights. I lost ton of fat and weight on ketogenic diet combined with jogging/running outside twice a week and doing P90X3 for resistance training. I life heavy weights now but the foundation I got from all the pushups, pull ups, squats etc from P90x3 is very helpful. Regarding your diet, you might wanna bump your protein up to 70 gm almost every day. Its important to get the right amount of protein, not too much or too little. I don't have a fixed calorie limit, I listened to my body while keeping carbs low and never had any problem. If I was hungry I would eat and not worry about calorie limit. Listening to your body also helped me not worry about recalculation after I lost weight. My metabolism is much faster now and I eat more than what I used to when I was 50 lbs heavier. Keto+Resistance training is excellent for fat loss and get toned. I drink ton of heavy cream, eat lots of cheese and indulge in artificial sweeteners occasionally and never had any problem with them. You need to experiment and figure out what works for you, I see lot of people avoid certain foods because it wasn't good for some one else. Don't restrict any foods which fit your macros.

    Thanks so much for your advice. I really appreciate you taking the time.

    The reason I'm scared of not counting calories is that I've had overeating problems all my life and I feel more in control when I keep track of my food. MFP makes it so easy as well! I will stick with my plan then, and see how it goes - plus make sure I get a bit more protein.

    You look great BTW - well done!
  • staceybrnan
    Yes, you need to re-calculate your macros when you've lost weight. Just a suggestion, to try and get rid of the artificial sweetners. They can cause the weight loss to stall. There is a great Facebook group for women doing keto (Primal ketogenix for women only). Lots of Aussies on the site and really helpful, positive and encouraging. Best of luck.

    Thanks for the advice. I definitely am battling my sweet tooth! I have (believe it or not) drastically cut down on the sweet stuff and will continue to do so until eventually I'm free of all sweeteners. I'll look up the Primal Ketogenix group, thanks!

    I've found that as time goes on on keto, my sweet tooth and cravings completely go away!
  • cheneyalva
    So glad I found this board. I was wondering the same thing!