July Goals



  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member

    I am ready to set my goals:
    1. I will NOT eat when I am stressed!!I must learn to deal with stress - give it to the Lord where it belongs

    2. Stay within my calorie allowance - not to eat exercise cals unless it is something special

    3. Continue building on steps - I have hit 10,000 a few times and I am ready to make that a daily goal then continue to increase ( I just did get my knee shots yesterday so I am ready) :drinker:

    4. Go for loss of 1.5 lb / week

    5.Meet my % goals for protein, fat and carbs.(always heavy on carbs)

    6. Continue with 5 or more fruits & veggies / day. I am having a little bit of the recurrence of the SM disease :sad: so I need to be careful with this

    7. Begin a 'working out' program. I know there are many available - I just have not looked :noway:

    It is so good to be setting goals again. I really really need this!!

    Happy day to each of you
  • HelenCDavis
    HelenCDavis Posts: 22 Member
    I joined about 2 years ago and stayed for a few weeks. I've been back about one week.

    My goals (1) are to stay for the whole month of July, (2) record in my food journal everyday, (3) eat a variety of foods, and (4) learn new and interesting ways to get more nutrition packed into my daily calories.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    I joined about 2 years ago and stayed for a few weeks. I've been back about one week.

    Welcome back!! I hope you stay with us so each of us can help each of us!! LOL :flowerforyou:
  • RLF022012
    RLF022012 Posts: 70 Member
    Holly, thanks for the great suggestion! :bigsmile: I looked it up and it's great. Can't wait to get a couple of noodles and get started.

  • HelenCDavis
    HelenCDavis Posts: 22 Member

    Welcome back!! I hope you stay with us so each of us can help each of us!! LOL :flowerforyou:

    Rebamae, thank you for the welcome back!
  • angelsail
    angelsail Posts: 8 Member
    Welcome back Helen.:happy: I have been doing this since June 4th. I started this process taking it one meal at a time. Embracing tracking my food was my goal. It is now a habit and part of my everyday process of "things I just do".
    This weekend I bought a food scale. For me, puchasing the food scale was a sign to myself that I want to do better. Up until now I was making, what I considerd to be, edcuated guesses to actual quantities of food. It may seem I re-enforced to myself that I want to succeed. In the end, it is only me, that can motivate me.

    This is great group to follow. I get much inspriation from them

    Good Luck, we are all rooting for you!:flowerforyou:
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Looks like I'm a little late with this group, but my goals are similar to those of everyone else--be more consistent with my exercise, at least 1 hour 3 days a week to start. Also, to pay more attention to what I'm eating--I log every day, but if I'm over (100 or less), I tend to shrug it off. That's not the way to lose weight!

    I use toning bands and I love them. I've also discovered the weighted hula hoop--it's pretty easy for me to keep it going for 10 minutes (which is recommended) and it's fun. I have a non-motorized treadmill which I'm not a fan of because it really gets my exercise induced asthma going, but I did manage to keep it going for 10 minutes yesterday. It seems to me that music helps.
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    Well 2nd week in and my exercise goals are at zilch at the moment as I have not done anything for nearly 2 weeks due to illness, but I have lost "size" and am now in my smallest trousers, which I bought nearly 3 years ago when I was at my goal weight.

    Keep going everyone - it is good to read your success stories, and even your tales of woe.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    but I have lost "size" and am now in my smallest trousers, which I bought nearly 3 years ago when I was at my goal weight.

    CONGRATS on the size loss!! That is the best news of all! :flowerforyou:
  • 53welshlady
    53welshlady Posts: 136 Member
    How are we all doing with our goals for July?

    Mine have been non existent up to this week, but now I am more or less out of my illness I have to get cracking again. Managed to run 3 times this week, but mixed in with walking. Monday was the best - mainly running, but yesterday and this morning my hamstrings were still sore after Tuesday's gym session doing stiff leg deadlifts so there was a mixture of run and walk. Was still coughing a bit, but not "chesty" mainly catarrh. Hopefully it can only get better.

    Happy with my measurements - everything going in the right direction. :happy: :happy:

    I think my 3rd goal was to aim for a chin or pull up - that's not going to happen :ohwell: but never mind.

    Next please.......................
  • jbouthiette
    jbouthiette Posts: 211 Member
    Good good morning...Thanks for asking and congrats on all your hard work, glad to hear you are finally feeling a bit better.

    I am making progress towards my goals, although not as much as i might like in on my goal of walking 60 miles during the month. Considering today is the 17th and I am not to 30 miles yet that one if going to be a stretch. Other than that I think I am on track to hit my diary goal of being under 95% of the time, as long as I continue to keep focused :wink:. I am very hopeful to hit my weight-loss goal of 10 lbs, I am on track and as long as one of the wheels does not fall off the bus I should get there! I am sure I would not be this far along without the support of this group, it is greatly appreciated.

    - JB
  • CateAussie
    CateAussie Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I'm not new to MFP, but new to the message boards. I lost 36kgs back in 2007(following a very strict program for 28 weeks-no wine, bread, potatoes, rice...... When I got to goal I decided to go up about 3kg as everyone kept telling me I looked too thin (some worried that I had Cancer), which ended up being 5 & then I maintained that weight for many years, only varying a couple of kilos.
    For the last 2 years, I seem to go up & down, up & down, but each time it settles it's a little bit higher. 3 days ago I hopped on the scales & was horrified to see a figure I had not seen for years!! About a month ago I had a bit of a heart scare & had been too frightened to do much exercise.
    Since weighing I have had 3 very strict days, eating 1200 cals & have dropped 2.5kg already. I My aim is to get back down to where I am happy with my weight (another 5kg) but then I want to stay there. It seems to be the hardest thing for me to do. At that weight I will not be skinny, but will be happy with how I look & feel.
    I would like to have some more MFP friends as I think that will really help. Up until now I have kept what I do diet-wise, private from most people I know. My diary is open & I am open to advice. I'm 61 & reasonably active. I don't go to a gym, but live in the country & gather wood with my husband (he cuts it, I cart it & tidy up) & play golf. I have a stationary bike, which I like. Occasionally I do some light weights. I feel I'm an all-or-nothing sort of a person, so need to have a plan I can stick to forever, to stay focussed & to stop this rebound dieting! Sorry if I have gone on too much or am in the wrong part of the forum. Cheers, Cate.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Okay, someone kick me in the butt! I have not been doing the resistance bands five days a week. I'm lucky if I get three! I need to EMBRACE THE BANDS! :laugh: For those of you who look at my diary, please occasionally look at my exercise for the day and jump on me if I didn't do them. I leave them at work so I should be doing them most Tuesday through Saturday. I deputize you all on the Resistance Band Patrol!

    Walking is fine. I'm at 228 miles so far this month of which 60 are cardio miles. Not bad for 17 days.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Well, no one kicked me from behind! And I didn't do the bands once this week, I don't think! I was off work 4 days out of seven, but still? (I keep the bands at work). I will today, promise!

    I'm good with my walking: I'm at 190 miles of which 89 are cardio. I may not have as many to log this weekend as I'm going to have the grandkids a lot as my son and DIL move. May not get to the gym to do the bike either. :frown:

    Don't know if I will make my 172 goal by the end of the month. I'm not counting on it. I would need to drop 2.5 by Thursday.

    I really need someone asking me about the resistance bands. They just slip by me and I could do them, I only need 15 minutes.
  • Mariang165
    Mariang165 Posts: 2,142 Member
    Ok Charlie, I will hound you, though as the resident Sloth, who isn't doing a challenge this month, I do feel a little embarrassed. :blushing: cheers, Marian
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Thanks, Marian, you can be as mean as you like to me! :tongue:

    I really need to do those bands. Wanda sent me a message to remind me, too! I was just ready to make my lunch salad when I saw it, so I first did the bands! See the kick in the pants worked! It doesn't take long and I really need to strengthen my upper body.

    Although, my staff as been whining again about "stuff being heavy." :sad: They have filed a grievance against me. So while they were off moving 100 small file boxes (not the big banker boxes) from one room to another. I moved 15 chairs, 1 big metal hutch, 3 6'-highx 48" microfishe cabinets, 1 6'x 48" high metal bookshelf, and 3 big rolling tubs with metal shelving pieces, two small desks and file boxes from another project all by myself. Those 3 men should feel ashamed. Then I went on and finished helping them with the removal of the library shelving from last week! I don't mind doing it at all. It was a good upper body workout for me today and I like hard work. But, it is their job description, not mine. I don't ask them to do anything that I'm not willing to do, or at least try to do. Sorry for the rant.

    Someone yell at me by message or on newsfeed on Tuesday, please. Since I don't work Sunday/Monday!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Since July has been a disastrous month for me, I am ready to start the Aug Goals! :bigsmile:

    So Friday here I come!!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Okay, here goes!

    Walked 236.8 miles
    Walked 112.2 cardio miles (included above)
    Burned 5,171 calories doing 22 stationary bike sessions (30-31 minute sessions)

    Only did resistance band workouts 11 times out of goal of 19 times
    Starting weight July 1 - 182 pounds
    Goal weight for July 31 - 172 pounds
    Actual weight for July 31 - 174.5 pounds

    All-in-all I'm okay with what I did. I should quit thinking about a 10 pound a month weight loss, it has been more like 8 pounds regularly. Weight is what it is and I know I'm doing everything I can so it will come.

    I am disappointed with myself on the resistance bands and thanks to Marian and Wanda, I have gotten better. Remember I welcome nagging!

    On to August. Good luck everyone!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Well, you all know July was a disaster for me - BUT now it is August and I am ready to move on!!