hello - looking for T25 advice!

Hi - I am in week 3 of alpha, and loving it. I'm a very overweight - 240llbs - mum of three, aged 44. I've found alpha allows me to challenge myself and get fitter in a manageable amount of time (ie: the amount of time the kids will leave me alone!). I'm now at the stage where in cardio, speed and lower body I can do some of the non-modifier moves, and am trying to push myself all the time - total body and abs still leave me like an emotionally disturbed jellyfish by the end! Looking ahead, I am trying to decide whether to stay with alpha for a little longer before going to beta - I have gone from literally no proper exercise to this, and feel like I am still struggling with a lot of it. I'm concerned that if I go to beta, I'll feel demoralised - but if i stay on aplha for a few weeks more, don't want to lose any of the ground I have gained. My feeling is that going back to week 1 of alpha would be a regression - after battling my way up to doing 3 total body circuits a week! Any advice from more experienced Shuan T fans much appreciated!


  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    You could always watch some of the beta workouts and see how you think you may fair. I am on week 5 right now and while there are things I still struggle with I am looking forward to beta. Really, if you don't think you are ready to do Beta I don't think there is anything wrong with either redoing the last couple of weeks, redoing just the last week, or starting over and adding more double workouts in to focus on the areas you feel you need more improvement if you feel you have the time and energy. This is totally your journey and there is no need to rush it!
  • That makes perfect sense - I've not even looked at beta (too scared!) - but I will watch them, and see if I think I'm even remotely capable. It's been a huge leap from my old lifestyle to this and I'm thrilled to have now done 18 straight days - but like you say, there is no need to rush. Thanks for your comments and well done yourself for getting this far, good luck with beta! Be interested to read about your future progress.