My Cholesterol tests

dorie577 Posts: 25 Member
I have 2 questions and thought I should have separate threads for them. I went low carb in January of 2013, and prior to that my cholesterol results were approx the following:

total cholesterol 237
triglycerides 189
ldl 130
hdl 51
Weight - 185

Then three weeks after going low carb I had my cholesterol done at a health fair

total cholesterol 197
triglycerides 86
ldl 112
hdl 65
weight - 196 (so attributing my lowered cholesterol to weight loss didn't work in my case as I kind of carb loaded before going on this diet)

another health fair same results- weight 150 lbs

OKay so last week I had my cholesterol done again - weight like 2 lbs less

total cholesterol - 212
triglycerides - 48
ldl 120
hdl 81

those triglycerides kind of seem freakishly low and I am kind of worried about that, and the increase in ldl

I have started to put coconut oil into my smoothies every evening, and have been having probably too many microwaved cheese cracker thingies. I have been doing the cheese for several months and the coconut oil for about a month

Are those triglycerides okay?

Does this mean my body doesn't' have that much fat in my diet to burn so I should start burning a higher percentage of fat stores?

Thank you



  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    I am no expert, but all I have read on lchf diets says that the lower your triglycerides are, the better! Take a look at Jimmy Moore's trig levels over several years here and see if that helps you understand.

    Good going, your numbers look good to me.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    And take a look at this film, free for the next few days: they explain the guy's cholesterol results near the end really well.
  • dorie577
    dorie577 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you Camtosh, Jimmy Moore's cholesterol tests make me feel way better about my own, lol. If my LDL and Total Cholesterol were close to his numbers I am not sure I could be so pleased.

    I am looking at the movie too bit by bit. My laptop gets a bit weary when I want to see too much video, sigh.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Thank you Camtosh, Jimmy Moore's cholesterol tests make me feel way better about my own, lol. If my LDL and Total Cholesterol were close to his numbers I am not sure I could be so pleased.

    I am looking at the movie too bit by bit. My laptop gets a bit weary when I want to see too much video, sigh.

    You have to keep in mind, though, that those numbers are based on weight. A high fat diet increases LDL size, which can increase their weight, thus increasing both LDL and Total Cholesterol numbers. And the increase in LDL particle size basically makes them similar to HDL particles, rendering them, at the very least, inert.

    But guess what? Neither of those numbers really matter. It's the HDL and triglycerides that really matter. HDL and triglycerides are hands-down the largest factors in gauging cardiovascular risk. (See also: Framingham Heart Study)

    I highly recommend checkout out Dr. Peter Attia's blog, including the detailed information he has on what cholesterol actually is --
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    Low Triglycerides are good for you, and remember the LDL is calculation and has been known to errors when the Triglycerides are less than 100 or more than 400. Your Triglycerides are low, so it might cause an error in your ldl calculation. Also, easier way to relate to ldl particle size is Triglycerides/HDL ratio. If the ratio is more than 3.8, it usually means small ldl particle size and higher risk of heart diseases. Yours is less than 1 and not to worry.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    tagged for later
  • ali59oc
    ali59oc Posts: 130 Member
    I would love to have that triglyceride number! Also depends on what you've eaten beforehand. If this was at a health fair had you fasted?
  • dorie577
    dorie577 Posts: 25 Member
    no, this was not a health fair. this was the lab I went to for drs. appt i had had. I did fast for slightly over 12 hours. The evening before I had had my green smoothy - like 3 cups of kale, and 1 cup strawberries, abt 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder, some benefiber and i think i did coconut oil - somewhat over a tablespoon,and water. I think I probably did treadmill and elliptical for about 90 mins day before and might have had some top sirloin or amylu's chicken chili and cheddar burger, for dinner the previous night.

    I did not realize that the ldl number was a calculation.

    I was happy enough with my triglycerides at 86 because that seemed low, But 48 just seemed really weird.

    I got through about the first 40 minutes of that movie and I thought it would be good through the end of the day on the 4th, but apparently it expired first thing. It only seemed to go for 2 minutes at a time, and then I am not sure whether that was my computer, which it very well could be because it is old and has lots of beachball activity.