July 2014 Who's In?



  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Right guys and gals, glad to have you all join us!

    - Firstly know your target - 100 miles, 310,000 steps, 31 hours or whatever is challenging to you.

    - Secondly know how many miles a day you need to walk to achieve that target, so 100 miles equals 3.23 miles a day, 310,000 steps equals 10,000 steps a day, etc. If, like me, you intend to take weekends off you'll have to up the mileage/distance/steps appropriately.

    - Thirdly know how you're gonna track your milage - fitbit, mapmywalk, pedometer, runtastic, etc. There are a lot of different apps for smart phones.

    - Lastly check-in on the relevant thread, so on the July 2014 Week 1 thread record your progress for the day or week. You may like to do this by making a fitness/exercise ticker at tickerfactory.com.
  • Sivangj
    Sivangj Posts: 182 Member
    I know we already in day 4 of July but I hope its okey to join.

    100 miles if I have calculated right should be 170 km. Seems to work With my goal.
    I got a New cell phone in end of June and With that a Nice little thing for my arm that Count my steps +++, so I desided to walk 10 000 steps a day from July. Having a office work so this can be a chalange. Still are on track so far this month, only the 1st that is under.
    Love hiking so plan at least once a week to hike a mountain top. Not that long though from 4 (2.32 mile) km up and down til 11 km (6.38) up and down