What's Been Up? Let's Get Back on the Saddle

aarnoldmcf Posts: 41 Member
Fit For Purpose Pals,
Wow it has been over two years since I've posted. To make a long story short, I succombed to distractions and lost focus on my weightloss plan. I gained a promotion at work and started doing a lot traveling. I worked more on school, so I am almost ready to start my project for my doctorate. In summary, I have been sitting on my buns more than working them. Also, I managed to get a blood clot in my leg, and took a year off from working out at all, and eventually started some light walking. God delivered me and healed me from that, however, I have gained weight that I'd lost already. Last fall, I broke my toe, this put me down again. Now it has pretty much healed. Most of all I lost my motivation and encouragement. I lost my "calibration" to what I should be eating versus what I chose to eat. My total lost actually got to 54 libs at one time , but now I am back up about 20 lbs, so total net weight down since I started this journey in 2009 is 25 lb.

How did this happened ??!! How do we do these things to ourselves?!! One key ingredient I have missed from my diet is my time with God, to pray and add scriptures to where I am weak. I cannot do this on my own will, I have none. My will is His will. He keeps me on track when I don't want to be. It is by nature that we choose temptation, unless we sacrifice what we WANT to do and instead, take the high road, and do what we NEED to day. We also have to pray while we are doing it.

So to anyone who might still be tapped into this Group Forum, this is my current state. But God..... I AM BACK ON THE SADDLE. I am now 45 and my life is busier than it was before. I have to shed these pounds. Does anyone else share a similar story? If so, please share it with me. I would love to hear it. We can find strength in encouraging each other.