July goals

LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
My July goals are going to be similar to my June goals. For me right now it is more about keep at it & not gaining weight during the summer then anything else.

Weight lifting goals: dead lift 170, squat 120, OHP 60, bench 90
Running: 70kms, get my 5km time below 40 minutes (at least once)
Weight loss: Lose 4lbs. This will bring me to a total of 30lbs lost. I am going to try to stick to an average of 1500/day regardless of exercise.


  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    My July goals are:

    Daily logging
    Workout 6 days a week (at least 3 of these days doing C25K)
    Lose 4 pounds
    Eat healthy
  • acparks9
    acparks9 Posts: 3 Member
    My July Goals:

    1.) Lose 5 pounds
    2.) Log daily
    3.) Exercise 150 minutes per week
  • summerluno2
    summerluno2 Posts: 313
    My Goals:

    1. Log daily, been getting a little lazy on that
    2. Continue with C25K
    3. Use another "c25k' app type on my off days for legs/butt
    4. Do my goals :)
  • JetWan
    JetWan Posts: 204 Member
    July Goals

    1. Continue to log daily
    2. Exercise at least 6 days per week
    3. Lose 5 pounds
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    - Log daily.
    - Workout 4 times a week.
    - Get down to 60 kg (1.5 kg to go).
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    My July goals:

    1. Log daily
    2. Lose 5 pounds
    3. Complete C25K and continue running
    4. Continue my muscle primer workout 3 times per week
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    July Goals

    Lose 8 pounds
    log daily
    Motivate and be motivated
    exercise 6 days a week
  • iwannabinnarnia
    iwannabinnarnia Posts: 179 Member
    My July goals:

    Log daily
    Lose 4 lbs
    Start the C25K program
    Run the Wounded Warrior 5k in under 40 minutes (on July 12th)
    Limit myself to just one Cinnamon Chai per week
    Get to the gym at least 3 times per week and finish my 2 personal training sessions I have available
  • Super_Pamazon
    Super_Pamazon Posts: 91 Member
    Wooohoo I love the beginning of a new month! I've got some stuff coming up to be nervous about, so here goes...

    1. I will be logging food everyday that I'm not on vacation. If I'm honest, logging on vacation probably will not happen, but I'll try.
    2. I'm going on two long-weekend vacations. I'll be eating sensibly, staying really active on days when eating is heavy, and getting back to work immediately upon returning home. I must get back on MFP the day after I return.
    3. I'll do 6 workouts per week.

    If I follow these rules, I plan to lose 6-8 lbs. this month to stay on track with my goal.
  • slg657
    slg657 Posts: 8 Member
    my july goals

    log daily
    no pop or flavoured coffee
    walking 5x a week
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    Its great for me to start this month off after leaving the last month with success. Its been a long time it seems since I've done that, and it feels really good.

    This months goals are very similar to last month I guess. I would like to -

    1. Run a total of 135-140 Kms (June was 137.1)
    2. Lose 4 lbs (lost 3 in June which put me at 149)
    3. Stick to my no snacks after 7 rule. I am a terrible evening grazer and this has been working for me.
    4. Keep on with the strength workouts.
  • GKSTcoach
    GKSTcoach Posts: 81 Member
    My goals:

    1. Drop 2 inches off my waist (Hopefully swimming will help trim that down)
    2. Drop 8 lbs. (unless I build muscle due to swimming)

    ~~ or a combination of the two~~

    3. Log MFP each day HONESTLY
    4. Stick to SBD guidelines
    5. Drink 6-9 glasses of water daily!
    6. Enjoy each day! :-)

  • QuinnBlue
    QuinnBlue Posts: 3 Member
    My July goals are to lose 10 lbs, get under 200 lbs and start exercising. Also to log everyday.
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    My July goals are going to be similar to my June goals. For me right now it is more about keep at it & not gaining weight during the summer then anything else.

    Weight lifting goals: dead lift 170, squat 120, OHP 60, bench 90
    Running: 70kms, get my 5km time below 40 minutes (at least once)
    Weight loss: Lose 4lbs. This will bring me to a total of 30lbs lost. I am going to try to stick to an average of 1500/day regardless of exercise.

    I didn't quite make my goals this month, except doing 5km below 40 for the 1st time this week! I am happy about that. I will have run around 65ish km after my run today & I did not lose any weight. My weight is exactly where it was at the beginning of the month.

    My goals for weight lifting have changed for now. It is more about doing it, then lifting so heavy that it is too hard & makes me not want to go. I am still lifting heavy, but had to deload because I took a few weeks off. Maybe during the winter, when it is cold and I can't run outside I will get back to setting personal bests with lifting.
  • emy_r
    emy_r Posts: 213 Member
    My July goals:

    1. Log daily
    2. Lose 5 pounds
    3. Complete C25K and continue running
    4. Continue my muscle primer workout 3 times per week

    Thanks Lisa for reminding us this is the end of July! Where has the time gone?!?

    1. I did log daily
    2. I went from 191.8 on July 1 to 184 on July 31 so a total of 7.8 lbs lost!
    3. Graduated C25K and I'm still running
    4. Switched from muscle primer to Greyskull LP but continuing to do it 3 times per week. Made this goal most of the time. Last week, I only did my weight workout 2 times, but I'm still pretty happy.

  • bhox3
    bhox3 Posts: 189 Member
    My July goals are:

    Daily logging
    Workout 6 days a week (at least 3 of these days doing C25K)
    Lose 4 pounds
    Eat healthy

    I missed one week of not working out 6 days
    Lost 4 pounds!!
    Didn't do so good with eating healthy
