Feeling great using WAPF

KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
Looks like this is not a very active group but I wanted to join anyway and reach out. I am kind of new to using WAPF but have been following most of the principles for a while now without really having an idea of following anything :D I am an ex-vegan so this is kind of an about face for me...but I'm lucky enough to live in an area where I have access to many local, organic small farms and raw milk, etc. I feel better than have have in years going back to traditional foods and high quality animal fats. I'm so glad that there are others on this site following these princples.


  • MAustinMMDP
    MAustinMMDP Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to this group too but I plan on logging in every day and would welcome friends following the same principles.